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names on the guest list // atticus - Printable Version

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names on the guest list // atticus - ROSEMARY - 03-07-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
The ocelot ran for the treeline. The fighting behind her had become a bedlam of screams and weapons against flesh. She kept her main pair of eyes on the ground before her paws, dodging tree roots and suspicious patches of mulch, but her other pair searched for those fleeing.

However, besides Atticus’s pawsteps at her side, she couldn’t tell if anyone else she knew had reached the treeline. She thought of when Stryker brought her friend, Vigenère, to such a monthly meeting just to kill him. Sorbet, Sherbert, Loki… she’d seen them move but she hadn’t seen them escape.

Her paws slowed as she glanced over her shoulder to look back. It was impossible to see anything from the chaos behind them clearly. She chewed her tongue.

However, Atticus might know something about another person she was desperate to help. She looked to him and asked, “Tanglewoods has my nephew, Alex, don’t they? Is he alright?”

[member=11957]ATTICUS ROUX[/member]
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night

Re: names on the guest list // atticus - Atticus Roux - 03-09-2023

Atticus did not look back after Rosemary gestured for their leave. He followed her to the treeline, letting his little legs carry him as fast as they could. The domestic feline managed to jump, tuck, and roll to avoid the underbrush's fury as he ran, similarly to what his distant relative had. Thankfully, he managed to keep up. Atticus, in time, eventually caught up to her. As her pace slowed, so did his, and he began to walk side by side with Rosemary. For a few moments, he huffed and puffed, but overall managed to succumb his breathing to a healthy rate.

As they walked, she started to talk... and it was a question he did not want to think about. Atticus held disdain for Aesior's decisions with the island, especially capturing a close ally and distant relative of his. He had been letting his frustrations bottle up, rather than speaking up. With a sigh and a shake of his head, the feline could only visibly disapprove of his next words. "Yes," he answered. "Tanglewood does." He made sure not to say 'we,' given his displeasure.

Alexandre's status though? He did not know of. Perhaps he should be more invested in that and extend a paw their way. Consider it a note for later. With that in mind, he chose to answer truthfully. Rosemary deserved to know the full story. "I can't say whether they're okay or not," the feline replied. "I can find out for you if you'd like, but I assume they're being well taken care of." He hoped so at least. "Leverage." He paused for a moment, offering a shrug, only to begin walking again.

"I consider this entire debacle to be rather frustrating," came his next words. His head turned up from the ground and moved over towards Rosemary, eyeing her expression to see whether she agreed or not. "Fuck if we can do something though..." They probably could not. That's where the issue remained. So much for helping. "What are your thoughts though?"

Re: names on the guest list // atticus - ROSEMARY - 03-10-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary’s ears swiveled towards Atticus as she listened. The subject matter was intense; besides, this location wasn’t safe. She could only keep one eye on the Tanglewoods Roux.

Leverage,” she repeated, disdain dripping. Not at him; the medic understood this kind of diplomacy, and it was one reason why she’d never had any interest in leadership. Pincher, Goldie, and even Roxanne were always better at these things; Rosemary could never use someone like a pawn, which, she knew, made her weakhearted.

At his question, she pressed a paw over her muzzle to suppress a laugh. “You wouldn’t happen to know any earth or water elementals? I’d say we move the damned island so far off-coast that it becomes a non-issue. Like how the CotC manipulated their territory all those years ago.” As she spoke, though, the idea visualized in her head, and it made sense.

“I just have water and air. We'd need at least two powerful earth elementals.”
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night