Beasts of Beyond
but i knew you | p; romulus - Printable Version

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but i knew you | p; romulus - RUELLE - 04-27-2023

When Ruelle stumbled upon the territory of the Condemned she arrived battered and bruised. They were like her, in a way, as a wanderer. Looking for a home. She hoped this place would accept her as a true member eventually. Two weeks had passed, and the knowing glances didn’t go unnoticed. She was new. New was bad. At least, that was what she learned after spending months alone in the wild.

She longed to make some kind of connection here. If this was to be her new home, she was going to make friends. Loneliness gripped her. She was determined to shake free from it one way or another.

Initially too timid to make conversation with anyone, she wasn’t aware of the hierarchy here. All she knew was that a certain pelt of black and gray became too familiar to her. Seeing Romulus in passing felt like she already knew him before he knew her. This was a start. It was the day she’d finally approach him instead of sitting by. Ruelle wouldn’t allow any more wasted opportunities to slip through.

”Hey,” Approaching him brought each of her paws deeper into a pit of anxiety. Ruelle did her best to stifle the emotion. ”Hi. I was wondering if you’d like to go pick some herbs and flowers for the Gurus with me? I’m Ruelle- by the way.” She smiled, tilting her head.

Re: but i knew you | p; romulus - Romulus - 05-01-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]
Unlike Ruelle, the Coalition of the Condemned had always been his home. He did not know any different. Romulus was battered and bruised, but in a different way than most. The lion lived as a child to two usurpers who rose to challenges under the guise of family. Never did he find himself seeking the same initiative. Instead, the intelligent feline found himself seeking neutralities. Perhaps, after indulging in his fair share of familiar drama and watching his family fall as a result of these takeovers, he had learned his lesson. Thus, as he walked the lands of the Coalition of the Condemned, he did so with his past on his shoulder and eyes looking ahead. The animals underneath his rule would not suffer. They would thrive.

In an effort to try and be that animal that would stand up for them, Romulus had made himself known. He walked the area with pride. He helped where he could. Anytime someone asked, a paw was lent. Though, lately, with his injury, he was feeling week. Josiah had ripped at his throat, sending him into unconsciousness from the pain and the blood loss. During this time, his coma kept him away. Byriath, Saturn, and his brother Diego were taken by a mysterious group to the north. He could do nothing. Guilt, though he was taking action now, had (and was) wracking his brain.

Only now was the lion regaining his voice and starting to walk properly. Daily, he went on walks with a companion under Plexus' orders. Other times, he stubbornly rebelled and practiced in secret. Today was one of those days. With one paw in front of the other, he slowly walked across the Coalition's inner island with his head looking down at the floor and eyes zoned in on the grass. 'One, two... Three, four...' he chanted internally with each stride.

'One, two... th-'

A voice filled his system. Rounded ears pulled away from the back of his head and perked up. His head turned towards Ruelle curiously with his mouth agape, almost surprised that she asked. Usually he was the one asking. It was nice to see some initiative, especially from an unfamiliar face. With a smile curling upon his multicolored maw, he nodded. "Sure," he croaked out weakly. "Plexus would appreciate that." He owed his friend one too... All the herbs Plexus used on him lately caused the stocks to grow low. Their inquiry, thankfully, came at a good time.

A paw rose up to his throat, gesturing loosely around where his wound was. "Sorry if I'm quiet, I'm still recovering." Hopefully, underneath the wild mane of his, he could see the white bandages that were tied around his neck. Nevertheless, he continued on gently. "Romulus. A pleasure to meet you, Ruelle." The leader's periwinkle gaze eyed her for a moment. "I do not think I've seen you around." Perhaps she was new? Usually acceptance went through him, Plexus, or Byriath. He bet the other two got to it before him due to his health and shoved the thought aside.

The lion flicked his tail forward, expecting her to move forth. "Shall we go?" he questioned.