Beasts of Beyond
And who are you? ;; open, intro - Printable Version

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And who are you? ;; open, intro - Dr. Acula - 04-01-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE — 。+゚.[/glow]

He was alive even still and it was against the odds, really. So many vampire hunters failed. So many lovers lost to them despite his efforts. So much anger bubbling up in his jeart that he lost himself. He lost himself and took so many lives. The lives of mortals that deserved it. The families of the hunters erased from the bloodline of the mortal realm. Men, women, and children.

He kept their canines on his arrow. A date carved in each one. A reminder of what he did, but no one knew that. He hide his past from them all and he would take it to his grave. If he ever had one. Over a thousand years and still alive. He lost it all and was starting over for a third time. This time he hoped his enemies stayed long dead.

That was why he joined this group. He wanted a fresh start and he blended in nicely. For now, he was sitting alone. His arrow tucked away in his home. Watching the others silently.


Re: And who are you? ;; open, intro - Morana - 04-02-2023

Morana, honestly, felt dead in a way. Ever since his beloved Tasha died, he himself seemingly died. Rotted away like some disgusting carcass. It had been a couple of years since her death, and at least a year since his exile from the kingdom he was born in. He had no memoir for Tasha, just the memories within his dark mind. Her words kept him from doing unspeakable things to himself.

The small cat had spotted the dark wolf sitting all by his lonesome, and despite his better judgement, he started for Acula. Leaving a conversation that wasn't interesting, and ignoring the frustrated words of whoever he was listening to, Morana looked over the wolf before deciding to stand next to him and speak. "No conversations taking your fancy, sir wolf?"

Re: And who are you? ;; open, intro - Dr. Acula - 04-03-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE — 。+゚.[/glow]
A feline came towards him and then stopped beside him. The male let his head turn to gaze down at the smaller feline a moment. As words spilled forth, he studied the male with those three glowing red optics. Taking a moment before looking back out at the many creatures chatting away. A long silence before he answered in a calm tone. [glow=#81817e,1,400]I have lived to long to find comfort in gossip and idle chatter. I prefer to watch and listen, though i do find some creatures interesting at time to time.[/glow] The vampiric timber wolf paused and looked back to the one offering company.

The male blinked a moment and let his three eyes scan the other for a reaction. [glow=#81817e,1,400]Perhaps i can find good company in you. You seem far more interesting.[/glow] He did not mean this in a flirty way, but in a friendly way. Simply wanting something to do and not willing to turn away anyone. [glow=#81817e,1,400]My name is Dr. Acula, but you can addressme as you see fit.[/glow] He adds as an after thought.
