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POSE ✧ ash's storage - Printable Version

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POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

♥ you gotta keep pushing on every day ♥

✯ ash ketchum│ no nicknames lol│ male [he/him]
✯ betta of the typhoon
✯ born november 22nd

✯ spiky furred ✯ fluffy ✯ dark ✯ sleek ✯
✯ FELINE [savannah cat] [Image: zslLuOJ.png] [ ref ]
-Ash is a grey-black savannah cat. He's somewhat shorter than the average savannah, and does, in fact, seem to be growing much slower than he should be. His snout, chest, belly, paws, and tail are all a lighter grey color. He is spotted with darker coloration in regular serval patterns, and his ears, though with a light spot in the center, are also a darker color. His fur is spiky, thick, and messy. His eyes are amber. Ash is nearly never seen without a red basebell cap in public, and can be frequently found wearing a red and white seashell, broken in half at the center. (other times he leaves it in his room. it appears to be a momento of some kind.)

-- Injuries: n/a

✯ Scent: citrus.
✯ Belongings:
-- broken seashell necklace

✯ compassionate ✯ brave ✯ impatient ✯ stubborn ✯ hot-headed ✯
✯ Ash is, above all, very kind and compassionate. He will not hesitate to rush to assist somebody if he thinks they need it, without any regard as to if he should or if they really want it. Ash is an extrovert in nearly every way, being very enthusiastic and vocal. He draws people in like a magnet, and is friendly to everyone. (unless it's for petty reasons, or rightfully deserved) Ash is impatient, and cannot wait for long periods of time without complaining. He's also very hot-headed, with a short fuse, and is easily provoked into a shouting match, even if not a proper fight. He's stubborn with a good heart, and if he doesn't want to do something, it will be near impossible to convince him.

✯ griffindor│ (ENFP) │ naive nature[pkmn]
✯ fears being abandoned

delia[npc] x unknown npc
✯ demisexual biromantic
✯ no friends atm (aside from pikachu lmao)
✯ no acquaintances
✯ rivals with gary
✯ very easy to befriend
✯ no crush // not looking for love // taken by [n/a]
✯ very dense
✯ literally always accompanied by a strangely colored pika named pikachu. theyre best friends.

✯ offensive fighter
✯ will starts fights, and will finish them
✯ no weapons; fights with claws, teeth, and powers
✯ will start fights just bc he wants to(though they usually arent serious)
✯ passive powerplay allowed
✯ bold name and use #3d83e5 for attack and @ ASH
✯ no powers atm lol (tho might get electric elementals later)

✯ if i dont reply in 3/4 days, bump the thread or pm me([member=62]arcy[/member]) to ask

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;font-family:verdana;width:55%"]
[align=center]ASH'S HEARTCHART - LAST UPDATED 6/4/18

GARY - - -
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3
[i dont have a good grasp on his personality yet lol, will fill out when i dO]

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

- - - hearts go here!
[color=COLOR]UNSPOKEN OPINION! - if the character has something they would say aloud about this character/you want to write a more ooc summary of what your character thinks, put it here! delete if you don't want to do this section. <3

guide for mobile:

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[align=center]ash's templates
fancypost 1:
[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]text
[align=right][size=11][color=#e5708f][glow=black,2,300][b][i]all these memories that we've made [color=#3d83e5][url=][abbr=storage]made[/abbr][/url][/color][/i][/b][/glow][/color][/size][/align][/div]

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]timeline/history
-ash was born to delia, in a small group called pallet
-his father leaves less than a month later to travel, though never returns
-becomes friends with gary, a neighbor
-begins learning from gary's grandfather, samuel oak, aka the group researcher/babysitter/mentor
-like,, half a month later gets into an incident where his tail is trapped and injured. it has to be amputated.
-??? unknown knowledge™
-ends friendship with gary, becomes rivals w him. (obtains seashell necklace???)
-ash gets permission to leave home and go adventuring
-given a strange yellow pika by oak before leaving. as well as actual supplies, yes.
-gets attacked by birds bc of the pika, but manages to escape. names the pika pikachu.
-(the pika is mostly sentient it just cant talk. it accepted it, i promise)
-learns about clans/groups and decides to investigate and temporarily join one
-joins the typhoon

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]important threads/links
ash joins the typhoon - here (june 4)

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]future plot ideas
      ✧ love plot w gary lmfao
-love me some palletshipping
-they eventually get over it and then slowly become friends again??
-look theres no details yet its just happenin
      ✧ switching clans??
-ash is kinda restless and nomadic, so if he doesn't like the typhoon enough, he'll eventually leave.
-thisll p be sometime after reconnecting w gary, so he'll probably move to the ascendants
-not a lot happens besides leaving ok smh
      ✧ power stuff??
-either he or pikachu discovers they have electric powers. depends on what im allowed to do smh.
-training montage™

(these are all Disappointment Plots bc i dont have ideaS YET)

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]art
by me:

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:80%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]icons
palletshipping icons:

Re: POSE ✧ ash's storage - arcy - 06-04-2018

[div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-family:verdana"] [align=center]playlist
1. pose from the pokemon anime lmao
[big wip bc im a fool who doesnt listen to enough music]