Beasts of Beyond
What was I to do? // Injury - Printable Version

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What was I to do? // Injury - Brutei Tsune - 03-03-2023

Shit, things were bad. That was pretty obvious for the Coalition, judging by the way that three known Members had been stolen during the night. Well... two members and one visitor, it seemed. Brutei didn't recognize Diego at all, but was grateful for the return of their Kingpin. The news of the loss was enough for Brutei to hide the infected bite on their leg, but all things must be revealed eventually.

It was hot to the touch and nerves screamed at any touch. Brutei hissed as they moved, starting to favor that wounded right leg, headed for the outside of camp. All it took was one misplaced step, and they softly roared in agony, staggering as they finally made it past the last housings. Looking at the leg, swollen around the bite and pusling with a seething anger, they groaned.


Re: What was I to do? // Injury - Conrad Clyde - 03-03-2023

An agonized roar far in the distance reached the large ears of Conrad first, causing the bunny to turn to his wolf brother. "You here that?" he questioned. Clyde merely looked down. The canine offered a confused expression and shrugged. It appeared he had not. Conrad, curious as always, craned his small head. Something was wrong. After some back and forth with prodding from Conrad, the two decided to depart away from what they were doing and head towards the unknown noise.

With Conrad lazily sprawled out on his back, Clyde arrived to the scene of the crime first. Green eyes locked onto the infected wound immediately. While Clyde remained calm, Conrad's blue eyes locked onto Brutei's infected leg and he started to gag at the sight. The rabbit was not hemophobic, but the swollen appearance of Brutei's infected wound was frankly disgusting to see. In an attempt to stop his visceral reaction, Conrad stuck his head into the wolf's neck and buried his head in his fur.

Once Conrad was sorted with, Clyde let out an aggravated sigh. "Seems like you're in a predicament, eh?" he questioned. With Byriath, Romulus, and Saturn out of the ring, that left Plexus as the only one who could assist. At the moment, the plague doctor seemed to be elsewhere. Maybe they'd show their face by a grace of god, but the pessimistic wolf doubted it. After all, it looked like they were in charge with the disappearances and the kingpin's downfall.

Shaking his head, somewhat shaking his brother and causing the rabbit to grip onto his neck harder, he continued. "Unfortunately, you're out of luck," the wolf commented slyly. "Clyde, you can at least try to be positive for once," came a muffled voice from behind his head. "What? It's not like you're helping, queasy," Clyde barked back.

Clyde's green eyes looked closer at the other's leg to assess the damage. It appeared to be too far gone... to someone without medical knowledge. "So, what's it gonna be? Cutting it off?"



Re: What was I to do? // Injury - Brutei Tsune - 03-03-2023

The noises of disgust forced the smaller wyvern to look at Conrad and Clyde, squinting at them for a moment. "Just a little one, yeah." Was all they said, listening to the two bicker. Truly, with these two, Brutei was out of luck. "I'll live."

Upon the mention of removing the leg, Brutei gasped slightly, then tried to whip at Clyde's wrist. The mere thought of losing a leg because of something like a damn bite made the demon a little angry. "We are absolutely not cutting my leg off, you idiot." They snorted, hovering part of their wing over the leg. Their only hope was that Plexus eventually showed up to assess the wound, maybe get it dressed, and send Brutei on their merry way.


Re: What was I to do? // Injury - Plexus - 03-03-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus' ears ever so slightly pricked, his visage still...depressed despite having started taking up trips to the greenhouse everyday. His daily trek forgotten momentarily, the Guru followed the roar of pain please don't be someone dying, please don't be someone dying. His medkit, more full than usual since Romulus' injury made him paranoid. Finding Brutei, an ice demon that Plexus hasn't spoken much to admittedly is that a cause for awkwardness? or would it be easily fixed by just talking for once?, the Norwegian forest cat was immediately hit by the smell of infection.

Nose wrinkling, he turned to the chaos duo, surveying them shrewdly before pulling his medkit off his hip and placing it down. He motioned for Brutei to come closer while pulling out what was left of the marigold poultice, some clean bandages, water, a cloth, and willow bark. Gently, if allowed, Plexus would wash the bubbling infection off the wound with the water and cloth, before smearing a small amount of the poultice onto the bandages before wrapping and pinning them in place.

Packing everything else back into place whether or not he could help, he'd place his paw on the willow bark and push it closer while murmuring, "...painkiller, if you want it, won't make you drowsy."

Re: What was I to do? // Injury - Conrad Clyde - 03-03-2023

For a little predicament, the duo was turning into it a much larger one. That leg, all crusty and gooey and whatever, had Conrad in a fluster and Clyde ready to cut off the other's leg. The other, though, thankfully seemed to protest. With a firm smack to his wrist, the wolf stumbled backwards. In succession, the rabbit unlatched from the wolf's back and tumbled to the ground. Conrad yelped. He clearly protested, thumping his feet against the hard dirt.

While Conrad was addressing his own situation with grumbles of displeasure, the canine glared at Brutei. That was uncalled for. Clyde was not against hitting a man back, but he held loyalty to the Coalition of the Condemned and would not strike back. Instead, he learned to use his words. It was something Conrad taught him many years ago. Two simple words. Quite simply, they could change everything... and, so, he said them.

"Fuck you."

The rabbit swiveled around on his heels and looked at Clyde. "Excuse yooooo-" he started off with, only to notice the leg again and start gagging. What a mess.

In the meantime, as the others recovered, Plexus arrived and started addressing the wound. The two, obviously, were of no help.

[Ninja'd by Plexus, lol]

Re: What was I to do? // Injury - Brutei Tsune - 03-03-2023

Brutei snorted at Clyde and Conrad, eyes narrowed in frustration. Waiting for the wolf's reaction, and being met with a golden response. Brutei reeled their head back in mock insult, truly quite surprised. Shaking themselves gently, Brutei hissed back, "Oh, fuck you too."

Their attention was instantly taken by Plexus, and they allowed him to work his magic. It did hurt, yes, but nothing that would incite the wyvern to do anything rash. When he was done, and had pushed the willow bark toward them, Brutei took it with little issue. After swallowing it, they smiled. "You're a darling, Plexus. Thank you. I didn't wish to make your work load worse."