Beasts of Beyond
a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - Printable Version

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a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - METEOR - 03-03-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
The flavors of strawberry, orange, and lime lingered long after Meteor consumed the last of the captain’s severed leg. The delicious snack placed Meteor in an excellent mood, despite his temptation to go back on his word and devour the captain whole. However, the inquisitor had his own reasons for keeping Sherbet alive and trespassing so deep within the Typhoon’s territory.

The wind beneath Meteor’s paws calmed as he slowed to weave within the dense jungle. In any other territory, he likely wouldn’t have needed directions, but he wouldn’t have spotted the temple hidden in the overgrown foliage without the captain’s call.

Holding Sherbet by the scruff of his neck, Meteor breathed in deeply through his nose and slowly descended. Every ounce of his self control was required to keep his teeth from piercing the captain’s neck. But Meteor was a lion of his word.

All four feet touched the ground at the same time. He tilted his head to the right and carefully laid Sherbet on the jungle floor in such a way that his oozing stump wouldn’t touch the mud. Meteor placed one of his dirty paws over Sherbet’s hip, pressing down on the artery to minimize blood loss.

“Medic!” Meteor shouted. His tufted tail sparked with electricity, then a boom! of thunder reverberated. “He’s suffered an amputation!”

// powerplay permission granted by wifey! <3 also this takes place after the february meeting thread

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - Cobra - 03-04-2023

The voice was a strangers and Boots felt dread in his stomach at the mention of amputation. The tom bolted over to the voice and froze when he spotted sherbet. Bleeding on the ground before him with a stranger over him. He felt anger and fear welling up in his chest as he lurched forward. "Fuck!" The word bubbled from his mouth before he could stop it.

Much like the tears spilling from his eyes. "ROSEMARY. CALYPSO. ANYONE!" He screamed in a suddenly panicked voice. Heart thundering in his chest as he dove forward. Ripping his scarf off and attempting to use it to add to the slowing of the bleeding. "Please hang on. I love you.. please dont leave me. Someone will be here soon."

He was choking on the woods as he applied pressure to the wound. Only looking up at the stranger a moment before looking down. They could wait. He had to safe Sherbet. He had to. He refused to lose him after they just got together. Just started a family.

Not like this.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? i set fire to the rain

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - Cobra - 03-04-2023

A call for a medic. Boots frantic cries for anyone. The woman came sprinting with a medical kit in her maw. Eyes finding a stranger and Boots over Sherbet. Heart dripping, she moved over to pull Boots out of the way and attempt to shoulder her way between the stranger and the captain. The mane of living snakes hissed at her sudden movements and she shushed them harshly.

"It is not the time." She states as they fall silent. Her eyes fall on the wound and she sets to work as soon as the others are out of her way. She knew how to stitch up a wound and clean it. She would have to consult Rosemary on how to do anything further. "This is going to hurt, captain. Forgive me." She states as she opened the kit at her side.

Pulling needle and surgical thread from inside she sets to work. Cleaning any degree from the wound with a clean wet rag she pulled from her bag. She would start stitching. Veins, arteries, flesh. She knew this from her family. Her mother did it to her father and taught her. So, she worked swiftly but steadily.

It wasn't long before she was done and she was putting the needle in a bowl to dispose of later. Blood soaking her white paws as she looked to the gathered. "We need to get him to a bed. I need to wrap the wound and dress it, but i need him somewhere secure. He will make it." She hoped she was right. She truly did.

"As for you.." Her eyes turned to the lion and she held her head a bit high. "Who are you and where did you find him? We need to make sure no threat to us remains there. Though we thank you for saving him." She did not know this was the attacker. She did, however, know they had to act fast to prevent further harm to the others of their home.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i wanna heal, i wanna feel

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - LOKI FLÓKI - 03-05-2023

LOKI FLÓKI 1 year / cutie pie bio

she followed the delirious cries from boots, panting by the time she got there. watching through wide optics her uncle lying on the ground, the other male desperately trying to stem the blood flow from the missing limb. disgusted optics flickered up to meteor and hatred was plastered on her maw as a low growl burst from her throat.


Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - SHERBET - 03-07-2023

NEW TAB: sherbet ♤ male ♡ feline ◇ tags ♧ typhoon captain
Sherbet's vision was fuzzy, and he could barely think. He hardly remembered the flight here, barely slurring out directions for the massive lion that made a snack out of his leg. His perpetually melting visage windblown, and his syrupy blood gliding down his leg there is no leg, silly, remember? You traded it to live on borrowed time! as he was deposited on the ground of the Temple.

What was left of his left leg was nothing. It caused him to let out an exhale of breath, as if trying to giggle before he screeched at the paws placed on his wound bleeding, bleeding, they have to stop that, right. His distress suddenly skyrocketing again as he could hardly pay attention, he could hardly see through the fuzziness of his fear and pain. Muffled screams fell around him suddenly Boots... oh Boots, my husband, I'm so sorry, pressing his face into any part of Boots he could reach, he slurred, "Lu-uve y-you." His tongue felt heavy as he tried to say more, his mind slowing down as he felt something enter his skin multiple times stitches? He hoped that's what it was and not more teeth. Flinching at every time the needle threaded into him, he tried to wiggle away but he had no strength left to move.

He could only hope he was safe, safe, away from the bloody teeth he's still here he's still here he's still here don't pass out don't pass out don-.

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - METEOR - 03-08-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
The lion dipped his head and stepped out of the way as Sherbet’s family and friends rushed over. Now wasn’t the time to interrupt, so he stayed silent while he watched Calypso work with fascination—he’d never learned the healing arts, but the drag of needle through flesh fascinated him.

Meteor tore his gaze away from the gore, only briefly, to glance at Loki. He did not smile, but he was pleased his assumption was correct. The ice cream cat had a family, and they were equally sugary.

When Calypso asked him the questions, he dipped his horns slightly in greeting. “My name is Meteor. I’m from a tiny group off the mainland—it’s nothing to you larger clans—my father and I came to the multi-clan neutral meeting to become more active in inter-clan politics.” His golden eyes narrowed. “But another group—the Covenant—showed up and attacked several clans indiscriminately. I saw their leader attack the Coalition’s leader; I’m not sure if both survived, the wounds looked equally bad from where I was.”

“Perhaps one of them got your friend?” Meteor looked down at Sherbet and sighed. “I don’t even know your friend’s name. But he stayed conscious and gave me directions to his home.”

Meteor raised a paw and summoned a miniature tornado upon the back of it. “If you need him moved gently, I can lift him to a medical cot with the air.”

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - Cobra - 03-09-2023

The male paused as the stranger spoke. Part of him wanted to thank the stranger, part of him wasn't sure. The offer to move him and the gaze he had on loki made him unease and he turned his eyes back to his love. He went through to much. Sherbet was suffering and that was all he knew.

He could not speak for Calypso or anyone else. It was not his place. But he let his body shift into his female shaved ice cat. Curling into the flank of Sherbet and burying his face in the ice cream fur. Ears flicking back as he waited on Calypso.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? i set fire to the rain

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - Cobra - 03-09-2023

Silently she listened to the stranger's as they spoke. A name, a group without one, and then a suggestion about the meeting. She had not gone and had not seen such a thing. Mild concern entered her eyes and the snake mamed lioness stood up. Turning her head to Loki and speaking. "Can you make sure there is a clean cot ready for Sherbet? We should not let him stay out here much longer."

She turned to Boots and raised a paw to place softly on the toms back. "Go get food and water ready. When he wakes up he will be grateful you were there and had him a meal to boost his energy." In reality, she wanted to distract Boots before something happened. Boots did have a temper from time to time.

Then she turned to the lion and dipped her head. "While I thank you for such an offer, i do not think Rosemary would like strangers in her workplace. We thank you for saving his life, and if you wish to speka more about this, i can meet with you after he is settled." She spoke calmly but firmly as she turned and lowered her head to lift Sherbet tenderly by the scruff.

actions | "speech" | attacking
i wanna heal, i wanna feel

Re: a force of nature, i'm phenomenal // maimed sherbet ! - METEOR - 03-10-2023

[div style="background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: left; height: 300px; width: 300px; float: right; clip-path: circle(70% at 70% 20%); shape-outside: circle(70% at 70% 20%); margin-left: 5px;"]
Meteor’s golden gaze swept over the lover—practically trying to fuse his body with the goopy ice cream cat—and the medic. The ram-horned lion was not particularly surprised his luck ran out. It was, after all, not everyday you discovered a whole family of delicious mutants.

“Understandable,” Meteor said, dipping his chin in respect. Though if she killed him by moving the amputee like a powerless scrub… well, she wouldn’t be as tasty as the ice cream cat.

“Besides, others from the monthly meeting will return with the same knowledge of the Covenant's attack.” Meteor stepped back two paces and shook out his mane, leaning back into his legs as power surged within his muscles anew. “I’m off, then.”

The lion jumped into the air, and the wind caught him at his pinnacle height. He did not look down as the air took him over the treetops.

// out unless stopped