Beasts of Beyond
Will you ever return to me? // Open, Dual Joiners - Printable Version

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Will you ever return to me? // Open, Dual Joiners - Scyllios - 03-04-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Despite the long days of swimming, Scyllios didn't feel tired. Perhaps it was the nature of vis body, the evolutionary road to effortless swimming. Complete with gills, fins, and acute sense of location. Ve had developed a sort of clicking noise for communication, learning from dolphins ve and Octavio had met in their shared travels. Before long, ve found vemself in unfamiliar waters. Statues of humanoid figures called out to vem in the distance, but the sudden, wondrous sound of something massive distracted vem.

Dark shadows moved in the distance, large and mighty. And the noises chirped. The group of whales swam slowly by, and for a moment, Scyllios found vemself ducking by Octavio in a bout of fear. But vis eyes were full of wonder, for ve had never seen a whale before. Mouth agape, a grin fell upon vis face. It was beautiful.

[member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians

Re: Will you ever return to me? // Open, Dual Joiners - moe - 03-30-2023