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Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Printable Version

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Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 03-30-2023

this is where you will find everything about night.
please feel free to message me on discord for plots or questions!

Re: Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 04-13-2023


1. Aesthetic Elementals - Owned - Mane and Tail Tuft
2. Electricity Elemental - Not Owned - Not Mastered
3. Large Mythical or Extinct Creature - Not Owned - Hellhound
4. Shapeshifting - Not Owned - Not Mastered

Re: Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 04-13-2023


1. Hellhound - Male - Black fur littered with blue markings - Lightning blue eyes - Whip like tail - Ram horns - Mohawk of lighting down his back

Re: Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 05-10-2023

❝ immortality is wasted on the young. ❞


Name: night of no stars
  — Nicknames/Aliases: night

Gender: male
  — Sex: male
  — Pronouns: he/him

Age: 3 years physically
  — Birth Date: 05/08/1989
  — Creation Date: 03/23/2022

Rank: councilman of relations of the pitt
  — Former Allegiances: pittian

Titles: vampire knight
  — Former Titles: none

Romantic and Sexual Orientation: bisexual biromantic
  — Status: taken
  — Previous Relationships: none
  — Crushes: sakura
  — Monogamous/Polygamous: monogamous

Known Languages: english, latin, swahili


MBTI Type: estj

Alignment: chaotic neutral

Mental Health: 90/100

Positive Traits: organized, observant, clever
Neutral Traits: questioning, attention seeking, forgets self care
Negative Traits: risk taker, drama seeking, no moral compass

Disorders: n/a
  — Quirks/Habits: grooming
  — Addictions: wine

Likes: being the center of attention

Dislikes: dirty work

Strengths: people pleasing
  — Talents: singing

Weaknesses: dirt
  — Phobias: automysophobia

Fears: fears being dirty

Aspirations: starting a family with sakura

Description: organized. he has his life together. keeps his items together. he always keeps track of his thoughts and his life. he wants to be able to find everything he needs instantly. so, he keeps his stuff together. observant. he likes to watch and learn. he studies others and tends to learn from them or about them. he can notice even the slightest change in his surroundings, often times before others notice it. clever. he is clever to a fault. making plans and tactics his thing. he likes to think, rather than feel. this helps him in combat more often than not.

attention seeking. he loves attention to a bad point. he needs it and can not thrive without it. he is always trying to find ways to get the attention he so craves. forgets to care for self. in his attempts for attention, he forgets about his other needs. thus, he often forgets to feed. not intentionally, but it happens. questioning. he will ask questions without a second thought. this is because he wants to know things. from how things work to how he can help. or, in some cases, its to have that attention.

risk taker. he will do things others find to be risky. all in the name of attention. he wants to do off the wall things to earn attention and to just have himself some fun. drama seeking. if there is drama, believe he will be there. he loves watching drama unfold and simply lives for it. he can, and will, cause drama as well if he is given a chance. no moral compass. he has no morals. he cares little for right or wrong he hardly cares for much, really. he simply does what he wants and doesn't think twice about it.


Reference(s): n/a

Species: feline
  — Breed: african lion

Physical Health: 100/100

Build: large, muscular
  — Height: 4ft
  — Weight: 330lbs

Exterior Type: fur
  — Color/Markings: black

Eye Color: lightning blue

Scars/Marks/Tattoos: none
  — Mutations: lightning mane, lightning tail tip
  — Artificial Enhancements: none

Accent: african
  — Manner of Speech: showman

Disorders: none
  — Permanent Injuries: none
  — Disabilities: none

Possessions and Accessories: silver string with a tooth on it, camel rib dagger, camel skull shoulder guard

Description: night is a large, muscular lion that almost seems to be carved from the shadows. he has a pelt of jet black fur that makes his steel grey mane and tail tip pop. his eyes are a lightning blue in color. has a silver string with a tooth hanging on it. has a dagger made from a camel rib and a shoulder guard that he never wears made of the skull of a camel. his mane is now made of lightning as is his tail tuft.


history and relations.
Parents: npc x npc
  — Generation: 1
  — Siblings: blood of fallen soul, dancing butterflies on soft breeze
  — Place of Origin: africa

Children: none

Notable Relatives: none

Loyalty to Individuals vs. Groups: loyal to those that show him loyalty

Friends: olalla, bakari
  — Best Friend: sakura

Apprentice(s): none
  — Mentor: none

Rivals: none

Feared Individuals: none

History: wip


Physical Level: hard

Mental Level: moderate

Battle Dynamics: tends to be more defensive in combat

Powers (mastery level 5/5): aesthetic elementals

Overall Skill Rating (6/10): not much in battle, but he tries
  — Strength: high
  — Speed: moderate
  — Agility: moderate
  — Intelligence: high
  — Endurance: low
  — Perception: moderate
  — Magical Ability: none

Rules for maim/kill/capture: ask before hand
  — Rules for nonviolent/peaceful interactions: allowed without asking

Social Difficulty: easy
  — Platonic Relationships: easy to befriend
  — Romantic/Sexual Relationships: impossible
  — Rivalries: moderate to form


❝ i can't help you. i belong to a world where all is death. your world of choices was not meant for me to interfere with. ❞

Re: Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 05-10-2023



african lion - vampire - taken - bio

Re: Night of No Stars ;; WELL IM NOT A ZOMBIE - Night of No Stars - 05-10-2023
