Beasts of Beyond
tolerate it | p; jasper - Printable Version

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tolerate it | p; jasper - RUELLE - 04-27-2023

Everyday it was getting easier to pull herself out of the Guru’s sanctuary. She had some minor cuts here and there from when she arrived at the Condemned. They were healing nicely, but she liked to help out where she could and stay a bit longer in the sancturary. Especially when they generously assisted her when she needed help the most. Talking to her new peers was another kind of battle. Though, she was talking to her peers more and more. Making friends was still difficult, but she was trying her best.

Ruelle had been eying an older wolf for a day or two. It was a bad habit. She needed to stop creeping on others. But she liked to know what she was getting into. Jasper seemed like a new friend that she could make. Moreso, he looked strong. Like he could show her a thing or two about what it took to be a member here. Fitting in was exactly what she wanted and this was a good way to go about it.

The young female approached him this time, instead of watching him walk past like the days before. ”Hey. I’m Ruelle.” Nothing else came out. She smiled up at him. The girl finally blinked once she realized she needed to keep going. ”Oh- I was hoping you’d be willing to spar with me. Y’know, show me how it works here as far as how we have to defend ourselves. Are there a lot of fights around here?” Perfect, there was her delivery. It didn’t go too awful, and she topped it off with a grin.

Re: tolerate it | p; jasper - jasper - 04-27-2023

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MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
he had heard something about a youth being found in rough shape, but the coalitioner had not brought it upon himself to visit the young woman in the Guru's sanctuary, no. he had enough on his mind, enough children to worry about as it was.

it just so happened that ruelle had caught him when he was preparing to go out for a walk, affixing the new silk ribbon that he'd found in his months of trouble. a low puff of breath exited the pale furred canid, brown eyes barely acknowledging the area around him or the people within said range. tipping his head up to look at the sky with a modicum of wishing he could be in flight in the sky like the birds above. blinking as he observed the birds banking and wheeling above, losing himself in a memory of the past, of when he had been in flight too. glancing over his back now, taking account of the beautiful blue dragonfly wings attached there and sighing. they were of a massive size, enough to allow him flight. he hadn't dared try, not since his arrival here so long ago, back when he had taken the fall of his life from the back of his former dragon.

a voice reached his ears, freeing the Lord from his thoughts and desires. turning his head as she spoke, he would turn himself to face the youth with a surprised expression that pulled at the corners of his mouth into a smile. what a cute kid.

"Well, hello there Ruelle. I'm Jasper, one of the folk that call this half-frozen land home.", he would answer in a kind enough tone, one ear tipping over and folding on itself, "Sparring?" blinking now, he would offer her a grin in warm return, "I don't see why I couldn't, young Ruelle. We don't exactly have any big secrets or methods of preservation though that might be interesting to see done, to make our own specific battle method. Fights? Not exactly. Our group has gone through a major change in all truth. Before Romulus led, this group was more ... aggressive and liked to conquer. After he took the lead, the group has taken on a more peaceful or neutral stance. We still will enter battle now and then, though it only seems to be when we're trapped in a corner and have to fight back."

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: tolerate it | p; jasper - RUELLE - 04-27-2023

It was good to know that the group didn’t have some special tactic that she had to know. Even better yet that Romulus wasn’t the unforgiving type. They were a peaceful group, exactly what she liked to hear. She felt her heart speed up with excitement. Maybe this could be her forever home, after all. It wasn’t as scary as she thought.

”That’s a relief. I don’t.. like to fight too much. I don’t know how.” She admitted, wagging her tail side to side. ”I’ll get better at it though when we practice together.” The group was slowly edging away from this vision of mystery and unknown. She wondered what she could find now that some light was being shone. ”Do you have a lot of friends here?” Ruelle asked, taking a few steps back for them to have enough space to begin their spar.

”You can make the first move!”

Re: tolerate it | p; jasper - jasper - 04-28-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
MEMORIES TURN INTO DAYDREAMS! -- fae borzoi. cotc.
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It felt refreshing in a way to speak to a person so curious about their surroundings. 'Now, that's an odd thought', the fae caught himself with a soft grin. Things had felt like they'd grown stagnant to him, in his own life and in the actions of others. He missed the sensation of being kept unaware of the next big move, the next thing to happen. Perhaps he was a bit more chaotic than he had suspected.

Giving a slow whish of his tail as he got to his paws, suddenly grateful that the worst of his scars weren't enough to scare the youngster off. Casting a glance to his thrashed flank and damaged wing, he would give a soft heave of breath. Still one too many fights. Her words surprised him, though. She didn't like to fight. Had he gotten so used to youths being eager for a scrap?

Shaking his head as he offered Ruelle a small smile,  "We try not to fight here. Sometimes they happen but we all usually put a stop to them quickly.", he wasn't about to ruin her dreams with the reality of the war that hung over the group like a cloud, over the groups of the Beyond like a dark stain. 'Those damned idiots.'Blinking as she asked him about his friends, he faltered in the steps he took to make space, copying her movements without thought.

"Friends, hm?", he paused, mulling it over with a thoughtful expression, "Not ... exactly. I'm a bit newer to this land and I can only tell the history I know from the mouths of others. I had a few, though. Time has .... guided them elsewhere, but I do have a few.", he felt his face warm under his fur and shook his head, "We adults are a stony bunch. Some of us aren't as friendly as our youngsters are. But yes, I do have some friends. Ah. The first move is mine, hm?", he broke off after a while as he noted her position across from him.

Careful brown eyes would observe the young woman, appraising what move to make. Shuffling his wings into a settled position, the fae shifted his weight to his haunches, building strength there as he prepared to make a dash. 'I should test her reaction speed first and foremost. No teeth, just a light spar Jasp. Just like with Sam. She's but a pup yet.'

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #7A8B8B. -- BECOME A TABOO!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy