Beasts of Beyond
THEN I'D FUCKING GHOST YOU! // Joy Flying - Printable Version

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THEN I'D FUCKING GHOST YOU! // Joy Flying - Chernabog - 03-03-2023

The dragoness stretched, cat-like in nature, as she watching the sunrise. Her wings extended, like great black sheets that ate up the light that fell upon them, shedding a shadow behind her. With a low, rumbling croon, she beat her wings. Slowly, at first, but picking up speed and before long, clouds of sand scattered around her as she crouched. And with a powerful leap, she took to the sky. And with a few powerful beats of her wings, she was climbing higher and higher into the cool morning air.

Her dark shadow drifted across the sands as she soared, diving and shooting back up into the air as though dancing. Thoroughly elegant in her movements, like a black arrow. It was good to move around so freely, without constraint. Over the scorched land she flitted about, strangely at ease with her surroundings. She roared, a shrill, hideous sound, like a broken cello.
[sup]© tikki[/sup]

Re: THEN I'D FUCKING GHOST YOU! // Joy Flying - Night of No Stars - 03-04-2023

The dragoness took to the sky as Vio left his watery domain. His eyes watched her rise higher and higher. The male watched with mild envy, but something else lingered in his eyes. His body curled as she flew away. A Roar that others may have found horrid, he found beautiful. As beautiful as he found the battle worn dragoness. That lingering emotion in his optics?


He was jealous she was able to fly so high above him, sure. But he knew she was likely envious of his ability to swim with power and grace. They were powerful and together they would be unstoppable. As soon as she was out of sight he let out a powerful Roar in response to hers. A simple show of support before her slithered back to the water. Coiling back up at the edge and simply basking in the morning sun.

It was cold, after all.

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? and i am the devil that you forgot