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To make it in this world ;; mortalwars - Printable Version

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To make it in this world ;; mortalwars - Mortalwwars - 04-01-2023

✧ mortalwars prometheus | wars
✧ physically 3 years, mentally unknown | 04/01/2020 | aries
✧ born a male, identifies as male | he/him
✧ descendents of the departed | member | soldier
will do as told without questioning it.

✧ african lion | health: 100% | birth/current body
— a beautiful male to look upon, much like most of his family. his pelt is a soft red base with rather lovely markings. white runs down the back of his legs, covers his toes,, and his belly. his muzzle and a mask around his eyes happen to be white. blood red markings around his eyes, like eyeliner, with a streak that dips down to his cheeks make his violet eyes pop. a prune color runs down his back and on the front of his hind legs, leaving a little strip of his base color between the prune and white. this prune color also runs down the top of his tail. a mane of spiked red and black fur completes the look. thanks to his fondness of a sibling, he has taken to wearing some decorative pieces. such as his meteorite crown, silver earrings with meteorite at the ends, and a leather choker with a star made of meteorite hanging from it. he also wears some leather wraps that are covered with decorative sun stone gems in certain places.
— blood, tears, sweat is orange in color
— meteorite crown, earrings, and choker. leather sunstone wraps all over.]
[i]— no current injuries

✧ (wise, calm, loyal)
✧ (silent, obedient, distant)
✧ (murderous, cold, cruel)
— a wise beast with a neck for solving problems, creating ideas, and swaying others. he tends to think thinks through and plan ahead. this leads to others wanting his advice. he is calm and seems to never lose his cool. while this is true, this does not make him harmless by any means. he remains loyal to those that show him loyalty. he will not take being betrayed lightly.

he is almost always silent. offering words only when they are of value to a situation. he is also very obedient to a fault and will obey his father, or who ever is above him, without much thought to it. this mixture makes him seem distant, which he is. he prefers solitude and silence. hating the very idea of mortals and their squabbles.

Deep down he is like many of those found in his home. murderous and cruel. he is a cold blooded killer that will drain the blood of those around him if given a chance. excluding family, for the moment. while he refrains from this, it doesn't mean he will always do so.

✧ valerius and calypso | extremely fond of meteor
adopted by no one
✧ prometheus family
✧ bisexual biromantic | single |  no shipname
✧ no friends | no best friends | no enemies

✧ physically extreme | mentally extreme | no powers | no weapons
✧ will start and end fights, hard provoke | will kill
✧ no mentor | no apprentice | secretly very skilled in battle
✧ allowed to powerplay peaceful actions at own risks | attack in bolded RED | mention [member=23771]Mortalwars[/member] when attacking

✧ face claim and voice claim are cadis from noblesse
— is very much a vampiric loner