Beasts of Beyond
This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - Printable Version

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This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - Pochi - 05-23-2023

✰ — Tired legs carried the kitten to this place. Water was what he had been needing all this time, just something to drink, he told himself. just something to drink. Then he'd get out of this wretched place. Pochi hated every second spent in this miserable area, it stunk here. Everything stunk to him since he had left his small cave a few days ago. Speaking of water - the very thing he yearned to have was just a bit farther. Just a bit farther. Urging himself forward, yet his body seemed to dislike that, as it didn't move - and his brows furrowed. Just a bit more. But it was just his hopes.

Sun shimmers across his dark blue fur, and his gold eyes are bright, in contrast to his current status. His bandanna almost choked him, and he gives himself a few minutes to settle down where he is. Next to a small puddle, and laps at the water. All focus on the small source of water, he barely realizes when it had appeared someone had crept up onto him and found him. Now, would they harm or help him? He could only hope for the best in his desperation.

Re: This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - cyprian - 05-25-2023

Keen eyes found themselves drawn to the minute movements of their potential prey. Gliding lower the phoenix circled its mark, acknowledging the beings rather small size. A bit too small for his tastes. His attention however was kept by the sight of a bandana. Something that likely only one of their civilized kind would wear. And with such keen eyes, Cyprian knew he'd never seen this creature in their midst.

-------He wondered how they'd gotten here. If there was some guerilla attack waiting for their bait to be taken. Cyprian wouldn't be suprised, given his group's tiff with the swamp people.

-------Well, if it was an attack, Cyprian didn't particularly care. It didn't matter whether he was injured or dead. Nothing yet attached him to this world. And life went on. So, he swooped down and landed a fair bit ahead of the bedraggled feline.

-------What a sorry state they were in. But, appearances could be deceiving.

-------"Lost?" the simple inquiry was tinged with an misplaced accent that spoke of a bygone era.

Re: This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - Pochi - 05-25-2023

He can still remember a few days before, just sitting around in his small cave, waiting for help to come to him. But even he had realized that he would soon starve to death, so he started leaving his small cave more often, straying farther and farther each day. And then he ended up here, with no way of direction of how to get back to home.

A voice calls out to him and he turns around to face them, before tilting his head downwards, and refusing to make any sort of eye contact with the stranger. Lost? the stranger would ask the question and he would nod slowly, letting the words sink in. He was lost, with no way to get home.

Pochi would then proceed to look downwards again, and kept his tail low, in the most submissive way a young kitten could appear to be. He didn't care that the one who had found him was a flying fire bird thing - as long as it would give him a meal he'd be very much grateful.

He just wished he could go back in time to when his mother and father were around. Maybe they could've spent a little more time together before they disappeared... he hadn't found them since. Maybe they could've helped him instead of a phoenix. But maybe it was just a maybe. They were gone for so long at this point anyways, they probably wouldn't come back for him now.

Re: This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - cyprian - 05-27-2023

Just a nod. Submissive, meek. Without realizing the bird's feathers had raised some. The kit disquieted him, something which he didn't feel often. Perhaps it was the other's youth paired with their desperate situation. It wasn't right. Life could be sad. He'd made people's lives sad. Killed them. He could kill this one. But the lack of apparent hope, a spark so dimmed it seemed gone, gave him pause.

-------A protective streak he hadn't seen in millennia came to life in Cyprian. Feathers lowered the ave spoke low and soft "Do you have someone in need of finding?" it was a delicate situation, a bit too delicate for all of Cyprian's usual apathy. "If you would like, I could take you home with me." It'd be so easy to bring the kit into the fold. If only they wanted to. The child may've needed something else. He offered what he could, reassurance, "There are many of us, creatures of all sorts. You'd be taken care of." the words 'I'd take care of you' seemed at the tip of his tongue, yet they didn't escape him. This feline didn't need some murderous bird watching over him, others of the Typhoon were much better suited for the task. The thought didn't stop his heart's desire, but Cyprian had a much better rein on his voice than his heart.

Re: This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - Pochi - 05-27-2023

His head tilts slightly, even though it can still be considered facing downwards. His tail loosens and he opened his jaws to respond. "Gone..." he says after a while of silence, just one word, but it should have been more than enough. The two adults he needed the most in the world were gone. Yet, there was no grief in his voice. Someone as young as him wouldn't be able to understand the concept of grief anyways.

Home... He'd heard the word many times. But he never understood exactly what it meant. He had thought it was what others would call a place with things they wanted. With friends and family, or perhaps that was what it meant? Whatever it was, he just wanted to get away from where he was right now - in the middle of nowhere.

"I..." he said softly. "I like that..." and would look up to see the bird's eyes, before looking back down again. Maybe he'd get new parents. Someone who could take care of him, and play with him, like he used to do. "It sounds..." and his tongue fumbled over the words he wanted to say. He knew the word, he knew it very well, but why couldn't he remember it? Ah yes, there it was. "Safe"

Re: This world's a sad place to be ✩ Joining - vinicius - 06-14-2023


The sight of the phoenix he had become semi used to alighting on the ground was enough to alert the siren to a change in the normal. He'd seen birds hunt all his life, he'd always envied how they could dance in the air, but this was no normal hunting dive. Placing his laws carefully, the siren trailed after the beast of fire, his ears drooping for the warmth of the day. Growing closer, not as blessed with eyes of keenness, his nose was the first to alert him of a creature new to the seafarers. Dragging in the kitten's scent, searching his memory for the particular scent and coming up empty. Definitely new.

Rumbling gently as he approached, the kitten came into view beside a puddle and looking so submissive it made his heart clench in his chest, causing him to look away as he approached. The kitten's scent didn't seem to have any pain scent attached to it, which was enough of a relief. Approaching closer with slow but deliberately loud steps to announce himself, the siren closed the distance and sat down. Looking to Cyprian as the phoenix spoke, clueless as to what he said or what the kitten answered with, the siren would shrug his canteen from around his shoulders and put it on the ground with a gentle push in Pochi's direction. Perhaps he needed water? It was a pretty darn hot day as it was.
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