Beasts of Beyond
COME SAIL AWAY ? introduction - Printable Version

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COME SAIL AWAY ? introduction - vinicius - 03-17-2023


lords knew what the wayfarer was doing out here on the beaches of the sea. it hadn't been that long since he'd left behind his colorful village for the high seas. the people of ephixa wouldn't miss the siren, he knew that much. tipping his head as he stood, staring out at the open sea and the rolling storm clouds up in the sky. his ears slowly flattened as the wolf whined, a sound he couldn't hear himself. he couldn't hear the thunder either, but he could feel it's reverberations through the air and the sand under his paws. his gaze drifted out to the boats tied up along a dock, his own resting among them. he had been here at this land for some time now, a few weeks at most, and he hadn't been enveloped in the war. swallowing, the siren would turn away from the setting sun and the storm that was rolling in, heading back into the depths of the typhoon's camp. he wanted to reach his home before the storm came, or some shelter.

inhaling, the siren walked along as his gills fluttered at his neck, stress-scent rolling off his pelt as he walked. he didn't like the idea of storms though he knew they helped his crops. he'd been battered by a storm on his way here, had lost his boat and washed up all kinds of battered. the hull of his boat had managed to stay intact, a project for him to work on before it was planting season. turning left when he struck out for his hut at the edge of camp, where all of his scrambled belongings stood. the siren was mid-step when thunder pealed and lightning crackled across the sky, causing him to drop to the ground with a frightened yelp at the bright flash and rumbling he couldn't find the source of. the poor deaf siren was frightened out of his wits.
[align=center][Image: bastard.png]

Re: COME SAIL AWAY ? introduction - Cobra - 03-17-2023

They heard a Yelp and stopped midstep. They were headed towards the ocean to swim. The storm not bothering them much. After all, the merdog enjoyed the ocean swells during such a thing. Paws carry the beast over to stop before the scared siren. Ears forward as their fish tail swayed behind them. The storm was scary for some, and it seemed to be that way for this one.

"Do you need company?" They did not know the other was deaf. Yet, the words were spoken softly and slowly. Wanting to keep the air of calmness in hopes of helping the siren.

actions | "speech" | attacking
♒︎ i've become so numb, i can't feel you there

Re: COME SAIL AWAY ? introduction - amegon. - 03-17-2023

The beast was next to approach, called by the yelp and the storm itself. There was bitterness in his approach, envy turned to whatever churned the sky in his place. A soft rumble left him, coming to a stop next to the merdog and siren.

"Good storm coming this way." he huffed, looking at the two before putting two claws up to his forehead and extending his paw out.
@ teef

Re: COME SAIL AWAY ? introduction - vinicius - 03-29-2023


The arrival of the merdog, a creature in some ways similar to himself, the siren would lift his head, blue eyes damp with frightened tears. He didn't know the purpose of the thunder included in a storm or the lightning, but he knew the rain it usually brought was good for growing things, but that didn't stop the fear when he couldn't understand the scarier things. His eyes tracked the movements of Nimbus' lips, frowning faintly as he tried to decipher. Whatever. As long as they don't leave me alone, he thought as he could only nod his head and crawl closer with the intent to press himself against their legs, trembling almost violently. His gaze lifted upwards as a great long beast approached them, jaw slackening. When did eels grow this big and walk on land? The siren had never met a dragon before, living in an isolated ocean village for much of his life. Blinking a few times in shock before wagging his tail anxiously at Amegon.
[align=center][Image: bastard.png]