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THE AETERNA ۞ FAMILY GUIDE && CENSUS ۞ WIP - sykes - 03-11-2023

Chapter One
◦━ The Aeternas are an ancient family of mages. Through the ages, they have mostly kept to themselves, practicing their sorceries in secret away from the watchful eye of the greater groups. Until now.

There was, shall we say, a change in leadership.
Now guided by the light of Nokstella's inner star, the Aeternas follow her guidance, her word. They have begun to infiltrate the outside world, ascending from the depths of their caves, their  underground lairs. Intent on learning the incantations, the forbidden magiks of the Others.

Indeed, they have been kept hidden for too long. But times are changing.
So too shall they.
Chapter Two -
  The Aeternas, for as long as their scrolls record, have always operated under a royalty system.
A partriarchy. Until now.

The last true monarch was Nok.
He was, for the most part, a fair and just leader. He valued honor above all, and thus came their rules. But his brother did not.

Of what the scrolls tell us, Nok's brother was either never named, or his name was forbidden.
He was violent, and cruel, and unjust in any way one could imagine.
Above all else, he wanted to rule.
Nok compromised, for the safety of the family. He offered his nameless brother a place at his side, but that didn't satisfy the Nameless One.

It happened under the night of the falling star.
Nok was struck down by a poison that none of those proficient in medicine could identify.
He left no children, which meant that the Nameless One was his heir... And, well, you know what' happened next.

The Nameless One changed the rules; no longer did the Aeternas value "Honor Above All". They became crueler, more wicked, as time progressed.
Some of the rules were lost to the ages, scrolls burned, but not all.

Nokstella was the one, hundreds of years later after Nok had become less than a legend, to restore the Age of Honor. She believed the legends when no one else would and, guided by thestars, she challenged her father for his place as Pulsar.

She won.
Chapter Three -
The story goes that the Aeternas were originally formed by the union of the sun and the moon.
The sun and the moon had thousands of children; the stars.

Little is known of the stars, in truth. Only that the greatest of the stars swallowed several of their siblings into their midst, forming the constellations, which gave them power.

This power is believed to have been harnessed by the first of the Aeternas. Primitive beasts who could not think for themselves; the constellations power changed that.
The Aeternas grew powerful; too powerful. They were a threat to the outside world, those that could not harness such power, those that the constellations shunned.
The Others formed an alliance to vanquish the Aeternas.
They were surrounded.

With no victory insight, those that survived the battle fled; some joined ranks with the Others, some ran into the forest, some fled into the caves.
All that is known, is that the Aeternas were gone.
It was victory for the Others.

Or so they thought.
Chapter Four -
◦━ 1. The Pulsar’s word is law. There is no room, nor time, for questioning their rule and authority.
◦━  2. Do not attack another family member. If faced with another Aeterna in battle, you are to turn and find another opponent. Harming another member of the family will result in exile.
◦━  3. Acts of violence of any kind against those beneath eight months old are strictly prohibited.
◦━  4. The Pulsar demands that all opponents be given a fair chance in a fight; if your opponent does not have a weapon, lay down your arms and fight with your claws.
◦━  5. Running in the face of battle is a disgrace to the Aeterna name and will be punished as the Pulsar sees fit.
◦━  6. Acts of violence of a sexual kind are prohibited, and punished with exile or death. Or both.
◦━ 7. Honor is the way of the Aeterna. The family take vows and promises very seriously, and to break one such is to disgrace the family, and will result in a punishment that the Pulsar deem befitting.

Chapter Five
The Pulsar(s) is the Head of the family. They keep a track of those within the family and keep a document on everyone at all times. They are essentially the kings and queens within the Aeterna name; what they say, goes. There is no room for question.
Nokstella Aeterna, rped by Sykes

Neutron Stars are the children or siblings of the Pulsar(s). They are regarded as a sort of royalty, that of a prince or princess, and have a lot of authority within the family, though not as much as their parents. It is common for a Neutron Star to become a Pulsar when one or both die or step down, however this isn’t a requirement.
Nokron Aeterna, rped by Sykes
Mimic Aeterna, rped by Shiftybee
Siofra Aeterna, rped by Rosemilk

Shooting Stars are the bulk of the family. Regular members of the family such as the nieces, nephews, and cousins of the Pulsar are Shooting Stars.

Protostars are those that have been adopted into the family.

template credit @ teef

Re: THE AETERNA ۞ FAMILY GUIDE && CENSUS ۞ WIP - sykes - 03-11-2023

tracking on here!

Re: THE AETERNA ۞ FAMILY GUIDE && CENSUS ۞ WIP - rosemilk - 03-11-2023


Re: THE AETERNA ۞ FAMILY GUIDE && CENSUS ۞ WIP - strawb - 03-11-2023

tracking as well

Re: THE AETERNA ۞ FAMILY GUIDE && CENSUS ۞ WIP - ainsel. - 03-16-2023

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