Beasts of Beyond
Send me your best wishes ;; joining - Printable Version

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Send me your best wishes ;; joining - Bartholomew - 04-05-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]WE'LL PAINT IT RED TO FIT RIGHT IN — 。+゚.[/glow]
The emperor tamarin had a horse and cart he took care of. A hand on his hat as he led the stallion of grey to their home. His wares, work table, viles, and the like all tucked into the cart. The male stopped at the boat he had gotten for him. The stallion seemed unsure, but finally pulled his cart onto the boat. Then, Bartholomew hopped upon the boat and off they went.

It took some time but the boat hit shore and he stayed upon it once he was sure it was tied. It was best to wait for them to come so he would not be in trouble for trespassing. So, on the boat he stood. Petting the side of his stallion as he did so.


Re: Send me your best wishes ;; joining - Valerius - 04-07-2023

The leader had no concerns about the border. The only main landers that had crossed their borders so far had been The Pitt and the Coalition of the Condemned, though unwillingly on that second group. Despite that, the lion enjoyed his time surveying the horizon as he walked along the black beaches of the Descendants of the Departed. The short adventures along the shore kept gave him time to think and strategize his next moves in the grand scheme of things, after all. Thus, he walked along today.

In no time, as he stared out in the distance, a silhouette appeared. Dark and large, it was approaching quickly. A boat? From where? With caution, the lion slowly sauntered towards where the boat would land, only to stand in front of it's bow when it crashed upon the shore. His grey gaze looked up and over the side of the boat. Valerius' eyes connected with a stallion, but redirected his attention upon spotting a tamarin. What a strange duo.

Clearing his throat, he called out. "You're on the land of the descendants," he commanded from the dark beach. "Who are you and why are you here?"" It was not every day when a stranger showed up on their land.