Beasts of Beyond
When the sun beams down //Open, return/joining - Printable Version

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When the sun beams down //Open, return/joining - MORGAN WOLFSBANE - 04-02-2023

well Time, she did
as time, she does
The lion disregarded the border of his home, happily trotting into the misty forests as he had done several times before. He had been gone for about a year, and dearly missed his family. Even if he wasn't a homebody.

Before, he would have taken all the different paths, looked at the farmhouse and graveyard, but today he decided to head straight for town. Reaching a slow jog, he weaved under and around fallen branches, and over fallen logs.

And finally, coming into town, he grinned. "Im home!" he called out, catching the muted fear in many eyes. They still feared what he could do.

Re: When the sun beams down //Open, return/joining - Elvira - 04-05-2023

The woman heard that voice and felt her blood run colder than it usually did. She had no idea how her uncle in law would take the news of the family being deceased. Much less how long she could keep her secret from him. Would her husband keep the secret from him? Would the world she created for them both be ruined by this return? 

The Lady let the thoughts die down as she made her way through the town and stopped short of the larger feline. Welcome home, Uncle. It has been a long time and much has happened. Though i am sure you would like to relax and unwind from such a long trip before we get into that. She offered in her typical fragile and unassuming voice. Her wings tucked close to her ever growing belly.

She prayed to whatever higher power out there that her husband would arrive soon. She was not the best at social normalcy. Her eyes flicking to the many wide eyes that looked upon him and a slight raise of her head. Dont you lot have more pressing matters to attend to? Her voice never changed, yet they seemed to slowly disperse as she turned her eyes back to Morgan.

They have a bad habbit of staring now a days. She offered with a soft smile. Trying to seem as small as she always had.
