Beasts of Beyond
mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - Printable Version

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mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - Plexus - 03-05-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus had been busy, exceedingly busy, since Romulus had been mortally injured. He had to have news of 3 Coalitioners his friends, his family be brought to him. He mourned, and mourned, unable to stop thinking about it until he finally broke down and told the Kingpin. They were gone, and it wasn't without a fight. Plexus didn't travel far from the Guru Sanctuary, during the days after giving the news to Romulus, the medic asked an NPC to spread the news of a meeting today.

Nervously, the male feline shifted and trembled as his voice cracked thankful he remembered to take some honey before he left for his throat, "Coalitioners, I have called this emergency meeting as we have some concerning things happening." Tail flicking rapidly, he pushed on, "Byriath Nightshade, Saturn Nightshade, and Diego Malus have disappeared, and from what I've been told, it seems to be kidnappings. Blood, evidence of struggles, and fear scents." Plexus blinked back tears, his voice already wobbly, "I would like to ask if anyone would like to volunteer for search parties, please, speak up now so we can cover as much ground as possible. We need our friends, our family, back home."

Forcing himself to stay standing the Guru let that sink in, awaiting chaotic whispering and sounds of alarm as he started back up, voice cracking from use, "I want three search parties, one party for each missing Coalitioner. Start from the site of kidnapping, and follow any scents or signs of struggle. I don't care if you go out of territory bounds. I want them found. If there's any other disappearances, report them to me immediately."

Sweeping his gaze across the small crowd, he continued, "I would like an assistant, and maybe eventually an apprentice, to help me while I treat Romulus, and run around keeping things running smoothly. It's possible the assistant can become an apprentice later on, but it isn't 100% certain. If you'd like to help, also, please, approach me now." Tilting his head, he paused, then added, "I'd also like if Wanderers,  and Thanes, can step up for a bit and help with any tasks needed. It's stressful trying to do it on my own since Byriath is gone, and Romulus is still out of commission for a bit."

He closed his eyes.

He took a deep breath.

He opened his blazing eyes, declaring, "We will find them."

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 03-05-2023

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: the news had come as a shock to pretty much every coalitioner. from the disappearances to romulus' state, not a day had gone where skadí hadn't been seen pacing her room muttering under her breath. either memorising herbal patterns or something else. emerging from what seemed like the first day in aeons, the female blinked against the sun, lumbering over to the gathering that plexus called out. listening with a somber nod, but lobes pricking up as he announced he needed somebody to help. glancing up and padding over. "i would love to be your assistant, plexus. i need to make romulus better." many animals she knew were in pain because of what happened to romulus, and added on to the disappearances.. it was too much for some to bear, she'd seen. "if there's anything i can do to help with searching, i would like to volunteer to head a search party, unless i am needed elsewhere."

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 03-05-2023

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

not only was romulus suffering, but so was his niece. inferno felt just as skádi had looked, but maybe even worse. she had to deal with everything that happened with agrimony, too, and not having seen him in days, her appearance seemed ragged as she swayed to a halt in the clearing.  the disappearances made the corners of her maw tug downwards and her heart drooped, feeling heavy. no way so many could have gone missing in such a short amount of time. she couldn't even find it in herself to laugh about it, as much as she wanted to. her optics were fixed on the ground and a tremble shook her body as she heard thanes being needed. having once held the rank but was stripped from it due to what she and her lover had done... it hurt. but still..

she rose to her paws, following skád to stop behind her. shaking her head to clear the noises in her brain. "plexus, can i- can i go look for byriath?" she slurred her words, taking a deep breath. tried again. "i want to help. i may no longer be a thane but i still am a coalitioner, and they are my friends." determination burned in her optics, so bright it seemed as if they might get set on fire, the anger that lurked there.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - natasha - 03-06-2023

Natasha chewed on her knuckles as she heard Plexus's announcements. She had heard from the whispers that they'd vanished--and what the crime scenes looked like--but everyone knew she was a coward, right? The macaque would get in Plexus's way with doing anything but sweeping the sanctuary's floor. And her species lacked the superior tracking senses of many of her fellow Coalitioners.

"I would like to help with the searches. I can't lead a team, since, well, my species doesn't really have keen tracking senses... but I can definitely help a search team."
macaque - she/her - wears red elk cloak
template by orion

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - Agrimony - 03-09-2023

Silentstep walked over to the gathered members. Eyes on the guru as he spoke. Then the woman took a seat. Ears perked and eyes narrowed in thought. The fact this meeting was telling of lost members made things.. tougher. First Rom was out of commission and then this?

She cleared her throat and spoke. "I can lead a team. This nose is good for something." She states simply. Ears flicking as she looked to the gathered. "i can start from where Diego was last seen. If anyone wants to join me." She would wait to see who was coming with her.

actions | "speech" | attacking
you're the closest to heaven that i'll ever be

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - merlin - 03-09-2023

It seemed like there was only one person left to be claimed for search and rescue. Swallowing dryly as the lioness walked up to join the gathering of bodies, her ears pinned back. Three people were missing. Her skin prickled under her fur as she listened, dulling the shock and grief in her own system. Where had they gone? Who had taken them? Breath trembling in her chest, reminded of a time she didn't dare to remember, of her own siblings.

With a shake of her head, the lioness would raise her head and look at Plexus, listening to everyone around her, "I will lead the party looking for Saturn. My ... my sense of smell is not one hundred percent, so I would appreciate help if anyone wants to come along. If not, I will make due.", she spoke, offering nods to Inferno and to Silentstep.

"If I am unsuccessful in my efforts, I will join another team.", she spoke, looking at the other two and breathing out, "If you need my help anywhere else, Plexus, please assign me to any tasks you need done. Anything to help."

[Image: 61701951_7kmBUSRfM3xbwsp.gif]
[align=center]"speech" | thoughts

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - Plexus - 03-21-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
the male swallowed at the offers, cursing internally as he remembered a faded memory of telling Rom that Byriath would be better suited for this kinda stuff than himself. It doesn't really matter now, he despaired, as Byr wasn't here. It was just him and Romulus barely able to even move.

"[member=23276]SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE[/member], I would appreciate help with treating our Kingpin, as well as help with my regular duties. When you are not assigned a task, you are free to investigate." Tail flicking anxiously, he forced his words as his vocal cords screeched for him to stop, stop, st-, " [member=18044]INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS[/member], my friend, you may lead the search party for Byriath. [member=23336]Cobra's Coalitioners[/member], Silentstep, you may lead the search party for Diego. [member=23285]merlin[/member], you may lead the search party for Saturn. Natasha, you may join any search party you wish, you'll be invaluable help." stop speaking, stop it hurts, it hurts, where's Byriath, why is Romulus healing so slow, did I do something wrong, am I truly cursed? STOP SPE-

"Party leaders, round up your help and depart immediately. Report back any information as soon as possible. Whoever took them will learn to not underestimate the Coalition."

Re: mini-meeting about disappearances | HEAD COUNT - Romulus - 03-23-2023

tracking w/ romulus <3