Beasts of Beyond
When the Golden Rule // Moving in // and the Jungle meet - Printable Version

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When the Golden Rule // Moving in // and the Jungle meet - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 04-17-2023

Her possessions were only what she wore and what were in her basket, being led into the main camp by someone she had met before on one of her many excursions to the desert. The Frostguard, as homely was it was, had gotten quite stale. And Rowan had gone missing. She was, truly, not sure where exactly to go. And so, after a night with Night, leading her to possess a lion's skull and pelt, she decided to stay with her boyfriend.

"Ah, thanks again." she rumbled as the serval led her to the welcome center. With a brief "no problem", the feline left her before the doors of the center. Like an anxious dog, she settled outside it, using the lion pelt as a mat to protect her from the sand.

Laying upon the pelt, she placed a gold-clawwed paw upon the skull, and smiled to herself.

Re: When the Golden Rule // Moving in // and the Jungle meet - Night of No Stars - 05-10-2023

night had been waiting for the day she came to stay. the day she moved in and they could truly be together forever. the moment he heard that she was at the center, he was on the way. the male moved swiftly and with clear purpose. his pace making others move from his path as he made for the center. the lion stopped once he spotted her and a broad smile broke across his maw. paws guiding him straight to the side of sakura. it was the best moment of his life, really.

well, next to her ripping his useless sibling to shreds. that was both fantastic and hot, really. she really did a number on blood and the male was thrilled that someone finally stopped the brute from killing more. and, they did make a nice throw rug. very nice indeed. he aimed a soft nuzzle to her shoulder and then stepped back. taking a seat and letting his crackling lightning mane shimmer.

i hope you made it okay. no trouble getting back here? he asked as his lightning tipped tail swished behind him. he was not a fan of the idea she might have had trouble. he would flay anyone that stopped her from coming back to her second home to stay. though, from the looks of it, she was unharmed and home.

home. home. home

welcome home love. she was home and he was finally whole again. he had the one thing he truly wanted. her.

it was always her.


african lion - vampire - taken - bio