Beasts of Beyond
TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME NOW ? tidepools - Printable Version

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TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME NOW ? tidepools - vinicius - 05-23-2023


It was a quiet period for the siren, his jaws laden with the water bucket he used to water his small crop of tomatoes. Tail switching side to side behind him as he walked, head held up high as he hummed a tune he knew he couldn't hear. He'd read somewhere that singing to plants helped them to grow, not unlike children sung songs by their parents. Scales a-gleam as he padded along, enjoying the warmth of the dun on his back, enjoying the relative quiet he was experiencing.

Setting down his watering bucket outside of the haphazard lean-to of what he called a home for the time being, he crawled inside and secured a basket from the back of his shelter. Backing out of the structure, shaking his pelt when he was free, eyes sparkling. Yelping as his paw landed on an old nail from his shelter, the siren picked up the offending foot and turned it to look at it with a frown. He hadn't stepped down hard enough for the nail to do too much damage but it had broken skin and was causing him some considrable pain. Lapping at the small wound until he was confidant it wouldn't continue to bleed, the siren hobbled back towards the beach that The Typhoon lived on, hunting for tidepools if anything. The afternoon sun warmer him, his tongue lolling as he limped onto the warm sands, headed straight for the edges of the low tide to find his desired tidepools. He would have a period of time to do his hunting, both for shellfish for food and for other crafts.

Setting his basket down, the siren would lower his body to the damp sand and begin to nose about a tidepool, looking for hidden shellfish and playfully snapping at the stripped crabs that tried to evade his strong jaws. Huffing a breath of amusement, his rail set to wagging as he went about his collecting activity, thinning about what he would be eating that night for supper and wondering if he shouldn't go about collecting some food for his groupmates in case anybody came by.

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Re: TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME NOW ? tidepools - Pochi - 05-24-2023

✰ — After getting a few sips of water, he had padded along the river, sitting down at each tidepool and fishing his way through, earning nothing each time. Eventually, he saw a larger shape in the distance. Something moving for sure, it had to be. So his small and slick paws would pitter and patter over to the larger creature before he would sit down beside them without a single word.

Then the large creature would get up, not noticing Pochi's smaller shape, so he followed, having nothing really much better to do than this. Soon enough he would bump into the other's hind leg, and would rapidly shake his head in an awkward stance, still not saying a word. Instead, awkwardly narrowing his eyes and looking downwards, face red in embarrassment.

Re: TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME NOW ? tidepools - cyprian - 05-27-2023

Being an animal of flight was not congruous with having friends in a group dominated by the flightless. That, and Cyprian's natural avoidance of social situations made it so the phoenix spent most of his time alone. A large part of him preferred it that way. So many times he'd gone through the process of getting to know someone, at some point it became old. The niceties felt like a script played out millions of times. But there was something to be said about try companionship. The hurt and joy that came from relations made life worth the effort.

-------So it was with this mindset that Cyprian sought out an associate he was least likely to offend, or really, least likely to have to put real effort into conversation with. No hard questions asked, just simple camaraderie. That was how he found himself fluttering down into the shallow tidepools in the company of Pochi and Vinicius. Two of the least trying members of the Typhoon - just his luck.

-------Wading his way over Cyprian took a glance into the canine's bucket. Eyes dilated on the still-moving organisms within. "Lovely job. Are you helping, Pochi?" his emerald gaze shifted to the awkward feline with a casual tilt of his head. Making sure not to disturb Vic's waters the ave moved to a pond within eyesight of the others. "I've always had better luck from above but-" head dunking under the water he returned with a yellow slug-like thing which he deposited in Vinicius' pail "-I can still catch the slow ones." Cyprian finished before shaking his head, feathers fluffing out with a spray of water. Swaying his tail in quick succession the bird looked to Vinicius for approval.

Re: TELL ME THAT YOU NEED ME NOW ? tidepools - vinicius - 06-14-2023


The company of others was one event that the silent beast enjoyed. There was no demand to speak, to listen or read the room. He was simply able to just ... exist. On days like this, existing within itself was something he looked forward to. The presence of Pochi went unrecognized until the youth bumped into his hind leg, earning the kitten a sound of shock as the siren jumped away from the contact and whipped around.

Oh. It's the new kitten., he would think to himself before lowering his head closer to the ground and giving a soft expulsion of breath. The youngster seemed plenty embarrassed enough, a small smile tugging across his lips at the kitten's posture. The kitten looking down was something he had begun to notice as what could maybe be described as a habit or personality quirk. Gently tapping his paw on the sand near to the kitten, wanting to assure him it was alright, the siren would find a way to ease himself down at the edge of the tidepool with a slowly wagging tail. Maybe he could catch Pochi a fesh snack?

What he would give to hear the words of praise that Cyprian had spoken, if only he'd known they'd been spoken. He was a sucker for praise, any attention or affection really. Childish as it might be for an adult to desire such things. He observed as his feathered acquaintance fluttered down to join them, easing his weight onto his side with a half-hearted grunt, content to relax under the sun with his search. His eyes sparkled with concern as the ave ducked his head underwater, a distressed pant escaping him as he moved to get to his paws before Cyp resurfaced and shook water from his feathers. Tongue previously lolling, now pressed between his teeth as he stopped his leisurely panting, mouth slightly agape as Cyprian approached.

Nose twitching as he sniffed the air, beginning to pant again as Cyp deposited his catch, a smile on his maw even as he extended his neck to sniff at the phoenix with a glimmer of concern in his furrowed brows and bright eyes. Looking back to the slug he had caught and deposited, the siren tipped his head before nodding. He was helping him with his collecting. Looking to Pochi and whuffing out a soft gust of breath in the kitten's direction, slipping one of his paws into the tidepool he was closest to, perking his ears with a hopeful look to the kitten. Was he doing the same thing?
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