Beasts of Beyond
MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - Printable Version

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MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - aesior - 05-07-2023

Here he was again. Another year passed by, another year spent away from the people he'd lost. Another year of living and grieving. Weren't birthdays supposed to be some kind of celebration Some kind of event to enjoy? The morning had found him waking up alone in his home again, the whispers of ghosts in his ears, ghostly feelings accompanying him all morning. He'd gone about making himself a fresh hot cup of tea and had taken it outside of his house, to the planter pots he owned with plants beginning to grow in them. Watching over his seedlings, the gray tom had sat in relative silence before the sun had come up, the chill in the air making his breath mist around his face and steam rise from his mug of tea. Eyes half-closed as the sun began to climb the sky, it's rays slowly illuminating drifts of fog and moisture rolling through Tanglewood's village, his only working eye spotting the shapes of ghosts among the rays of sunshine. His breath barely stirred the air around him, watching with a removed sadness to him as the ghosts went about their business, their hazy forms and shapes moving about slowly, unaware of the tears that had built in his eye. He didn't need to look to know who sat beside him, who played at the bottom of the steps to his house. He'd known them well in life, those he had called family, the partner he'd loved and the children he had raised until they were taken from him by life. He could feel the ghostly press of fur and hear the faint whispers of laughter, his head bowed as he fought between reality and his memories, the two meshing all too well. He dared not open his eyes because he knew if he saw them again, he would be destroyed.

Inhaling now as bird song reached his ears, the feelings drifting away as the sun bore through the mist and fog, warming his fur slowly. He didn't know how long he sat there, reminiscing years past, birthdays past. Lifting his head now, knowing that the ghosts wouldn't be close enough to touch him and taking some solace in that. Gazing out over the sleepy village he curled his tail and got to his paws, stretching his back upwards with a soft groan. Drinking the last of his tea, he turned to head inside his home, mug in mouth. Pushing the door open, he drifted indoors and breathed out, letting the door remain open for some air circulation. Walking over to the wall, he set the mug down by his other few dishes of assortment to be washed at a later time, turning to the chest he owned. Brushing dust from the top with a paw, he opened it with a bit of a labored push of paws, listening to the creak of it's old hinges. Peering inside, his heart beginning to beat in his throat. Corrupttimelines ... where are you now? Where have you gone?, he found himself asking into the silence, his throat unable to form the words he wanted to say. Where had the other gone, so soon after returning?

Taking out a carefully wrapped package in beeswax covered fabric, he would set it down on one of the pillows he slept with. Paws carefully unwrapped the protective covering, his ears drooping with his whiskers as he trembled with tension. Taking a breath, he finished unwrapping a beautiful necklace, it's silver face catching sunlight spilling in from the door. He'd received this last year, from the one that he wondered about. The one who had managed to convince him without a single word that his broken heart could heal and feel once again. The one who had left him and everyone else behind. The one who was missing, the one who he feared would never return again. Had he been too cold in his pain when he'd returned? He had not remembered the other, too destroyed by the confusion wrought of fighting for his soul. For his life. Breath shuddering in his lungs, he would pick up the necklace that held the emblem of the world tree and slip it over his head, shocked by the chill of the metal against the scar tissue on his throat.

Pressing a paw to the metal with a quiet breath, ears flattening as he heard a voice, "Corrupttimelines left you, Aesior. Why do you hold onto this belonging? You've been left behind once again, there's no need to continue on like this. You can let it go. Let them all go."
No. I can't do that. I'd never be able to forgive myself if I did that. I can't let them go, any of them. They're all alive and precious in their own way. He can leave me as much as he wants, I will always wait for him. For all of them. he thought in answer to the voice only he could hear. Shaking his head, he got to his paws again and looked back out his front door. Closing his eyes to half lid and holding the necklace in his paw close to his chest he walked towards the open door. Stepping outside, the peace that more or less surrounded the sleepy village was shattered by the hair raising sound of a war cry, the tom's fur standing on end in surprise and apprehension as he saw bodies begin to flood into the camp of Tanglewood. His paws brought him flying out the door, tail raised high over his back and bushed out, jaws spread to warn his people, a broken throat unable to speak keeping him from it. The sound of a snarl and the creak of wooden boards took his attention as motion blurred at the side of his vision, an assailant on his porch. Turning to face his attacker with a silent snarl the scarred male felt his claws sink into wood as he attempted to throw himself towards his assailant, gray eye glowing a violent bright blue.

please wait for [member=16992]SHERBET[/member] to post! //
and we're gonna pretend i posted this yesterday aa ///

[ speech ] | [ american lion ] | [ appearance ]

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - SHERBET - 05-08-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ feline ♡ tags ◇ typhoon captain
Sherbet, in his infinite wisdom, decided he'd lead the party he's the Capatin, it's his damn right, leg or no leg. His small visage stark against the strange jungle the Tanglers lived in, a snarl frozen on his face. Stalking closer, closer, closer all he could think was of that damn hurricane, that damn storm, that fucking island. He made peace with his decision, his mistake. Knowingly risking his life, he morbidly wondered if he had a death wish maybe, maybe not, would he rather be eaten alive or slain in battle, the choice isn't very hard to make, his eyes darting about as he signaled for the rowdy raiders to start fanning out.The village was in sight. So, perfectly perfect and ready for Typhooners to wreck havoc.

His thoughts raced as he once again felt his own four paws — three fucking paws — itch with the urge to run, roll over, and give up what they'd claimed. He can't go back on what he said, he ain't no quitter in this state, all he can do is overthink, fear, hate, does he even truly hate Aesior, does he even want war with Tangle? He doesn't know, and maybe he never will.

His baleful pastel green eyes narrowed as he surveyed for the housing he needed, the one cat in particular he knew he needed to dive for as he shrilly boomed, "TYPHOONERS ATTACK!" He darted away from the resounding cry behind him as he started dodging bodies, those confused momentarily by the attack and those aiming for him. His moves frantic as he watched his own people, his own crew, keeping an eye on when he needed to announce the taken hostage they planned on.

Ungracefully diving, he stumbled underneath a large animal he scarcely saw, his vision narrowing, his bones quivering, his heart throbbing.

Painfully beholding, he seen his target. Aesior scrambling out onto his porch.

Hatefully growling, a horrible sound he never knew he could make, Sherbet flung himself at the other, his claws outstretched as he attempted to tackle the gray tom, awaiting being thrown away, awaiting pain, awaiting punishment for his shitty decisions. He deserves to be hurt, to bleed, to feel his breath stutter, sputter,

Maybe he did have a death wish

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - cyprian - 05-08-2023

When they'd said Tanglewood, Cyprian hadn't thought he'd end up here. This had all been farmland, not, as the name and now appearance now implied, tangled woodlands. The ominous crater he'd spotted from the skies was the likely culprit for the sad state the once pleasant settlement was in.

-------It had felt like just days since his last battle. In some ways, that was true. The heart which had been ripped from his chest decades ago still felt an echo of pain. Cyprian did his best to be in the moment, away from a time that no longer existed. The years he'd missed led him here, fighting in a war he didn't believe in with people he hardly knew. He wouldn't have it any other way. This was bound to be fun.

-------Scanning the area the phoenix's eyes sought the winged feline they'd come for.  Alexandre, as he'd had been told, was taken by Tanglewood during some territorial dispute. Cyprian found the whole idea kind of crap, but he wasn't one to miss out on the excitement of a raid. In a life where he wasn't closely connected to anyone, death didn't mean much.

-------Having not immediately found Alexandre the phoenix swooped lower looking for a small creature to either pick up and drop or take home with him. No longer could he simply charbroil his enemies. These were some of the only tactics he had left lest he wish to break a wing and be left behind.

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - aesior - 08-11-2023

The sound of thunder echoed in his ears, ported by an impossibly mortal figure, the weight of Sherbet slamming into him and driving the air from the gray tom's lungs. Hitting the ground off the steps with a soundless cry of surprise, the tom found himself winded even as he attempted to dig his claws into Sherbet's underbelly and kick with all his might, attempting to throw his attacker off of himself. Scrambling away the tom would cough, lungs heaving and contracting as he tried to suck in the evasive air flow around him, dust rising and making his eye tear up. Coughing and hacking, the mute Luminary would whirl, looking around in the dust cloud that had risen from his scramble in the dry dirt, too dry from a lack of rain in the swamp jungle.

Figures loomed up and reeled away in the dust, his fur standing straight and all of his nerves tingling. Where the hell was Sherbet? Where the hell was the tom who had attacked him? A frustrated exhale left him, the remnants of what once would have been a screech of anger, the tom blindly lashing out as he took his bearings. He couldn't see Sherbet, and the other tom likely wouldn't be able to see him either. Hissing a silent sound, the tom tensed his muscles and prepared to leap from the dust cloud, knowing the movement he would make would be heard by the other. Cursing his luck above everything as he sprinted away from the place he'd landed, whirling to face the direction he'd come, lips drawing back to show off his teeth. It was then that his eye caught a glint of bright silver, his gifted tree of life necklace laying fallen on the ground, it's chain broken.

Something in him broke then and there, anger welling up in the tom as he felt his body try to shift underneath him, fur pulling and muscles straining as the Luminary forcibly shapeshifted. In the tom cat's place stood a tan-gray african lion with backwards pointing horns, a grand amount of moss and plant-life erupting over his shoulders. The skin and nerves at his shoulders stung from Sherbet's claws but the lion was unable to feel the pinpricks of pain, anger pumping hot through his veins as he called upon the earth underneath him and with a slam of his paws onto the ground, he sent a wave of rocking dirt and stone in Sherbet's path from the attack in an attempt to draw the Captain out.


His voice ringing in his own ears as the earth-laden lion roared, different images flashing before his eye. Different memories. The dead were still dead and the missing were still missing. Maybe the damned Typhoon had something to do with Cory's disappearance? It wouldn't be too far to assume the pirates had done something to his friend. To the person he valued more than he could ever say. It wouldn't be too far of a reach to assume, would it?

A snarl ripped from his lungs, brow furrowed as he growled, "What are you doing on Tanglewood's lands, Sherbet? Why are you here!? What have you come to do!?" he had heard the command to attack. But why were they attacking? Why now? Why!?

'Alexandre. The fucking vampire. Of course.'

Tanglewood still held the Typhooner captive, it could only make sense that they would come looking for a missing comrade. Didn't mean they had to give xem up, though.


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[ f l o w e r  g u i d e ] & [ t a g s ]
[align=center]"speech" | thoughts / writing

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - pere - 08-11-2023

The sound of battle had yet to reach the lantern bearer, her head buried under her paws in the roots of some great sycamore. She had moved into the village not long ago, but the petite molly was still unaccustomed to sleeping under a roof, or in a building. It felt too close, it made her ill at ease and ready to run at a moment's notice. The day had caught her resting under the embrace of the great tree, fully at rest and with her guard down. That was her first mistake.

Scrambling to her paws at the battle screams, a wave of cold adrenaline washing over her and making her paws throb as she let out a hiss of surprise and mangled fear, the molly's head whipping around as a cloud of dust erupted from the Luminary's house with the thump of bodies slamming into the ground. Wide bright blue eyes stared in that direction as she heard raised voices, her ears laying flat. What was she to do? She was not a warrior, she was not ... someone who thrived in battle. Laying her ears to her skull the woman darted off in the direction of Seven's house, thinking that maybe the blind tigress could use her paws with healing others. That was her second mistake.

Pere was out in the open, the thin woman trying to escape the battlefield, visible from the sky and from the ground. The bells of the ribbons tied around her ear and fixed to her hat were ringing wildly, giving her position away to any who might take chase. She just hoped that she had enough in her to batter away any pursuant. [/td][/tr][/table]
@ teef

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - vinicius - 08-12-2023


Here he was, on another group's land, fighting in a war he didn't understand. All of his lessons from a lifetime ago told the deaf siren he shouldn't be here, he shouldn't be staining his paws in another's life essence. He shouldn't be here, condoning the violence of this war. What were they here for again? Who?

He didn't know the fellow. He didn't know the crew mate they were searching for. But that didn't stop him from being here today, in this moment. A raid was a raid and he needed to prove his loyalty.

Raising his own barely used voice in a war cry as he felt the ground rumble under his paws, the wolf-bodied creature surging forward in search of a combatant despite his reluctance. Growling at a nearby small creature, gently bowling them over and issuing a warning snarl as he raised his tail and made his ears stand in as threatening as a pose he could manage. Gaze lifting at a shadow overhead, distracted and open to attack.

[member=18199]KIARA KOKYTOS[/member]
[align=center][Image: 64798221_OjocCRdDaVBs0np.gif]

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - Kiara Kokytos - 08-13-2023

- reaper of tanglewood
- two ( 2 ) years physically
- coyote
- fallen Sin of Greed

her body had been tight, tense, itching to draw crimson lifeblood. gleaming optics restlessly seeking out her next victim, the poor unfortunate soul that would fall prey to her claws. she didn't have a clue why they were raiding the typhoon but she was always eager to fight and everyone knew it. she heard a weird shout from the distance, weak and hoarse, and lobes swivelling in that direction followed it to watch a wolflike creature push over a smaller animal and then spread out into a stance that should come off as threatening but to kiara only looked funny.

the coyote allowed a smile to flicker onto her maw as she slowly circled around behind him, dropping into an all-familiar crouch. the animal was a beautiful specimen, she had to admit with a small chuckle as she studied the other. he didn't seem to have noticed her, or anything else for that matter, staring at a shadow somewhere in the distance. with a soft grunt she pushed herself off the ground and launched herself at him, attempting to use force to pin him to the ground from his hips. should it be successful she'd dig her hind paws into the ground to drive herself forwards and try latching her teeth onto his neck, issuing a teasing snarl into his direction.

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - Zjarr - 08-14-2023

[div style="margin-bottom: 4px; height: auto; font-family: baskerville; font-size: 26px; letter-spacing: 3px; text-align: center; text-transform: uppercase; color: black;"]OH LORD, DON'T LET ME
This wasn't the welcome party he was expecting.

He hadn't been up to date on the mainland's affairs in what felt like ages. Months ago, Zjarr was sent off by Aesior along with a handful of other Tanglers to scout out their island addition to their territory and work the lands. It was a curious task to assign to someone who was by no means a farmer — he was a hunter, a warrior, and a blacksmith, but never a farmer. He wouldn't dispute the assignment, though. He had joined Tanglewood with the terms of being open to virtually any work the clan threw at him so long as they gave him and his adoptive children food and shelter. Their end of the deal was held up, and it was his turn to do the same.

My kids. The demon hadn't seen Christian, Lanyu, or Randall in so long. He refused to let them come with him to the island, believing that it would be a perilous decision for the young shepherds. They were well-protected in the main Tanglewood camp, surrounded by people who could feed them, defend them, and prepare them for their futures. Zjarr had sworn not to grow attached to the children. Even now, he blamed whatever attachment he had to the pups on Flamey's encouragement. After all, it was that godforsaken ghost that convinced him to keep them in the Forge and practically raise them as his own. They're Ignibuses too.

As the husky led the boat back to the mainland, the desire to see their faces once more flooded his mind. He pushed the thoughts away. They will be fine.

He tossed his head over his shoulder and cast a glance at the other Tanglers on the boat that granted them passage between the mainland and the island. Only a few of the band of settlers had come back with him, just enough to carry the resources he was intending to present to Aesior and the rest of the group. Zjarr hoped to be the bearer of good news. The island's soil was fertile, and the farming settlement's bounty over the past several months was quite fruitful. It wasn't just crops that the farmers had raised — they domesticated some of the local fauna, too, which meant that meat would be on the menu for the Tanglers as well. Each item was carefully bounded and secured for easy transport.

Unfortunately for them, getting their haul back to the town would be anything but. As the demon navigated through the swamp, his food-toting Tanglers in tow, the reek of spilled blood and the angry snarls of battle stopped him in his tracks. He made out a screamed name amid the chaos. Captain Sherbet. His lips drew back into a growl, his chest growing hot. "Fuckin' pirates!" he snapped. What the hell happened while he was running the island? He was going to have a long talk with Aesior after this; that was for damn sure.

Zjarr turned back to the settlers, who eyed him curiously as though awaiting orders. Then again, listening to Zjarr's instructions was all they had been doing for a while now. He made the decision not to have them take up arms for now. They had a mission, and they were going to complete it with or without him. "Find a way 'round all this. Get this shit back to the town. Don't get caught, don't be an idiot, don't be a hero. Now, go! Move!" He waved a dismissing paw at his entourage, who dispersed as soon as the words left his mouth. He spared no time diving into the action now, dirtied paws leading him closer to the battle.

The demon hadn't seen combat in a long time. Aside from a few scuffles with some vicious wildlife, the island settlement saw little trouble in terms of pesky neighbors or dangerous natives. He hadn't the time to brush up on his martial arts, though he did use plenty of his magical abilities to aid the creation of the settlement itself. The Tangler stopped for a moment, scanning his surroundings for a proper entrance. Of the enemies on the battlefield, one actor was of particular interest to him — a phoenix that flew low, perhaps to pick out a smaller opponent to take to the skies. There ya are. Ready to play?

Locking onto the Typhooner and watching them swoop down, Zjarr tapped into his internal reservoir of heat. If he timed this right, he could possibly disable the phoenix by taking out a wing; at the very least, he would attempt to distract them from any smaller, more vulnerable allies by putting the focus on himself. Pulling from his heat, he extended a paw and began to channel the energy into a fireball that danced in his grasp, eager to taste flesh.

Let's fuckin' play. When the winged beast swooped down to a low enough point, Zjarr hurled the fireball towards the phoenix in an attempt to get a hit in on its wing. Worst case, he would attract the creature's attention and take it from there.

In preparation for the Typhooner's potential response, Zjarr's eyelids clamped shut. He searched for his blade that was a bit too far away for comfort. He pulled at the feeling of the blade, conjuring it to his current location. It arrived, sitting before him as requested, but teleporting it from such a distance took a bit of his energy. The husky spared no time picking up the blade, wielding it tightly in his jaws as he locked onto the phoenix again. For now, he was going to observe his opponent and be on the defense.


bio — attack in [b]#f24b00[/b]

Re: MY HEART STILL BEATS YOUR NAME ⚘ surprise typhoon raid - vinicius - 09-25-2023


War was always the same. Perhaps only the methods of waging it changed over time, but battle and blood were the grit and meat of war, a disagreement that flared up in the faces of those who waged it. He couldn't understand it. He hadn't understood it ages ago in Ephixia, he hadn't understood it when he'd been an innocent victim of it. He still hadn't understood it when his head was so badly damaged when he was captured, so badly damaged that he'd lost the ability to hear.

He still couldn't understand it now, standing in the middle of a heaving battlefield. What if Captain called a retreat? He couldn't hear it. What if a crew mate went down in battle? He couldn't hear their cries for help.

A shiver ran down the siren's spine, so far from the thrill of hunting. He was prey, standing here. He wasn't a predator that could attack indiscriminately. Taking a breath before it was forced from his lungs as a weight barreled into him from behind, his hind legs folding under the unexpected weight in a knee-jerk reaction. Yelp escaping from him in surprise, the siren twisting as he tried to get a glimpse of his attacker.

Met by the jarring pain of weight pushing him down, the siren struggled as teeth locked into his scruff, pulling a frightened sound from the beast. He couldn't tell who or what was on top of him but it had teeth and it seemed to be smaller than he was. Taking a deep breath, the bigger canid struggled under Kiara, attempting to throw her off balance by twisting side to side. He only hoped it would work, hoping that her paws wouldn't find purchase on his scales.
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