Beasts of Beyond
Siblings like you make better enemies - Printable Version

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Siblings like you make better enemies - tanglewoodian - 03-13-2023

She joined tanglewood and was finally free of them. She was relieved, really. They caused far to much drama. Night was so full of himself. Blood was a murderous psyco. She needed to be free of them to flourish. It was just all to obvious for her. The beautiful woman moved along in silence as she left her homes boarders. Wanting to try her hand at getting berries for dyes.

It was, after all, best to use natural dies on pelts for her wardrobe.  It was on this trip she found them again and she stopped dead. Eyes on the duo as they argued. Always fighting each other. It was so sad to see them still at it.

'And you wonder why mother liked me more? You want to kill the family and only have two left to go. But I dare you to try me.'

The words of Night were cocky and bold. As if he had ever won a fight with Blood before. Butterfly tenses as she noticed Blood's muscles twitching. The same thing she witnessed all to long ago.

'No I only have one left. Butterfly is long gone.'

The words sunk in and she finally hit her breaking point. Eyes narrowing in anger, the southern bell stormed closer. Catching the duo off guard as she snapped at them. "I will have you know that i am very much alive and can very much survive without y'all." Her southern accent was highly noticeable in her anger as she stopped short of them. Head held high and eyes blazing.

"Now listen here you over grown cubs. It is high time you get over yourselves and grow up. All this fighting and seeking to kill each other is pathetic. You both are pathetic. You hear me?" She was clearly angry. Blood was angry now to.

'How dare you. You can not speak to me like that.'

She snorts at the words she would have once flinched away from. Standing her ground and remaining confident in her actions. "I can and will. You only find yourself mad as the words chosen are far to big for your minisculebrain to comprehend.  Want me to dumb it down to caveman speach?" She retorted with ease. Then she heard the laughter and her head snapped over to Night.

"And just what are you laughing at? If i jumped from that inflated ego of yours to Blood's IQ i would die instantly. That is if the lack of oxygenfrom that hight didnt kill me first. Perhaps you should get that in check, princess." She watched the two deflate and become rather stunned. She had never spoken to them in such a way before. The woman would turn on her heel and stalk away. Her goal of finding berries ruined.

"I truly hope you both can grow up." She growled as she started for the tree line. Stopping g only to turn and sit. Watching them to see if they would stop or not. Though it seemed they were at a loss for words.

actions | "speech" | attacking
broke as hell, but blessed with beauty