Beasts of Beyond
I will make of you // Leaving // Another Believer - Printable Version

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I will make of you // Leaving // Another Believer - Scyllios - 03-02-2023

"Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land" tags ── Ve was done, absolutely. The maned wolf was tired, needed a break. And the sky was still fresh with sunrise tones as vey ran up to the shore, splashing vis paws around as vey went further. Ignoring any words called from the shore, eventually vey dove into the water. "Follow, Octavio. Please." vey tried to call out to him, hoping the two could travel in company. Any place was home as long as he was alongside.

By the time anyone noticed, Scyllios had been far out to sea, with a simple note in vis home. Do not come looking, soon I will return.

[member=23336]Cobra[/member]'s Typhoonians

Re: I will make of you // Leaving // Another Believer - Cobra - 03-04-2023

That voice in his head. The soothing voice of his beloved Scy. Vey called to him and he swam from his reef. Abandoning everything for vem. The hybrid followed Scy blindly. Not caring what others had to say. The beast was far to big to care. Who would argue with such a monster anyways?

So, he caught up to vem and followed. Leaving his world behind for love.

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whatcha gonna do when there's blood in the water

Re: I will make of you // Leaving // Another Believer - ROSEMARY - 03-07-2023

[td][div style="background:url(; font-family: arial; background-size: cover; background-position: center; min-width: 200px; min-height: 450px;"]
Rosemary wasn't usually social enough to go to someone's home, but she got worried when she didn't see Scy in vis usual haunts. So she'd come on quick pawsteps to ensure ve wasn't sick (or worse) at home.

As she read the note, her forked tail-tips flicked. Well, she'd heard ve'd been frustrated about the island conflict... she couldn't blame vem at all for vis feelings, and if ve thought it was best ve leave the Typhoon for a bit, who was she to argue? Each person knows their own mind the best. "Wherever you are, be well," she whispered.
peace comes at dawn, but yours comes at night