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Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - Printable Version

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Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - Night of No Stars - 03-13-2023

A newer group. One that caught the eye of himself and Olalla. So, why not make good allies out of them? The lion came to the boarder on day three of his trip and released himself from his wagon harness. Taking the gifts for this group from the back. A basket of armors, foods, weapons, and herbs. Though the foods were mostly blood and the odd normal meal.

He would set them on the boarder and sit himself. Eyes on the distance. Wondering if he would meet these fellow vampires. Tail swishing behind him as he thought about all the vampires that dwelled here. It was a dream for him. More like him and his kin. He just wondered if his gifts would sway them into considering his home a neutral at least.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - JULIUS WOLFSBANE - 03-13-2023

The vampiric lion would not be alone for long, as the deep grey body of Julius descended from a nearby tree, wings gracefully moving him around until his dainty paws had hit the ground. The jackal sniffed the air, finding the familiar tang of vampirism, something so faint among the born lines, but so strong among the ones who were turned. The Lord approached Night with a wry smile on his face. "We haven't even made ourselves known among the larger groups -- how strange that someone smelling of desert would come up with gifts at my door?" He crooned, looking up at Night.

"Lord Julius Wolfsbane of Noctis Imperium. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He bowed his head for a moment, but thoughts stirred in his head. How quickly did word spread? Who knew of Noctis Imperium? Trade was rather dry the past few months. Was there a spy?

Re: Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - Night of No Stars - 03-13-2023

A few minutes was all it took. Then, he was face to face with one of the leaders. Though he would not know much about their ranks. But the way they spoke told him that this was the case. This was the leader, and they went by lord. So, he spoke with respect and he bowed his head and slide the gifts forward.

"Word travels on the lips of merchants and on passers by. While i did not know of your groups name, i was told of a territory filled with vampires like myself. I could not pass up such a chance, lord wolfsbane." He would look up and be glad these rumors were truth.

Rumors could be lies and the fact he was greeted showed them not to be lies. "I am Night of No Stars. I come from the Pitt to extend an olive branch of friendship as one of the Councilman."

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - JULIUS WOLFSBANE - 03-20-2023

The Lord eyed the gifts for moment, pearly blue eyes shifting in thought. "Trade has been dry, so i merely wonder." he hummed, hooking the baskets handle with a paw and pulling it toward him. The Pitt.

"Your group may yet have a place in our neutrals, Night of No Stars. Tell your Olalla that these gifts are greatly appreciated." he grinned, but sat down. "But I am far more curious about you."

"My father was Markus Wolfsbane, a lion much like you. How are vampires viewed out there?" he tilted his head, a wing twitching.

Re: Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - Night of No Stars - 03-20-2023

The words were calm and the lion blinked softly. "Perhaps i can set up trade between our groups. To help with that." The male paused and then tilted his head down a bit. The fact the lord seemed concerned was troublesome. Then he spoke of them being neutrals. This was wonderful and he was about to speak when the words continued.

He was surprised and then he paused in thought. "I am glad to hear such news of neutrality." He offered a respectful dip of his head before looking to the lord again. "While i do not know of your fathers name, i can answer your question. The reactions and views are mixed. Where i live, vampires are welcomed openly. Other places i can not speak for. There are those that hate us, but usually can be swayed if they take the time to listen."

He paused a moment. "There are vampire hunters, but they are rare. For the most part they view you for your actions, not your vampirism." At least this was his experience.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Shadow on the go ;; pitt visitor - BLUEBERG - 03-30-2023

[Image: d6rmi7u-d2c502c2-3da8-43e4-9748-6c6962b1...gfX8S0qSTY]
“Reaaaaaaaally?” Ichor called, long and high-pitched, as xe flew down from the trees.

The little vampire bat circled above in long and fast circles. Xe beat xyr wings, slowing down as xe looked for a spot to land. But with a strange lion—even an apparently friendly lion—Ichor was reluctant to land in open space. So, as Ichor slowed to a descent, Ichor attempted to land on Julius’s back.

“My people think larger mammals are terrified of us vampire bats.” Ichor thought that was silly for them to be afraid of xem—xe only ate two tablespoons of blood, trivial for any large animal to lose—but xe had to admit the vampiric larger mammals required… a great deal of blood.