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A great time to be alive - Printable Version

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A great time to be alive - Urbana - 04-01-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]YOUR INTEGRITY MAKES ME SEEM SMALL — 。+゚.[/glow]
Her home was gone. Her friends lost to the wind. She was alone again. She was a herd animal and was all alone. This was just her luck. Sighing, the mare left her home for the last time. Trotting away before breaking into a full tilt. Hooves guiding her along as she made her way to the meadow she found weeks ago. A new home and new start.

Once there she would stop and look about. Seeing no threats, she would settle in. Laying in a patch of clover. The woman shivers slightly and closes her eyes. Ears twitching as she listened for sounds. She was free of rules, but lonely. She wished she had somewhere to go.


Re: A great time to be alive - MORGAN WOLFSBANE - 04-01-2023

well Time, she did
as time, she does
Morgan was, in several ways, a drifter. He was so far from the Wolfsbane norm that it was surprising -- his twin brother, Markus, was the spitting image of their father Havana, and Morgan shared neither parents' dark looks or thirst for endless bloodshed. As pale as he was, the son was a black sheep. But his brother had always been there for him, encouraged his way of living, encouraged the exploration.

He was wanting to head back, to tell the family all about his findings of the island that were within his reach; he dared not walk past borders without expressed permission, after all. That was another thing that was vastly different -- he was cautious, while the rest of the family were vicious. But he was never excluded, and had joined Noctis Imperium with his family. And after Markus took over, he stayed around for a bit, then left for his own thing. A trailblazer. He drifted from place to place, finding little use of friends, yet desperate wanting them.

His peach eyes spotted Urbana from a distance, finding himself in awe of her colors. Liquid gold for hair, silverine body. The vampire was grateful that he had fed just hours before, so his hunger wasn't as strong as his will. So, with careful, yet deadly paws, he started for her. He wasn't fussed with making noise, so he didn't plan his steps too well. But he halted when he was several feet from her, and directed his gaze to the sky. "Quite a nice day, today, don't you think?"

Re: A great time to be alive - Urbana - 04-02-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]YOUR INTEGRITY MAKES ME SEEM SMALL — 。+゚.[/glow]
The sound of paws made her eyes open and her gaze fall on a lion. The beast did not seem aggressive to her, and she opted to stay laying. At least for the moment. She had no idea how his family was or that he was a vampire. The woman listened to the rather lovely lion as he spoke. Ears twitching as she offered a warm reply. [glow=#c35548,1,400]Indeed it is. The weather is lovely for a spring day. Though moods cast dark shadows over my ability to enjoy such a thing.[/glow] She paused and then shook her head slightly. Tail flicking before she spoke further.

[glow=#c35548,1,400]I am Urbana. It is lovely to meet someone out here. It has been rather lonely as of late.[/glow] She admits as she watched his reaction silently now.


Re: A great time to be alive - MORGAN WOLFSBANE - 04-03-2023

well Time, she did
as time, she does
Her response made him smile, thought it was bitter sweet. He disliked seeing anyone in such a dower mood as to ruin a perfectly good spring day. He took a few steps closer, catching her name and her mention of loneliness. "Morgan Craven Wolfsbane, son of Havana and Dalina Wolfsbane, brother to Markus Wolfsbane, and one of the many Wolfsbane family members." He dipped his head, chuckling dryly. "Not that any of that matters right now, I'm not yet with my family."

"I travel a lot, you see. Never in one place for too long," He sighed and sat down. "It gets dreadfully lonely. But, I am starting to head back to my home group. Doesn't stop me from yearning for company, though." He settled into a laying position, tucking his paws under his powerful body.

Re: A great time to be alive - Urbana - 04-04-2023

[glow=#000,1,400]YOUR INTEGRITY MAKES ME SEEM SMALL — 。+゚.[/glow]
He came closer and then introduced himself. Telling her about who he was and his own loneliness due to it. The woman relaxed with him laying down. Fully trusting him now. [glow=#c35548,1,400]You will be with them soon. At least, i hope you will be. Everyone needs family. Id do anything for mine to be around.[/glow] The woman replied in a rather calm tone despite the topic. The woman watched him a moment before speaking again. 

[glow=#c35548,1,400]We are one and the same. Wandering as staying still is far to dull, but suffering the loneliness of it. What are the odds?[/glow] She was fighting back a smile at this point. The mare was honestly happy to meet a kindred spirit. Ears forward as she added. [glow=#c35548,1,400]I settled for a small time, but that group is gone now. Perhaps you can tell me of your travels. I can share a bit about mine, though i have a feeling you have seen worlds i can only dream of.[/glow]
