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love and war ✧ joining - Printable Version

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love and war ✧ joining - arcy - 06-04-2018

The tiny claws clutching at Ash's shoulders provide a familiar, comforting weight as he treads through the paw-deep water. It's nice, spending time in the water again. The savannah's stubbed tail wags behind him all throughout. He's excited, honestly -- I mean, this had never been part of the plan, but it's not like Ash had a plan in the first place. He'd just sort of ... set out, without any real expectations and a little angry pika. He'd been getting kind of ... tired, around the time he'd heard about clans or whatever they were. There was only so long you could go without a destination or end goal before you just got sick of it, which was probably why so many people inevitably returned to the tiny seaside group. Ash didn't really want to be one of those people -- Pallet was tiny and restricting and Ash wanted to get better. He loved his hometown, and his mom, he wasn't just gonna abandon them, but in the meantime, Ash had at least some goal. (mostly, to prove himself so he can brag about it to Gary, but that's besides the point)
Ash steps onto the island without grace. He exits the water and then immediately makes to shake the water off of himself, one paw at a time. He didn't like the feel of the sand, and the savannah grumbles, agitated. One top of his head, the tiny yellow pika giggles at his plight, to which Ash decides it isn't worth it and this entire place is covered in sand. The savannah shakes his head, and a few steps later, plops into a sitting position. The Typhoon -- pirates!! Ash wasn't sure how he'd like it, he didn't even intend to stay here forever. As much as Ash was sure he'd like the connections and training, once he'd had his fun, he'd probably leave. Ash had always been restless, unwilling to stay confined to one place for too long. (that didn't mean Ash wouldn't be loyal for the time he was here -- they weren't anything special, though. When Ash properly devoted himself to something, he'd be at it whole-heartedly until he was just ... done)
However, it's after just a few minutes of sitting and waiting that Ash is already impatient. He'd been told that it shouldn't take long for people to show up, right? But he hadn't seen anybody? Or had they just not noticed Ash's presence? Which would be kind of hard to do, his dark fur stark against the sand. Oh, well if that wasn't enough, he'd just have to announce himself.
"Hell-oo!!! Is anybody theree!!" The savannah hollers, a strange combo of 'hopeful/friendly' and 'impatient/brash'. Who knows how he did that. But it happened. With this done, Ash huffs. Now ... another few minutes. Pikachu, the tiny yellow Pika, sits at his paws now, and Ash looks at it ruefully. "It won't take too long, will it?" He whines. Pikachu looks up at him and shrugs unhelpfully, before going back to surveying. Well, at least the rodent was doing anything at all.
//its 3am sorry lmfao
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: love and war ✧ joining - ARGUS - 06-04-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] You made an ash ketchum bless, just what the salt crew needs//

Argus was ironically in the water when she spotted the savanna cat wading through the water. Apparently missing the keep out signs around the railroad- the only real way within the border unless he well swam. Which was unlikely but not impossible. After all, Argus flew here instead of the usual, and keona and her... father? had made a rickedy boat to the island's edge. Still, it took someone who was a little dense or, uncaring about borders to end up within the border on pirate lands no less. She didn't have a doubt that the fucker has already been pick pocketed. Probably why he was here- actually.

Still- Argus was rather enjoying herself in the water. Floating now to the surface and just watching him slowly get more and more agitated. It was amusing Dark ruby eyes glinting in mirth as she watched the other almost loose it in impatience. there was nothing funnier than watching someone loose their temper, and a little patience was a good way on putting someone off guard. If he was here to start a fight about something getting stolen, it would do better to unnerve him first. Get him unguarded and off balance- then go for the kill. See- while her clanmates gathered gold or shiny things from others. Argus took skulls. And the little pika skull would do well along a wind chime. Maybe even cheer one of her clan mates after the ritual, eh?

But she couldn't expect to get her hopes up, and thinking murder and maim of a possible future clanmate wasn't the best thing. So Argus set across the sands. Instead of walking towards the other from behind she snapped her wings open and launched from the water. Droplets shaken off as she shook in the air. A rowdy grin upon the officer's features as she watched the other. Landing with the same grin if not a little bit more dangerous. "If yer here to get your stuff back you better run back home. Otherwise I'm going to need a name." Whisper's smile was full of teeth. Win red eyes glimmered in amusement as she leaned backwards. "'Nd the reason you're here, stranger"

Re: love and war ✧ joining - bubblegum - 06-04-2018

goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
wiggles eyebrows

the kitten was still getting to know everybody, and she was trying really hard! but, it was kind of difficult with so many new, big faces. she had been gone longer than she thought. but, she just needed to adjust was all, which is why she actively sought out voices and faces she didn't recognize now. and this time was no exception, as she heard someone yelling out and asking if anyone was here. why, yes, plenty of people were here! and so was she! so, the kitten would trot over excitedly. she wondered if this was a joiner, since they were actively calling for others. the thought of a new friend made her excited!

but, just as she got close, she got distracted by argus' mini-flight. wings were so pretty! this distraction made her lose her balance and trip over her big paws. she was used to this by now, however she landed right on her face this time and it didn't feel so good. "ow," she grumbled quietly before shaking herself and quickly recovering, just as usual. then, she went back to happily trotting over as she remembered what she was doing. meeting new friends! "hiya, we're here! why are you here? who're you?" she asked sort of loudly and quickly, basically repeating argus' questions, her tone mostly curious.

Re: love and war ✧ joining - Character Graveyard. - 06-04-2018

IF LOOKS COULD KILL ✧ Vanessa Carlysle - The Typhoon
Another joiner. Vanessa had found herself approaching after the young female had, noticing the energy levels of Goldenluxury. She was certainly the little ball-of-energy. Nessa focused her gaze on Ash, taking note of the small Pika on his shoulder. How adorable.

"Dittoing Argus." She said, offering a nod to the Savannah cat.
© madi

Re: love and war ✧ joining - arcy - 06-04-2018

Honestly, Ash didn't even have any valuables to pick pocket. He didn't own anything valuable, he was just a kid from Pallet with a hat, a broken seashell, and little pika. Literally, nothing else. All of them were simply sentimental, after all. The shell necklace was honestly probably just kinda weird to people, too. But, well, it was a memento, even if it was between him and Gary, not anything worth anything.
Anyways, finally seeing somebody is a relief. Pikachu is the one to alert him, the little pika squeaking as he tugs on Ash's fur leg fur, one paw raised to point. The savannah blinks a few times as he follows his companion's gaze to ... something. She's trying to be intimidating, maybe. Ash doesn't really notice. He'd face on just about anyone, honesetly. So, Ash grins, barely noticing what she's saying, about to somewhat dramatically introduce himself, then -- whoops. Ash blinks at the kitten he sees a few times. (he's never actually seen like -- any small children in his life. It was kinda funny.) The same question, then, but from somebody smaller. And ... somebody literally dittoing somebody. Argus? Who was that? The winged one?
"Actually, I'm here to join!" Ash chimes, mostly to Argus, but also for everybody else. His tail sweeps, and Pikachu, a little put off by the newcomers, is clambering back onto the Savannah's shoulders from where he'd been next to Ash's paws. 'Get his stuff back' -- stealing, then? Wow, so they were really pirates!! This should be interesting! While Ash wasn't one to condone theft or whatever else this group did(ash didn't pay attention), it'd be ... mostly okay? 'Cause they were pirates. Pirates did that. Ash, personally, didn't plan to participate in that. Stealing was wrong and all that. "I'm Ash, nd this is my buddy, Pikachu!" The savannah beams, kinda like the sun. It was kinda odd, for somebody like Ash to be joining a place like the Typhoon. Anyways, he'd be motioning to the Pika if he could, but he just kinda. Couldn't. He didn't have arms. Anyways, Pikachu was kinda funny, in a way -- not only the rodent's strange coloration, but also the name. Seriously, what kind of name was Pikachu? It was probably just some kind of weird pun. 'Pika', for the species, 'chu', for -- something??? Kiss, peeking? Who knew, with Ash.
//:^)) my boy is in and i be Excited™ lmaO. a boy nd his rat. and a bunch of pirates.
[glow=black,2,300]all these memories that we've made made[/glow]

Re: love and war ✧ joining - guts - 06-04-2018

Greed stumbles upon the group gathered, his trademark smirk on his face, purple eyes hidden behind his shades. He comes to stand beside Argus, the person he's most familiar with that's there. Really, he isn't sure how he had gotten onto the island. He wasn't sure how he had gotten into this world in general. Last time he checked, animals didn't talk where he was from, so this must have been some weird alternative universe. Or a dream--though it was definitely going on for a long damn time. An afterlife, maybe?

Either way, he tried not to think on it too much. Otherwise he'd get a headache. He quirks an invisible brow at the weird looking rat thing the kid had with him, but otherwise didn't comment on it. The thing looked awful weird, though. As the savannah cat introduced himself, he nods, though he isn't too impressed with their names. But he couldn't say much, considering his name was literally just Greed.

"Welcome, then," he says with a nonchalant shrug. "I'm Greed. Nice to meet'cha," his smirk, which had disappeared for a moment, then returned. Even though this rat looked off, it was still pretty tempting. He could ask Ash where he had gotten it--but really, where was the fun in that?


Re: love and war ✧ joining - Owlie - 06-06-2018

“Oh, the boy has a pet.” Does your’s call you master too? Maybe some small part of him missed his cyborg. But attachment like that was weakness and Anakin’s ghost was out for blood.

Electricity crackled at his paws. Krataa resumes his composure and moves to a perch in a nearby tree, sulfuric eyes watching the joiner. [b]”Awful young to be alone.”

Re: love and war ✧ joining - ARGUS - 06-06-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] If Argus was disappointing with the other's lack of response, she didn't show it. Instead the Officer seemed a little bit more earnest in her subtle threats. Even at the sound of the other's joining. It made her smile a little more sharper if nothing else. Well, he'd be staying until Argus scared him off, if nothing else she would prank the hell out of him. While Argus had a like mind to becoming an honest beast of war, on her downtime and- more relaxed moments of peace she liked to keep the rest of the clan on their toes.

Another victim In either ways. Joining would only prolong the exposuretorture. To say she was delighted was a little of an understatement. Her grin subdued a little, but her voice got more friendly and her eyes a little darker as she leaned back giving the other his space as Argus' clanmates started to gather and question him as well- welcome him and his little companion. "Welcome to the Typhoon then, Ash. Please mind the badgers, they are around here somewhere."

Her wings settled closely at her side, tucking back into her form within one motion. The light tinge of sea fresher on her but the undercurrent of ash and blood that is usually her scent still cling under the scent of the typhoon. She is at ease, and while mostly teasing with her threats of death, the air around her is easy While her red eyes are dull and dark there is a glimmer of light within them, the set of her soldiers is only result of of her wings taking up her back. Katana hidden under the feathers- even the hilt pushed back so the edge of the sword almost pokes out near her tail.

"Welcome home." Its kind of a saying, something Argus hopes to preserve from when she was first welcomed. She didn't even let Krataa drag her down. Imagine that.

Re: love and war ✧ joining - PINCHER - 06-07-2018

[Image: BK0vpCE.png]
Joiners were always a casual sighting to Pincher when he was able to travel outside his submarine to go and patrol the railroad gate. It made it easy since he doubted anyone would come swimming in turbulent shark-infested waters that surrounded the coral reef area of the island though the dark male knew there could be other ways. Yet, he trusted his crew to know that they would easily tear apart any tresapassers that sought trouble within a group that were known for causing trouble themselves. The long-limbed figure of the obsidian colored canine was stalking through the long waves of sand on the beach, trekking lightly towards the group that had begun to form a lazy circle around a stranger. As the healing captain grew closer, his half-lidded oceanic blue eyes locked forward onto Ash, a fictional eyebrow quirking as he was quite the odd looking little fellow. Pincher halted beside Greed and Argus, slightly leaning against his Officer, hoping she wouldn't slice his head off for using her for a little support. His vision was still blurry and while his head was wrapped with bandages, Pincher was still feeling like complete shit despite the medicinal herbs that had been given to him.

"W...Welcome. Name's Pincher. Captain around this place. Where the hell are you from?" Pincher drawled out the first sentence in the beginning before being able to finally articulate his speech better, straightening ever so slightly as the dizziness had eased off. He didn't want to be seen as someone who couldn't even stand straight but he was still recovering from the embarrassing faint in the last meeting. The haunting memory was still fresh and caused the skin beneath the fur of his cheeks to burn yet he forced himself to keep a cool expression. The lean scarred doberman's eyes flickered towards the tinier creature that Ash seemed to bring to the Typhoon, hopefully, the less contained members would not attempt to sink their teeth into the pet. That would certainly cause some trouble even though Pincher himself was rather interested and curious on what Pikachu tasted like due to his fascination with trying different kinds of meat.
[align=center][Image: iZHBbjf.png]