Beasts of Beyond
a witness to the fire — joining - Printable Version

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a witness to the fire — joining - Waylon. - 03-05-2023

Re: a witness to the fire — joining - Night of No Stars - 03-05-2023

Valentina was asleep alone in the home her mother once dwelled in. Asleep and alone in a cold bed. Clove was gone and she had not seen her siblings in a long time. It bothered her more than she admitted. She refused to admit how alone she felt. She was not some weak little child. No, she refused to need anyone. She was fine on her own as far as anyone outside these walls knew. Yet, once alone, she cried and broke things.

The room of hers, as she dare not hurt anything in her mother's room or in her siblings room, was littered with broken glass and torn papers. This room was her only escape from her mask of strength. Her only place of sanctuary in this group. Especially without her mother there. She needed her own space so hide away and she had it here. Though it did not stop her nightmares. She wished it would stop, but they are worse and worse.

-------dream starts--------

She was following her mother. Suddenly, Clove ran. Valentina felt to heavy to follow. Her paws felt like weights were tied to them. She ran but her mother was getting further and further away. Then she was gone and Valentina was falling. Falling into the darkness as faces danced around her. Pittians laughing at her. Mocking her for not keeping up. She was angry now. Screaming at them until she was struggling to breath.

------dream ends-------

"SHUT UP!" The words burst from her maw as she jolted awake and upright. Eyes wild with anger and fear. She looked about herself and noted that she was alone. Shaking with each breath she took, she slowly stood. The jaglion started for the door. Ignoring the glass that cut her paw pads. Little drops of blood leaving a trail until they stopped bleeding from leaflitter stuck to them.

She was headed somewhere. Anywhere was better than her home. The cub was just in need of fresh air. Her nerves were frayed and she found herself running. Running blindly away from her troubles. Only stopping when she couldn't breath. It was moments, maybe seconds, later when she spotted this stranger. A stranger that was just there out of the blue in her mind.

This made her mad again. Was he here to mock her or something? Tail lashing as she struts right up to him. No fear in her eyes. Nothing to show that she was even a child in her actions. The fact she was but a cub was lost on her in the moment. "What do you want?" Her voice was sharp and eyes like ice as she watched him.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? who will have mercy on your soul?

Re: a witness to the fire — joining - Kold - 03-07-2023

Kold's dreams were fueled by many a thing. Hopes, fears, love. She could not fathom what created them, but she hated them all the same. The hope and love would never come true, no matter how many times she had dreamed she could be with him. It simply was not possible, given his status. And her original disposition to him. But it felt so real, pressed up against his body, much larger than she, simply enjoying his company. And then she'd wake up to the reality.

The Councilwoman halted next to Valentina, ignoring her crude words. Instead, she focused on the stranger on the border. "Second one who just... shows up. What do you want?" She barked, the wolf-rottie flicking her ears. She hadn't been there when Bakari had arrived, only heard of his dramatic entrance.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: a witness to the fire — joining - Waylon. - 03-26-2023