Beasts of Beyond
Sunset or Sunrise ;; joiner ;; Chaos will rise - Printable Version

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Sunset or Sunrise ;; joiner ;; Chaos will rise - Xendecos - 03-16-2023

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]Thump. Thump. Thump.

The sound of tiny paws running. Little giggles leaving tiny maw as the winged kitten ran. He was just barely able to walk, so his movements were wobbly at best. Thus, he toppled over his own feet and let out the loudest squeak. Startled by his own clumsy limbs as he lay sprawled on the sand. Slowly he stood and shook the sand from his pelt.

Being a kitten, only two months old, he was rather clueless as to his trespassing. Then again, even if he knew, would he have cared? Not likely. It would have added to the chaos of the day. It was what he lived for. He loved to cause chaos and have fun. He just absolutely loved it.

What he didn't love was the gathering seagulls. A flock slowly gathering nearby him. The child would waves his tail and swats at the closest one. "Go away." His tiny hiss was cute, but did nothing to chase the birds off. Then they swarmed and he squeaked in surprise. They bore down on him as he ran. He ran until he was able to crawl into the base of an old rotted palm tree stump.

"Hewp. Hewp!" His pittiful cries for help would almost be drowned out by the swarming and screeching sea gulls. They were trying to pull his tiny frame from the hole he was in. Pressing himself to the back wall and hissing. Little back arched and fur fluffed up and spiky. He was scared, as any kitten would be.

"speaking" | telepathy | attacking

Re: Sunset or Sunrise ;; joiner ;; Chaos will rise - amegon. - 03-18-2023

The dragon had been simply walking along the beach, keeping to the shade of palm trees when he saw them. A swarm of gulls trying to get... something. As he started to wander closer, his ears picked apart the cries of the gulls and heard a child. And, though he was always one to let things happen, he let out a screech, charging into the flock.

"Get away from it, you filthy sky rats!" he roared, snapping his jaws at any straggling seagulls too stupid to fly away. He ended up getting a few small meals.

With one final roar, sending the rest of the disgusting poultry away, he snorted and turned to look at the rotten palm stump. "You can come out now, they're gone." he huffed, tail flicking.
@ teef

Re: Sunset or Sunrise ;; joiner ;; Chaos will rise - Xendecos - 03-18-2023

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 45%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px;"]A booming voice that yelled at the things attacking him. Sky Rats? The child guessed that this was what they must be called. Then, a loud sound he couldn't understand. It made him shiver a bit, but the birds were soon silent. The voice spoke again, but this time to him.  Telling him it was safe now and he trusted the voice. Slowly, a tiny head popped out of the small whole he was in. Eyes wide as he craved his tiny neck to look up at the dragon, not that he knew what they were. A look of awe dancing on his face.

"Tank you!" He finally chirped out as his little body wiggles free of his hiding place. He would bounce over to the much, much, much larger male and attempt to rub his little frame on the others massive talons. The little winged kitten let his wings flutter a tiny bit before sitting down abruptly in the shade and safety of the larger male. "They'we mean."

The small beast would tilt his head as he looked back up to the larger male. Wondering who they were. Then again, he had no name to offer ether. His parents never gave him one. Perhaps there was a reason, but he had no clue what it could be.

speaking | telepathy | attacking