Beasts of Beyond
FELL ASLEEP WITH A VISION ? fishing - Printable Version

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FELL ASLEEP WITH A VISION ? fishing - vinicius - 03-29-2023


Waters lapping gently about his paws, the gilled siren standing in shallows with the warm sun bearing down on his blonde fur. Tongue barely kept within pearly teeth, his gaze fixed on the waters below with an easy grin on his narrow face. Blue eyes watched small fishes and minnows darting around his paws, observing with contentment the ocean's ecosystem. Slowly his tail wagged as he stood there, tongue lolling as he lowered his nose to the water and dunked his head into the waters.

Thrill of the chill racing his spine, the siren shifted his position, moving into deeper waters with a soft splash as his tail wagged harder, headed out for the edges of where his paws could touch the sand. Issuing a happy growl, the siren pulled on the net that he'd brought with him, intent on doing some fishing to at least fill his hungry belly and a few others.
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