Beasts of Beyond
??????????-?????? ?????? - Printable Version

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??????????-?????? ?????? - ARTHUR - 05-16-2023

[div style="margin: auto; background: #3A3531; width:60%; overflow: stretch; border: 8px solid darkgoldenrod; border-radius: 10px; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; padding: 30px; color: #886308;"] arthur gywnne
arthur meaning "bear" + celtic origin
gywnne meaning "white; blessed" + celtic origin
physically appears 15 years + approx. 70 years old
cisgender male + heterosexual
tanglewood + member
penned by [member=17751]bucktooth[/member]

perspective — the bare necessities + treat all things with respect + there's always hope
positive traits — brave, compassionate, dutiful, articulate
neutral traits — trusting, protective, idealistic
negative traits — self-righteous, hypocritical, overbearing, complacent
hobbies — stonemason, beekeeper, ex-swordsman

grizzly bear
golden brown fur
black nose and claws
mottled blue and gold eyes
smells faintly of honey
scottish accent
speaks scottish and english, understands bee language
powers — telekinesis
faceclaim + voiceclaim — ewan mcgregor
  pinterest board

widowed husband of medb gwynne (npc)
biological father of four deceased children (npc)
adoptive father of merlin elizabeth gwynne
adoptive grandfather of diesie gwynne

reincarnated from past life in scotland. held a high position in the house of lords, a duke. had a wife medb gwynne and five children. for a time he'd been a good father, but the greed that often strikes the hearts of men came for him too. through means unknown he found himself in possession of the holy grail which he hoarded and obsessed over. subsequently he lost the grail and with it his social standing. his life henceforth was stuck in a downward spiral. he spent many nights at the tavern. in a sad turn of events sickness struck the nation and his wife, medb, died of pnuemonia. her death was shortly followed by the death of four of his children to "irish fever" (typhus) and smallpox. only one remained, merlin elizabeth gwynne. in all his wallowing he eventually died in a drunken stupor.
reborn inhabiting the body of a grizzly, memories in tact. found the grail once more in the hands of a phoenix, cyprian. allied himself to the bird, allowing many atrocities to occur for the sake of power. got so sick of the killing, he killed cyprian himself. used the phoenix's heart for his own grail ritual and gained immortality(?). the ritual also gave a gold tinge to his otherwise blue eyes. fearing repercussions, arthur disappeared for many years. peacefully wandering the new land he called home. learning the language of bees and the art of masonry.
nearly sixty years after his self-imposed exile arthur returned to society and allied himself with the swamp-dwelling misfits of tanglewood.

Re: ??????????-?????? ?????? - ARTHUR - 05-16-2023