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And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Printable Version

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And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Night of No Stars - 03-05-2023

The rabbit sized woman flitted across the sky before diving down to land feet from the mouse she spotted. Pouncing on it as soon as she had all four feet on the ground, the fairy dragon cackled. Sinking her teeth in and crunching on the still Ali e thing. Soon it was dead and gone. Swallowed by the woman who now looked up at the sky. Watching the clouds above her with mild disinterest.

actions | "speech" | attacking
make me the perfect killer

Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-05-2023

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── with a loud yawn the male made his way out of his house, stretching languidly. he had slept well, fed well the night prior and he was ready to get his day started. he heard a cackle come from somewhere above and cast a bored glance towards the source of the noise. bai jing ai, the little dragoness, dropping from the sky to attack a mouse. he watched her brightly-colored body dance around her prey and she soon stopped to stare at the sky. he padded over, grunting a greeting. "you looked bored, bai jing. what's on your mind?" he sat down, shaking out his short fur, curling his tail around his paws. "tasty lunch?"


Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Night of No Stars - 03-05-2023

A voice caught her attention and she turned that bright face away from the sky. Head twisting to eye Asmodeus. Admittedly, one of the better looking members. Then again, she hung around with Kold and Olalla. So, her eyes found very few others to fall upon. "Of course I'm bored. Kold just hasnt been herself and olalla is sick. I have no one to bother anymore."

She paused badore looking to the small blood stain she left behind. "Mildly filling but better than nothing i guess." She turned her head back and studied him.

actions | "speech" | attacking
make me the perfect killer

Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-05-2023

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── a light smirk lingered on his maw as he watched her study him. she did seem to have a fondness of bothering his sibling a lot, who knows why. "there must be somebody else you can bother in the pitt, no? you don't just have to target the two of them. speaking of, why do you hate kold so much? i've noticed you two have always been... iffy with one another, and especially with her being my sister and all.." he trailed off, as if in thought. he wouldn't mind playing pranks on pittians, especially his sister - he had been the biggest of his brothers, after all, and that had given him lots of leverage when it came to play-fighting. the good old days. he sighed.


Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Night of No Stars - 03-06-2023

That smirk made her pause and she tilted her head a bit. Feeling her scaled lips pull into a smirk all her own. Then, she heard his words and scoffed rather sharply. What kind of question was that? Well, it was a fair one for the male to ask. Yet she still felt mildly offended. Suddenly she laughed and shook her head. Eyes sparkling with amusement as she finally spoke.

"I dont bother people i hate, Asmodeus. In fact, if i did jist that, id be a thorn in my fathers side." She truly hated Bai Shi for how he ignored her. Never wanted her, it seemed. She would let her wings flap a bit before speaking. "I bother her because its so obvious how she feels about everything. She thinks i cant see it. That others cant, but you would jave to be blind not to see the way she looks at him."

What was she trying to say? That was the hard part. "I guess part of me wants to be the reason they crack and get together. A matchmaker that just enjoys pranking hearts together."

actions | "speech" | attacking
make me the perfect killer

Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-07-2023

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── a matchmaker? he studied her and let out a low chuckle, the typical response his father would give, one so familiar to him. she didn't like bothering kold or olalla, she just wanted them to be together already, which was something that mildly surprised him. weren't they already dating? couldn't she tell, from how obvious the two were being? to be fair, she didn't spend as much time around them as he did, with kold being his sister.
she talked about her father, which led to a sudden shift in the topic. "why do you hate your father so?"


Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Night of No Stars - 03-09-2023

The woman watched him calmly. Eyes studying him until he asked her that question. Then, her demeanor changed. Tail lashing and wings becoming still for a change. Her eyes becoming cold as she turned her head away. Talons sinking into the dirt. The woman took a sharp breath air. The woman would then slowly speak.

"Bai Shi was never in my life. Then mother died and i come here to meet him. What does he do? Ignores my very existence. He has said nothing to me sense i joined." What was she supposed to do? Ignore the fact he clearly didn't want her? It was not something she could just accept.

actions | "speech" | attacking
make me the perfect killer

Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - ASMODEUS DI-ANGELO - 03-11-2023

"natus vincere" asmodeus ── his teeth bared. he couldn't possibly imagine how anyone would abandon their child like that - a snort left him as the name aphra rang in his mind. "fucking bastard." he snarled, lashing his tail angrily. he felt her movements still and his optocs glowed blue, glaring daggers into the ground. "do you know why he ignores you?" he throwed out casually, expecting more of an outburst rather than a response.


Re: And what is it you want from me? ;; asmo - Night of No Stars - 03-12-2023

The woman heard his words and paused. He felt like she did about it. Then, she stopped to look at the ground. Her attitude changing. "I guess he never knew about me or just doesnt want me. I am not to sure." She sighed before shrugging her wings. She would look back up and then snort. "Though that is just a guess. He knows about me now. So maybe its because im a fairy dragon and not like him."

actions | "speech" | attacking
make me the perfect killer