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With hardship there comes ease ✩ playtime - Printable Version

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With hardship there comes ease ✩ playtime - Pochi - 05-28-2023

Pochi had recently found a home here, it was safe here. And he felt happy here. When he first got here, he hadn't said really anything, and he hadn't interacted with anyone, and to say the least, he wasn't too much upset about it, considering that he had lived almost his entire life like that. Even if his life was so short so far.

Getting a small clam he would pry the shell open and take out a small pearl, a real small one. He then bit onto the shell, and threw it far, walking over to the thrown place and grabbing it. Then he'd come back, and throw it again. And then catch it again. He did this more than just one time, more than twice, probably more than thrice even.

Then he took the shell and threw it, though this time he was gasping for air from the amount he had run. And by that time, a large smile had managed to creep onto his face without him even noticing.

Re: With hardship there comes ease ✩ playtime - vinicius - 06-14-2023


Perhaps he wasn't one to talk, note that he really could. But the sight of a cheerful child was enough to warm his heart, a small smile on the siren's maw. Even in times of drama and war, a child could play and smile, laugh even if it came to it. Head resting on his paws, the deaf siren watched over Pochi, wondering what the child was doing until he started to run after the clam. Lifting his head and perking his ears, he observed as Pochi threw the shell for a fourth time, maw hanging open and tongue lolling as he panted in the warm sun.

Part of him wanted to join in and play with abandon, while another part of him was wary of it, knowing he should be looking after the youth. Well ... playing still counted as looking after, right? Shaking his head, the siren would get to his paws and slowly saunter towards Pochi with his head low and tail wagging above his back. He couldn't explain that he wanted to play too, he didn't know how to pronounce the words and being deaf meant he couldn't really find out any time soon. Stopping a distance from the child, he pushed his big forepaws into the sand and bowed into a playful bow, ears perked and eyes sparkling as he nodded his nose towards the shell. Would Pochi accept his request to join in?
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Re: With hardship there comes ease ✩ playtime - cyprian - 06-22-2023

-------Youth. Physical youth was eternal for a being like Cyprian. True youth, the kind you felt in your soul, only happened once for most. It was easily squandered, and often, due to it's nature. It was difficult not to break, in the end it always does.

-------Some people still held on, though. Even through the hurt. Cyprian was no such person. He was could be reckless, sure, but never could he feel as free as he had in his true youth. Ignorant to the world around him, the world ignorant of him.

-------Watching Pochi throw about a shell on the beach Cyprian pondered his own youth. He'd been the center of his parent's world. He wondered if it had been the same for the little one. If they'd been abandoned or beset with tragic circumstances from an adoring family. The same could be asked of most of the crew, a group of misfits bound together by some need for companionship or survival.

-------Cyprian amusedly watched as Vinicius approached the feline, bowing in the canine's traditional way of inviting play. Seems the pup had youth in him yet.