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you'll be made of ashes too ❂ CYPRIAN'S PLOTS - Printable Version

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you'll be made of ashes too ❂ CYPRIAN'S PLOTS - cyprian - 05-01-2023

Cyprian's Tags

My favorite part of all of this is writing plots. So, feel free to throw vague ideas at me and see what sticks, even in regards to unrelated plots. Would love to work with you all to make this one damn twisted, convoluted, heart-wrenching story. 

The Blood Cult
The cult plot will span a large period of time, a year at the very least. Its the central body of a plot that I have which will connect all my characters and in which many of them will die. Whether you'd like your character to be a victim, a spy, a member, or a martyr I'd love to include anyone with their own plot ideas to this mad project.
This plot is not currently active, it will likely become so next month. I'll notify those who state their interest when it becomes available.

General Membership
You planning to give your character a power soon and may want them to get it through questionable means? This is your kind of plot.
- Your character wants a power.
- Willing to make a blood sacrifice for this power. The larger the sacrifice, in regards to emotions, the more power.
- Optional Cult Involvment: continue making sacrifices for more power, preach to others, take the mark of the cult, etc.
- Duties of cult members will get more complex as time goes on.

General Friendship
- Not so open to this in Sips' early development. He's kind of an asshole, but feel free to try.

Deep Friendship
The last bit is open-ended and up for change. Just want this friendship to have some tragic bits, ups-and-downs. Would really like for it to end in a big bang someday.
- Unsure of each other at first, perhaps even enemies as Cyprian is quite abrasive early-on in this life.
- Bound together through hardships. Those we can plot together to make happen.
- Very intense friendship. The type with comfort in silence. Could be mistaken for romance.
- One side may be trying to protect the other, or gain something from them; without their counterpart knowing.
- Cyprian gives this friend one of his most prized possessions from the past. Its value unbeknownst to the friend. This item becomes a bigger part of Cyprian's cult's  end-game.
- This friend discovers Cyprian's blood cult. The story diverges from here depending upon you characters reaction.

- Cyprian throughout the first stages of this life is quite callous. He doesn't care about others feelings, whether they live or die. Thats a good way to find yourself with enemies.
- Though he hasn't started blood sacrifices yet, we can plot for future adversarial relationships related to that plot.
- These relationships can become more complex with time. As Cyprian gains friends and family he begins mellowing out and not wishing harm on others. Though he's trapped himself with the duty of holding sacrificial rituals. He will for a large majority of this life be towing the line of morality.

- Cyprian is homosexual.
- Not up for flings.
- Open to litters.
- This will have to be plotted specifically for the partner character in mind so I won't leave much here.
- Other than general politeness Cyprian is pretty standoffish in his early development. So, your character would have to deal with that. Getting through to him will likely either be through plenty of patience and persistance or mutual struggle bringing them together.
- This man wants a family more than most anything. A family that will stay with him and not betray him (trust issues, yay!). So, he's definitely open to litters.
- He will certainly try to make any member of his family immortal, with or without their consent.

- Will adopt and obsess over any and all children.
- Despite his antipathy for the rest of the world in his early development he deeply devoted to family. Super protective, would rend the world apart for his family.
- He will try to make them immortal with or without their consent.
- Lots of fun plots to be had in relation to his children and his blood cult. Sabotage, kidnappings, secret-keeping. The whole bunch.

Re: you'll be made of ashes too ❂ CYPRIAN'S PLOTS - Alexandre - 05-01-2023

— alexandre f.m.r
Heya! It's Orion.

I'd like to maybe offer up Alexandre for the blood cult. Xe's a vampiric succubus and could maaaybe be an interesting participant if it benefits xem, especially in the realm of getting food. I could maybe see xem being involved for the beginning of the cult, but slowly phasing out as things become more dedicated (taking a mark, preaching, etc).