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lala's storage !! - Printable Version

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lala's storage !! - lala - 03-18-2018

[font=georgia]so uhhh i'm just gonna be testing stuff because i forgot how to code fancyposts and putting character bios and things here thats all. fair warning - there is ZERO organization and u just have to deal with that

dummy text:

Re: lala's storage !! - rakue - 03-18-2018

builds a nest in the corner

Re: lala's storage !! - cobblepot - 03-19-2018

the eyes emoji doesn't show up on here ):

Re: lala's storage !! - Beatles. - 03-19-2018

Slides a thicc track in here

Re: lala's storage !! - lala - 03-19-2018

basic text fancy (no scroll):
character bio fancypost:
tag template:

Re: lala's storage !! - lala - 03-19-2018

[align=center]RIDDLERSGAME !
[td][Image: tumblr_oh0yweKOsL1rec5p4o7_r1_250.gif][/td]

[td][div style="width: 270px; height: 322px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify;"]GENERAL-
- Riddlersgame Nygma
-----"Rid" or "Riddler"
- Male
- 3 years
- Snowbound (?)
- Created June 29th, 2015
- Inspired by Ed Nygma from Gotham
- Faceclaim: Cory Michael Smith as Ed Nygma x, x, x

- Domestic feline | Birth/Main | No other bodies
- Riddler is a tall, thin brown tabby with white paws and a smudge of the same white on his chest. Everything about his build is long and thin, though there is a definite presence of lean muscles beneath his fur. His eyes are bright green and always shine like he knows something you don't. He is never seen without his glasses, which are black and square. Rather handsome features & overall appearance. //wip

- ISTJ/T | The Logistician
- Chaotic Neutral (Chaotic Evil)
- Gemini
- Ravenclaw / Slytherin
- Intelligent | Loyal | Protective
- Unpredictable | Short-Tempered | Extremely Possessive | Obsessive/Compulsive
- Violent | Sarcastic | Unstable | Manipulative | Show-Offish | Jealous
- Once a villain feared by many, a recent accident has left Rid with a personality that is more quiet, patient, trustworthy, and honest than his former, as well as with numerous and large gaps in his memory. However, it does raise a dark question - how long until Riddler's wicked personality returns?
- Detailed persona // wip

- Loves books & reading, therefore knows a lot of information, though it's often odd and irrelevant
- Mood can shift rapidly
- Egotistical
- Sometimes tells riddles/brainteasers if he's in the right mood
- Excellent actor and liar
- Vengeful; seeks to give retribution to those who wrong him or his loved ones
- Uses a small dagger when fighting
- Voice Reference: x, x, x

- First gen NPC x NPC
-----Never knew his parents
- Bisexual / Biromantic | Relationship status unknown
-----Closest to Pierce Parker
-----Aware of a serious, committed past relationship but can no longer remember who it was with

Re: lala's storage !! - lala - 03-19-2018

[align=center]BOMBSAWAY !
[td][Image: rqaS44P.jpg][/td]

[td][div style="width: 270px; height: 340px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify;"]GENERAL-
- Bombsaway Fawkes
-----"Bo," "Bobo," "Jamie," "Rat"
-----Formerly known as Jamison
-----Alternate name choice: Boomtown
- Male
- 15 months
- Allegiance TBA
- February 8th, 2017
- Inspired by Junkrat from Overwatch
- Faceclaim links

- Domestic Feline | Birth/Main | No other bodies
- Bo is very, very tall and extremely thin for his age and species. Everything about him is long and skinny, from his legs to his body to his facial features, rightfully awarding him with the wily, handsome visage of a trickster. His ears are slightly large in comparison to the rest of him, and the whiskers that protrude from his face are, of course, extra long and narrow. The fur that covers this narrow frame takes on the pattern of a cream tabby, so light he could be described as a striped blonde. It's long and slightly fluffy, and though it could be beautiful, it is always dirty and unkept, continuing to play in to his carefree, troublemaker look. His eyes are bright, piercing amber, and always glitter like he's looking for a little chaos.

- ENFP/T - The Campaigner
- True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral
- Hufflepuff / Gryffindor
- Friendly | Outgoing | Enthusiastic | Loyal
- Protective | Forgetful | Defensive | Sensitive | Humorous
- Impatient | Careless | Violent | Stubborn | Childish
- Low self-esteem

- Speaks with an Australian accent, which he used to be self-conscious about
- Accent is actually not natural, caused by foreign accent syndrome
- Moderately ADHD
- Tries to hide/repress negative emotions
- Easily distracted
- Fears water due to a prior accident
- Will talk to anyone about anything
- Swears a lot
- Loves fire, explosives and the destruction they can cause
- Quite the jokester, will make fun of / jokes about anything
- Often does unpredictable and strange things
- Slightly deaf due to setting off explosives
- Voice reference: x

-----Had an abusive childhood, doesn't like to talk about it
- Asexual Demiromantic
-----Never feels physical attraction
-----Only becomes romantically attached after experiences w/ said person
-----Even then does not always fully recognize romantic feelings/feel the need to pursue a relationship
-----Only feels this sort of attraction to other males
- Twin brother of Cherrywine Fawkes
-----Very close sibling bond
-----Very similar in appearance

Re: lala's storage !! - lala - 03-21-2018

[align=center]JUSTINIAN !
[td][Image: tumblr_mztctqunao1qjmdqyo5_r1_250.gif]

[Image: tumblr_mztctqunao1qjmdqyo2_r1_250.gif][/td]

[td][div style="width: 270px; height: 335px; overflow: auto; text-align: justify;"]GENERAL-
- Justinian Sarek
-----"Ian," rather than "Justin"
- Male
- Created January 14th, 2018
- Inspired mainly by Zachary Quinto's portrayal of Spock
- Faceclaim: x, x, x

- Domestic feline | Birth/Main | No other bodies
- In general, Ian is not very eye catching. Standing at a bit above average height, he has a lean - though not quite skinny - build, though he carries this frame with the utmost confidence and authority. His coat starts with a pure white base and is marked with black across his eyes and ears, and it also splashes across his back left leg and a bit on his front left leg. His fur is relatively short in length and always meticulously well-kept. His facial features are sharp and serious, something that is not at all helped by his ever-stern expression, though it is his eyes that are probably his most noticeable feature, being shades of bright, icy blue.

- ISTJ/A - The Logistician
- Lawful Neutral
- Ravenclaw
- Intelligent | Decisive | Dutiful
- Logical | Protective | Sarcastic
- Cold & Reserved | Insensitive | Blunt
detailed - WIP!!:
- Almost robotic cadence
- Expansive vocabulary that he uses 24/7
- Well educated - spent much of his childhood in lessons / reading
- Carries himself quietly but confidently
- Eyebrows his most expressive feature
- Respects authority but will act against it if it goes against his own moral compass
- Voice reference: x

- Grey-romantic Demisexual
-----Denies any romantic feelings and does his best to convince himself he does not desire a relationship of that kind
-----Would potentially enter a relationship regardless because, let's face it, he's secretly a romantic clingy bitch
-----Would also potentially date/marry for alliance purposes (arranged marriages, etc.) as it would be his duty to his allegiance
-----Not picky about gender

- A vital influence in Justinian's behaviours is his upbringing. He was born into a society that encouraged logic, knowledge, organization, and duty over any sort of emotional, impulsive action. Therefore, he spent the entirety of his youth focused not only on educating himself in the classical sense, but also on learning to tune out his feelings in all aspects of his life. Emotion was permitted only in certain circumstances, and affection was only to be shown in the most respectful and specific of ways. However, he stood only halfway in this society, with his mother entering the community through marriage and her never quite taking on the customs that were expected of her. As a result, Ian was often an outcast among other children, but instead of embracing his differences, he worked extra hard to ignore them. Now on the road to adulthood and never quite welcome in his home, he set off on a journey of his own, claiming a pursuit of knowledge as his naturally curious mind leads him on to better things.
(wip ??? i honestly have no idea what the fuck im doign)

Re: lala's storage !! - lala - 03-21-2018


[align=center][div style="width: 450px; text-align: justify;"][font=georgia]

Re: lala's storage !! - RIDDLERSGAME - 04-09-2018

[glow=black,2,300]LET ME BE YOUR KILLER KING[/glow]
VOICE | [member=102]LALA[/member] | TAGS

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 40%; font-family: impact; font-size: 26px; color: white; line-height: 80%; text-align: center; min-height: 45px;"][color=limegreen][glow=black,2,300]LET ME BE YOUR KILLER KING[/glow][/color][/div]
[div style="margin:0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: black; margin-top: -27px; text-align: center;"][url=]VOICE[/url] | [url=;u=102][member=102]LALA[/member][/url] | TAGS[/div]