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MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - Printable Version

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MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - arcy - 06-04-2018

The territory was -- very strange, in Videogames' own opinion. He -- probably shouldn't think that, probably shouldn't be uneasy whenever he's out at night. He can hear strange noises, then. Whispers and murmurs and screams. He doesn't think they're real, like the shadows that curl at the edges of Videogames' video. Sometimes he worries he's going insane -- he doesn't have anything to explain all of this, or the gentle brushes he feels against his pelt, sometimes. Everything feels so easy in the daylight, calm and peaceful, if a little off-putting. It's fine. It's all fine. Arrowhead wouldn't bring them somewhere dangerous, would he? (but Arrowhead was dead, he died here --)
But, despite all of this,  Videogames does his best to set everything up for that night. They didn't host a funeral for Arrowhead -- they just buried him, and they forego the funeral. But Videogames likes to think he's doing it in the feline's honor, just a little something. Out in the meadow, fireflies swarm, despite the chill in the area and the overlooking mountain. They're not in the right place, the fireflies. They don't feel right. Videogames doesn't understand, but that's okay. He's staked up some lanterns, tonight. They're far overhead, and it was honestly a pain to get them up there. A few treats -- just little things he could scrounge up, in their limited territory, with their limited supplies. Just little candies, taffies, that Videogames still had, set in a bowl on a makeshift table, alongside some little jars. It's not perfect, far from it. Everything is wayward and wrong, he feels just a little unsafe, but the lights provide comfort. Videogames grins in pride seeing his work, despite this.
"Anybody wanna catch some fireflies?" Videogames calls to nobody in particular, one little jar beside his paws. Most of the people here were kids, they'd probably enjoy it -- even if they probably shouldn't be awake or even out right now. To be fair, it wasn't terribly late, though he'd probably give them a scolding regardless. Just a little one. This was supposed to be fun, after all! So Videogames takes the jar next to his paws in his teeth and -- where does he go from here. Just wish for luck, or something?

//sweats as i try nd Actually do stuff for this group


Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - Character Graveyard. - 06-06-2018

STAND BY ME ✧ Roxas — Moonlight Vale — Scholar
Roxas hadn't been in Moonlight Vale for long. He had joined a few hours ago, after leaving Tanglewood. The war-bound group hadn't been quite suited to the young male's tastes, so he had left without a word, even though that was rude. Well, kind of.

As for the territory, the young feline did not mind it at all. He preferred colder places. The summer heat was just bothersome- despite him being a short-hair. He liked the spring and autumn, but winter was too cold for his liking, so he always wore a sweater during the winter.

The Scholar found himself wandering over to his mentor after he heard him speak of catching fireflies. That sounded rather fun. Blue-eyes focused on Felix, a small grin forming on his maw. "I'll help."
© madi

Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - arcy - 06-06-2018

While it took a few minutes for anybody to respond to Videogames' call, he wasn't too worried. Well, he was worried for himself, with the oppressive nature of the night but not for the mini-event he was hosting here. He could always catch some fireflies by himself -- they'd be really nice to keep in the jars for a little while. Maybe Videogames would even find something cool to do with them, depending on how many they caught!! Well, either way they'd be pretty, even if just for a little while! Ooh, maybe he could release them super dramatically within the next few days for the summer festival? It's not like they had a set date for the festival, just that it had to be in summer. As lanterns, too! Anyways,
"Oh, thanks!" Videogames chimes, unceremoniously dropping his jar with a clatter, beaming as he catches sight of Roxas. The new arrival, who Videogames had pretty much immediately taken under his wing because he was just like that. Oh, shoutout to when he literally had wings. They were gone now, which was very, very unfortunate. Anyways. The atmosphere feels a little less oppressive now that he's not alone, and Videogames is grinning all the while. "I've already poked some holes in the jars -- do you know how to catch them already?" Videogames asks, tilting his head. Videogames had done some firefly catching in his youth -- well, after the war, at least. Videogames was kinda rusty now and a little stuck at the beginning, but he still knew how to do it, thanks.


Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - Character Graveyard. - 06-06-2018

STAND BY ME ✧ Roxas — Moonlight Vale — Scholar
Roxas would lift his ears upward as his mentor spoke, a sign showing that he was listening. He smiled a little awkwardly as Felix accidentally dropped the jar. Whoops. He didn't know that Videogames had been feeling a little jumpy by being alone, but Roxas would be glad to hear that his presence was somewhat comforting.

"Er- I don't know how to catch fireflies." The striped-feline said, lifting one of his front-paws and scratching behind his ear. "Could you show me how to catch them?"
© madi

Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - arcy - 06-08-2018

Honestly, it was less of Videogames being jumpy, and more of Videogames not having the patience to put things down before speaking. But a little bit of jumpiness, yet. Seriously, this entire territory was ominous. But -- what had Videogames been put off by again? Strangely, he can't really remember. Videogames tries not to linger on that -- it's a quick route to complete insanity, he thinks. (i mean, it was fireflies, but why had they bothered him so much?)
"Not a problem!" He chirps, still beaming. Okay, how does he go about explaining? It shouldn't be too hard, he doesn't think -- it's just kinda like sneaking up on prey. But you have a jar. And you don't kill it. Okay, not a lot like hunting, but close enough. Still, Videogames is glad to explain as best he can. Though, he's absolutely no good at explaining stuff. "Okay, first -- watch," Videogames says, grinning a little sheepishly. He'll elaborate afterwards. So, the serval stoops down to take the jar back from where it sits on the grass. Luckily, it's not shattered. And so with this, Videogames trods into the field, where the fireflies are more clustered. He's trying not to be too obtrusive, though fireflies weren't known for their elusiveness. So -- yeah, this would be better with a net, but he couldn't hold nets, and this worked well enough. He squints, poking closer as he tries to find one of the fireflies. And then -- there. Videogames twists his head and moves forward quickly. He doesn't dive, just kind of ... scoops the cup downwards. It cricks his neck a little, and his nose twitches, but he presses the rim of the cup to the ground. "Like that! You've just gotta be kinda ... unobtrusive, I guess? Fireflies aren't really gonna run away, don't worry too much. It's more on actually getting them in the jar, I guess," The demonstration was hopefully enough. Videogames grins sheepishly at Roxas, aware that he was pretty bad at explanations. However, he doesn't linger long, already fetching a lid for the jar, which he slides under the jar rim before putting it back upright.


Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - guts - 06-08-2018

Sakaris had traveled with her father ever since she was born, so finally settling down somewhere was nice. Their paws no longer hurt from walking so much, and they weren't tired all the time. But still, this new territory kind of unsettled her. Like Videogames, she also heard things at night, and it wasn't uncommon for her to wake him up in the middle of the night because of a frightening nightmare she had had. Now that he was leader, though, she was a lot more hesitant to interrupt his sleep.

Of course, that was the reason she was up now. She was a lot more hesitant to sleep nowadays, so instead she'd stay up and do other things until sleep forcibly took her. Right now, though, she was glad she stayed up. "Daddy!" she yells as she hurries over, distressed. "You have to pop holes in the lid! Or the fire bug will die! Did you put the breathing holes?" she was a little too concerned for the small bug's life, but she couldn't help it. The idea of killing something, even as small as that, just didn't settle well with her.


Re: MYSTERIES ★ moonlight vale, fireflies - Character Graveyard. - 06-08-2018

STAND BY ME ✧ Roxas — Moonlight Vale — Scholar
Roxas would focus all of his attention on his mentor as he demonstrated on how to catch fireflies. He smiled sheepishly as Videogames attempted to show him without being awkward. He would nod his head before speaking. "Alright thanks!"

Luckily for him, Roxas had happened to carry a small amount of stuff around in a satchel he carried around his neck and there was a jar in it. The Scholar would pull it out and poked holes in the lid before sliding it off. Then he would scoop up a few fireflies in the jar before he closed it quickly.
© madi