Beasts of Beyond
Work is work ;; leaving to give gift baskets - Printable Version

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Work is work ;; leaving to give gift baskets - Night of No Stars - 03-13-2023

He was beaming with pride as he got ready. Mane groomed, pelt clean, necklace with newly painted tooth on it, and a smile plastered on his face. He was a glorious sight as he stepped out of his house and stretched. The baskets in a waggon and ready to go. The male was on a mission to meet others.

So the male moved to the wagon and looked about. Wondering if others may want to go with him? He was sure they wouldn't mind it. Tail swishing, he turned to look at the busy faces and frowned a moment. Maybe it was better for him to go alone. He did not want to bother others. Plus he could hit frostguard last and stay the night with Sakura.

The male was excited about that idea. So, he started to harness himself to the waggon. If others asked he would tell them what he was up to. Then he was off. Heading to do his job. He would be home again. He made sure everyone knew it.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Work is work ;; leaving to give gift baskets - Bakari - 03-23-2023

The cheetah had been blessed by a basket made by careful paws previously. He cherished it and it's future contents, but could not forget that other baskets were to be destined upon others. With that in mind, he could not let the male go without a goodbye from their new friend Bakari. After all, his first impression was begging for a basket... Perhaps this would be an improvement on the previous interaction. With a task at mind, the feline headed out into the territory in search of the kind being.

Spotting a wagon from afar, paws quickened their pace. Eventually, he landed at the edge of the wagon's filled edge with a skittering halt. Bakari's gaze momentarily surveyed the filled baskets, only to let his gaze dash up to the other's face moments later. "On your way out?" he curiously asked. The cheetah, knowing the answer to his question already, continued on quickly. "You are... Yes." The monochromatic feline nodded to himself. "You should be careful on your adventure now, though I'm sure most groups won't give you trouble." The Coalition of the Condemned was full of pansies, but Tanglewood and The Typhoon were too busy infighting to care about the rest. The Pitt, in the meantime, seemed to be being nice for once. Bakari was displeased by that, but kept that to himself.

The cheetah caught himself before rambling off. Instead, he routed to his main point. "I'd like to thank you for the basket, my friend. It matches the hairdo perfectly." His paw ran through his mohawk in a show of his color. As a thank you, he offered his service. "Now, if you need a hand, I can help," he remarked.

Re: Work is work ;; leaving to give gift baskets - Night of No Stars - 03-30-2023

The voice was one he knew and he let his head turn. The jet black lion would offer a friendly smirk. His braided mane of slate grey ruffling as he dipped his head to the cheetah. Lightning blue eyes sparkling as the male rambled on and he let his claws flex into the earth under him. Not threatening in nature, but rather relaxed in nature. The brute offered a rumble, his form of a purr, and spoke. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]Got a lot of stops to make it to. I am sure i will be alright, though.[/glow] He replied to the first question, despite the fact the other answered for him.

[glow=#ffffff,1,400]But, if i run into trouble i can handle it. I know a thing or two about talking my way out of trouble.[/glow] He laughed slightly. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]And you are welcome. I hope it gives you many moon cycles of use.[/glow] The vampiric lion offered casually. Then he noted the offer of help and he hummed. [glow=#ffffff,1,400]I can handle this, but when i return i may need a hand getting ambassadors under wraps.[/glow] He offered with a flick of his tail.


Re: Work is work ;; leaving to give gift baskets - Olalla - 04-10-2023

Olalla G. Semenov
Male— Ardent— The Pitt— Bio.— Plot
The hot days were spent in doors, his sickly frame growing thin and his joints achy. But he'd never admit he was sick, not to Night of No Starts, not to Aegon, and especially not to Kold. Oh how he missed her, in all her glaring glory. While his mind remained on Kold, he spoke with certainty and quivering poise as he reached the two felines.

"I appreciate you doing this, Night," Olalla called as he sat back onto his haunches with a low groan. "It'll help us in the long run." The beast had never spoken to Bakari, this cheetah was a new face to him. A face he did not care to know; you see one feline you've seen 'em all. He cleared his throat lightly and nodded his head in greeting to the spotted, slender, stick of a cat.