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Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Printable Version

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Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Night of No Stars - 03-05-2023

When was the last time she messed with Kold or Olalla? The tiny dragon hardly recalled such a thing. Perhaps the rose or the cage? Part of her felt like she was slacking. News of Olalla being ill was passed about and she felt a new desire to torment Kold. Perhaps she could push them to a breaking point again? More so than that child, what was his name? Boy. That was it.

When Boy left, she watched from a far. Watched Kold break and it bothered her. Not cause she cared about Kold. No. She refused to believe that. But, if that was true then why was she standing there with a gift for the woman? Why was she here at all? She set the dragon claw dagger on the porch of Kolds home.

Flitting away to land out of reach on a tree nearby, she watched. Waiting to see if anyone noticed. If Kold did. Perhaps, and it was a stretch, she did care?


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Re: Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Kold - 03-10-2023

Kold was getting... progressively worse? Mentally. She'd hit a mental wall since Boy's departure, only made worse by Olalla's illness. Too much worry on her heart for the demonic canine to even want to get out of bed. But as the councilwoman of wellbeing, she had to make sure people were happy in The Pitt. So she dragged herself out of bed, tossed a blanket over her to hide the growing skinniness, and started for the door. Her eyes stared at the dagger, the door left to swing open on it's own as she sighed.

"Bai Jing, you can stop this." She drawled, lifting the dagger up with a bony paw and examining it. The idea of what Bai Jing Ai was doing, her plan, Kold assumed, made the councilwoman mildly sick with nerves. "I doubt anything is going to happen between him and I, you know." God, it hurt her to even say that.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Night of No Stars - 03-11-2023

The woman was startled when she spotted Kold. Things were taking a toll on the woman and for once the dragon felt bad. Wings spreading, she would glide back down yo land before the woman and tilted her head. "This has nothing to do with that, Kold. This is from me." She states bluntly before sitting down and narrowing her eyes.

Letting her next words come out as firm and oddly supportive. "Why would it not happen? You are a freaking catch. If Olalla is to stupid to see that, then he damn sure shouldnt lead anyone." The woman hummed and then shook her head slightly. "Dont be so negative. He likes you just like you like him. His eyes linger on you as much as yours linger on him. There is a better chance then what you think."

The dragon sighed after a moment then raised a paw to wave it slightly. Her ever twitching wings fluttered and she let out a chuckle. "But, i digress. I got you that to see if it might improve your mood. You looked like you could use a friend. Though i was probablythe last one you expected." She snorts with amusement at herself.

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Re: Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Kold - 03-15-2023

Kold snorted, a jet of fire leaving her nostrils for a second. Hollow eyes watched as the small dragon glided down to her, landing at her feet. "Fuck's sake, woman..." she whispered under her breath, placing the dagger aside. "How crazy can you be..."

Bai Jing Ai's words following made Kold deathly silent. The dragoness didn't know the past, how murderously angry Kold was at Olalla for taking the leading role. She didn't know about the anger that sat buried in the sands of Kold's icy heart. Hell, Kold didn't really know about it either. "You don't know what I'm like at times, and I'm sure he doesn't either." She kept her voice soft, but fell silent again.

She thought Kold needed friends? The wolf rottie shot her a confused expression. "Yeah, you were for sure the last animal I'd expect to want to be friends with me." Then again, not many did. Perhaps it was whatever rumors about her outbursts and breakdowns that deterred anyone from getting too close. People too scared of getting an ear taken off.
Kold Darcia Di Angelo - Pitt - Marauder
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: Here is the deal ;; gift for kold - Night of No Stars - 03-17-2023

The woman watched the flames dance from her nose and offered a soft chuckle. The snort was not threatening to her in the slightest. Kold was not acting aggressive currently. The words that spilled forth from Kold made her outright laugh. "Crazy goes well with crazy, no?" She offered the words with a tilt of her head.  Perhaps she was crazy, but it would help in the long run. She was the child of Bai Shi. Crazy ran in the family.

"I could say the same about myself, Kold. How can I know what you are like at times if you never let anyone close?" She retorts bluntly. It was the truth, ugly as it may be. "Besides, if someone cant love you for you, then who needs them? They aren't worth the shit of a bug." She meant that. Hell, she needed very little love from others. So who would know better than her?

The dragoness was not easy to sway. Kold should javelin figured that out from all their other encounters by now. Bai Jing Ai was a stubborn bitch. The last comment made her eyes sparkle. It was true that many thought she hated Kold. To her it was funny. "Understandable. But you should know that i do not waste energy on those i dislike, Kold." That was her bottom line. If she pestered you, or pranked you, she liked you.

It meant she could see the value you possessed. Simple as that.

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