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[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Pincher knew what to do by now but the sensation of doing it was painful. The easy chore of giving out weekly tasks for others to do was now something he struggled upon doing as the lean figure of the male stalked out of the rowdy tavern that was filled with members socializing and having their fun. It was the only place where Pincher was able to hide from the ones that demanded for him to seek medical help, his stubbornness for aid sticking strongly to him. He didn't need anyone and certainly could manage on his own, he has done it before even if the case was never as severe as now. His usually brilliant oceanic blue eyes were now misty with a haze of faded agony. How many days has it been? Two? His condition was growing worse but the canine wanted to focus on work, to show he was able to do it.

You really aren't as strong as you pretend to be. So drop the stupid act and go find some help, weakling.

Pincher’s fictional eyebrows furrowed, his solemn expression suddenly sharpening with seething determination. The voice that had decided to echo inside his fractured skull clearly didn't know the pirate and so he ignored it, stepping through the soft rich sand with his caramel paws softly kicking up the grain as he reached the center of the main area where the Typhoon was stationed at. Once he reached the cursed turtle statue that glinted in the summer sun’s rays, Pincher went to a sitting position with his back pressing against the warm surface of the metal. He was enjoying the strong gusts of wind that kept him from slipping into unconsciousness as the onyx colored captain called out Weekly tasks and ooc prompts here! Come and get em if you have nothing do” With that, the male raised a paw to roughly paw at the side of his head, trying to ease the migraine that has been pounding all day for him.

( mobile + you can ask for either a weekly task or/and ooc prompt !! )
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - Character Graveyard. - 06-04-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
The obsidian she-wolf had found herself walking over to Pincher after he spoke, her icy gaze on the Captain as she took a seat down. "I'll take both." Nessa said, flicking her ears upward as she spoke.
© madi

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - Beatrice - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]"You look awful, Pinch," Beatrice observed, trotting forward. She looked over her fellow canine, curiosity burning in her gaze. She could practically feel the pain rolling off of him in waves. The newly promoted Privateer wasn't going to push him to seek medical attention. No, that job would already be completed by everyone that fretted over every little thing. Pinch was a big boy. He could hold his own, or so she figured.

Flicking a ear, she barked, [color=#D87921][b]"I'll take a task, by the way."


Everybody seemed to be commenting on Pincher's health. Sure, the Captain didn't look too well, but hell if he cared enough to know how Pincher was. Hell, Pincher probably didn't even want to be seen like this; Caesar knew he wouldn't. "I'll take one." The demon said as he came over.

//An OOC one as well, please!

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - Wade Wilson - 06-04-2018

actions "speech"
"I'll take both, handsome." Wade chimed in after slinking over to join the few typhooners that were there. He was clad in a lovely pink Hawaiian shirt-- light and helpful what with the weather getting slowly hotter with summer approaching. He bit back a comment on Pinch's less than great appearance. Was he okay? Probably not. That was a stupid question, Wade.
[glow=black,2,300]HERE TO KICK NAMES AND TAKE ASS[/glow]

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - guts - 06-04-2018

Greed trotted up then, only giving the leader a once-over before grinning slightly. He would have to side with Caesar on the whole wounded Pincher thing--he couldn't care less himself. Commenting on it would probably just irritate or embarrass him, so he decided to just get what he had come for. "Yo, I'll take both," he announces with a flick of his head, shades falling down his nose.


Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - The Tombs - 06-04-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Iosef didn't understand why the hell Pincher wouldn't just visit a damn doctor. As the days ticked by, the captain's condition seemed to only worsen, and he began to feel a sense of fear for the Doberman. Was he fond of his leader? Surprisingly, yes. He respected and admired Captain Roux, which he felt only made things worse. His ambition was to climb this pirate hierarchy and seize the domain for his own purpose, was it not? Why would he dare to grow attached to anyone? You are not who you think you are.

With a click of his tongue the Siberian tiger made his appearance, declaring his interest in...whatever Pincher was doing. "I will take both as well." The feline was aware of tasks and prompts and the like, but he had never been assigned one himself. They were not a regular occurrence in his past life, but they most definitely were here.
[glow=#0097a3,2,300]LOSERS WEEPERS[/glow] —

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - georgie - 06-05-2018

[color=white]You’re doing so great, Pincher. So strong.” She was curious how long he’d last at this rate, wondered when they’d get to see him fall to pieces on the job. She hoped it was during a meeting.

Georgie flounced close. “[color=white]Aaaanyway, gimme both please!


[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
It seemed a decent amount of members were able to apply their services to doing shit around Typhoon. Good. Pincher didn't like having unproductive pirates lingering around the island without pulling their weight. The male lowered his tawny brown paw to the soft sandy floor, frigid blue eyes locking onto the ones of Vanessa. He gave a light nod towards her, trying not to allow the pain in his head to distract him from his work. As more came, Pincher counted inside his head on as well on what he should give to each volunteer. " [member=914]Vanessa,[/member] how about you have a game of truth and dare, find out who's got the balls do any dare. [member=495]Beatrice[/member] , I appreciate the compliment. But for your task, how about you set up a little haiku or poem class? [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] , for your task, I'd like you to teach a lesson of self defense or a weaponry lesson." Pincher's was glad the first part of his orders were finished, waiting for his mind to process that he should think more into what to give to Wade and the others. A faded spark of amusement flickered in his cool blue eyes as Wade called him "handsome" yet the doberman simply continued " [member=939]Wade Wilson[/member] , how about you make a beach party? Go wild with what to do, just don't throw anyone in the volcano. [member=697]GREED[/member] , how about playing a prank on someone, gotta keep our group on their toes someway. [member=169]IOSEF[/member] , a mini lesson of Russian since you like cursing me out in it, teach 'em the insults first so we can curse our enemies in different lanuages. [member=151]georgie[/member] , you can either help out Greed with his prank or make one yourself."

Vanessa = What does Vanessa like to do in her spare time?
Beatrice = Beatrice supposedly is followed around by bluebirds? Why do they and has the number increased?
Caesar = Caesar desires for his powers but is unable to. How does he release some steam from being powerless?
Wade = Wade seems to like hawaiian shirts, how many does he have and where does he get/find them?
Greed = Greeds' shades seem to be a familiar piece in his appearance. What happens if he loses them?
Iosef = Does Iosef loves taking care of rabbits, what kind does he have and what are their names?
Georgie = Georgie seems to love to unsettle people, what are some things that unsettle her?
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]

Re: BACKSEAT BURN — WEEKLY TASKS/OOC PROMPTS 6.4.18 - Verdigris - 06-07-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper would have made a comment on Pincher's health himself, were it not for the fact that someone had already done so, with no effect. Most likely, Lily would eventually get fed up and lock him in the medic's quarters to treat him, and that would be the end of that. With a shrug, the jackal followed Greed over and chimed in, "I'll take both, yeah." Self-defense and dares sounded entertaining, but he'd have to keep an eye out for pranks.
