Beasts of Beyond
you are my home ; injured - Printable Version

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you are my home ; injured - sykes - 03-11-2023

Nokron had long since passed out from his injuries.
Blood had soaked into his fur and gone dry, turning into a crust.
Nokstella had slipped past the grotesque, rotting heads that lined the desert, in the hopes of finding a water source to wash away the blood from her brother's ever-weakening body.

She'd had no such luck, however. The only water source she'd found had been crimson red, and reeked of blood and death. She doubted it was even drinkable, and as such, decided she would not risk her twin's health with it. Instead, she'd decided that the desert was obviously no use, and to look elsewhere for the help she'd needed.

They'd be almost back at the border by the time they were found, Nokron still out cold, and Nokstella walking with a very apparent limp. Still, it was somewhat impressive that either of them were still alive, given the extent of their injuries.

please wait for kold to respond first!

Re: you are my home ; injured - Kold - 03-11-2023

The Councilwoman was, for the first time in a while, out in the desert, wings hiding her frail body as she walked along the Nile, straw-like fur doing little against the occasional winds. The wolf-rottie halted as she smelled something, a stranger, laced with blood. "Shit." She huffed, and started to follow the scent.

Before long she spotted the limping Doberman, not yet sighting the downed one, and she let out a growl. It was soft; could have been mistaken for a sigh. "Hope you had a good reason for trespassing." She called out, loosely following Norkstella.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you are my home ; injured - sykes - 03-11-2023

The Doberman stiffened as she smelled the scent of another; forgive her harsh reaction, but she'd just had a run in with one aggressive stranger, she didn't want to have to put up with another.

Her fur raising along her spine, she span around quickly, startled, as Kold spoke.
She blinked at the larger woman, taking a few small, cautious steps backwards so she was covering her brother's limp body. She didn't know what the Others were like yet, but her experiences thus far hadn't been great.

"We- I was just leaving." She offered as her only response, keeping her hackles up, though she made no move to attack; she was weary, sure, but she didn't have a death wish. She had to keep her brother safe.

Re: you are my home ; injured - Kold - 03-11-2023

Kold halted as the other turned around, lips twitching as she watched. Obsidian eyes glanced down at the body below Norkstella, and Kold felt herself relax. "What were you looking for?" She asked, standing her ground while she looked at the two. Beat up all to hell. Her eyebrows furrowed as thoughts ran in her mind. The Councilwoman of Wellbeing... These two weren't from The Pitt, so she had no obligation to even help them, but...

"You won't make it far past our borders, anyway. I mean, hell, look at you. Look at him." She was pointing out the obvious, yes, but it was the thought that counted. "I could help you. There's a medic back at my camp." Her camp. It.. well it wasn't really hers per say, but it was hers to take care of.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: you are my home ; injured - sykes - 03-11-2023

She felt herself relax slowly.
The woman was unlike the other one, the one that had attacked them. They didn't even particularly smell alike.
Her eyes flickered back and forth between Kold and Nokron for a moment, weighing her options carefully.

She could refuse, but what could that do? Nokron would die during the night.
"I was looking for water, to clean him off." She responded, sighing, allowing her body to relax completely.
She didn't like accepting help from others, but Nokron needed it. She didn't like being in debt, and yet what other choice did she have? She furrowed her brows in aggravation. "I-I don't know much about herbs, myself. 'Specially not what's round here." She grunted, obviously uncomfortable with the position she'd put herself in. "If you help him... I would be in your debt."

Re: you are my home ; injured - Night of No Stars - 03-13-2023


The dark male moved towards the voices until he was standing beside Kold. Ears forward as he took in the sight before him. He was a Councilman, and he felt a need to be here. To help them both. After all, he was all about relations and they could be allies one day.

Kold had offered their help and he let his head turn to her. Tail swishing slightly. Eyes taking in her shape. Her wings hiding her form, but anyone could tell she was not herself. Not fully. He turned his eyes back to he duo and frowned deeply. Perhaps he could risk blood in his fur and help move the downed male.

Not like blood would show in his fur. Sighing softly, he let a smile curve his lips. Help was help. "I am Night of No Stars. Welcome to the Pitt. We will get you patched up in no time. But.." He paused and looked the female over a moment. "You look far to injured to keep dragging him along. I can help move him and give you a break, if you want it."

He turned his eyes to Kold and blinked at her. Wondering if she would be able to help the sister if she needed it. "Two beds in the medics den should be empty as far as i can recall. They both need food and water. Plus a good rest. I dont know who or what did this to them, but we should keep an eye out for any threats." He mused in a softer voice to her.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: you are my home ; injured - Kold - 03-15-2023

Looking for clean water. Kold hummed, nodding when Night came along. Deciding not to spare him a glance, she averted her eyes to the landscape around. In debt. That was different. "Night is right -- you're injured and we should at least get to the oasis before nightfall. Olivier can help you two, I'm sure." She mused, mostly to herself.

"I'll let Jormungand and Olalla know. We should get going. Do you need any help, miss...?" Kold tilted her head, glancing at Nokstella.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]