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You dare touch me? - Printable Version

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You dare touch me? - Night of No Stars - 03-31-2023

Night was on the go. Simply out to escape work and relax far from prying eyes. Perhaps this was his mistake. The lightning maned lion was strolling slowly along the bloody river of his home. Thrilled with the way life was going. A beautiful partner to spend his life with. He had a rank and some power. He was noticed and loved and respected. He had everything Blood always wanted. Everything that brute never got and now that the little cowboy band they formed was disbanded, well.. Night felt he had won in the end.

That was until his larger sibling pounced from behind and slammed him to the earth. Crushing him under his weight and holding him down. The dark lion squirmed under the brighter male. Wiggling in an attempt to be free of his attacker. Until the voice he dreaded hearing spoke close to his ear.

'All alone pretty boy? It is such a shame. I told you that you were next.

Blood was always the stronger sibling, despite all Night's efforts to get on the same level. They were built differently and he was truly in trouble.


Re: You dare touch me? - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 03-31-2023

Most of the time, wherever Night was, Sakura wasn't far behind. She really didn't see the issue with her lagging around her partner, honestly she thought it was cute. Fuck everyone who didn't think so. But not only was it cute, it make Sakura Night's own personal bodyguard at times. No one sane would want to mess with the giant hound that was seemingly always at least ten feet from him.

Truthfully, Sakura had forgotten all about Blood. After the scuffle and mild argument the siblings had, the other had been completely tossed to the side. It was only when they spotted the two lions, and looked really hard at the one pinning Night, did the hellhound connect the dots. Paws pounding on the sand beneath, the hellhound started to close the distance.

Sakura tried to tackle Blood, hoping to knock him away at the very least, and pin them down at the very most. Whether or not she was successful, she would stare down the lion and snort. "Not really a smart move, trespassing like this."

Re: You dare touch me? - Night of No Stars - 03-31-2023

Night was grateful that Sakura was there and it was likely the only reason he was alive right now. As the weight of Blood was lifted from his back, he leaps up and away afew feet. Turning to see his sibling toppled away and pinned under the larger canine. Her words making him snort as he shook the dirt from his pelt and then strolled closer.

'This doesn't concern you, dog.'

The words spat from Blood's mouth and made him snarl sharply. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]What do we do with them? Their little home is gone, so we cant send them back. Perhaps toss them into the sea and hope they drown?[/glow] He was less than amused and it showed in those lightning blue eyes.

His gaze, for once, was like ice as he watched Blood thrash in a weak attempt to get free. 


Re: You dare touch me? - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 04-02-2023

Vicious was the snarl that the hellhound let escape, lips peeled in a terrible display of teeth as they hovered over the pinned brother. "It concerned me the moment you crossed the border, kitty-kat." She seethed, golden eyes burning. Saliva slipped through pointed fangs, and she shook her head. But as Night spoke, she attempted to plant a firm, gold-clawed paw on Blood's chest. "We could..." She hummed, uncharacteristically low in volume.

"So, tell me, Blood," She started, hoping to grab Blood's foreleg with her jaws and fling them to one side. "You believe in an afterlife?" Whether or not she was successful, she would still give Blood a hard stare, refusing to look at Night, lest she snap back into reality.

Re: You dare touch me? - Night of No Stars - 04-03-2023

The woman placed her paw on Bloods chest. Night watched with mild amusement as she spoke back to his sibling and then him. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]I wouldn't call it a kitty. Thats far to nice. He is more of a slimey eel.[/glow] The woman had him held down and Night leaned in closer. His focus on his sibling and those lightning blue optics filled with cold anger. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]All alone, Blood? What a shame. Couldnt hack it as a leader? Or did they see you for the bully you are and cast you out?[/glow]

He paused and stepped back in time for Sakura to throw his sibling to the side. Hearing bone crunch as Blood hit the ground. He watched her in awe before moving over to flop on his side taunting beside his sibling. Watching the lion struggle to get back up. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]Seems like you lost this time, Blood.[/glow] He taunts as the brute got to their paws. Night remained laying there and snorted.

'There is no afterlife.

The word was hissed as he lashed out at Night. Missing and the male rose to his feet. Trotting away to let Sakura toy with his sibling more.


Re: You dare touch me? - SAKURA R. LINGRÉ - 04-16-2023

Sakura could hear Night speak, though he seemed muffled, like she was underwater. With a swift shake of her head, golden eyes staring wide at Blood, she could hear clearly again. Jewelry and earrings clinked against one another as she watched Blood like some hungry wolf. And he spoke, and lashed out at Night, and she lurched forward.

With a monstrous noise, some sort of mix between a yell and a roar, she thrashed toward Blood like a bear, gold-tipped claws trying to slash their face and neck though their mane. It appeared as though she didn't hear their answer; if she did, though, she likely didn't care.