Beasts of Beyond
disappearance after 2 months - Printable Version

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disappearance after 2 months - Jinx - 05-18-2023

I joined
and I sorta died and disappeared.
I'll try and be more active :"")

Re: disappearance after 2 months - teef - 05-18-2023

We would be more than happy to have you around again <33 a lot of us have just finished finals or are finishing them and are about to tackle summer work so the site's activity has been a little quiet but should be coming back around soon.

If you've got any plots or characters you want to plot with or need any help getting back into the swing feel free to ask and I'll answer to the best of my abilities ^^ (hi sorry I just woke up and brain is all melty rn lol)

Re: disappearance after 2 months - Orion - 05-19-2023

Don’t worry!! It totally happens. :,) A lot of us have been busy too with work, classes, etc, so we’ve all been a bit slooooower anyways.

Excited for you to be back tho! Let me know if you need any help getting back into the swing of things or want a plot with any characters or mine!