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hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Printable Version

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hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - valo-kas - 06-03-2018

so, it was hot out. like, hot as dick and balls. the way the humid air sat heavy and steaming in the lungs of anyone who still breathed around here and the swamp gas and smells of ripe rotting mutant carcasses and radioactive garbage were a testament to the season. pre-summer. valo-kas supposed the parties and all would kick off once it was like, actually calnderly official and not just '''summer''' because it was because it was crazy hot out and everyone decided it was time to be summer in conversation while understanding that it wasn't quite there yet.

"[color=salmon]thanks, uhh, global warming." valo-kas murmured around a mouth full of candy bile and mire mist. what even was global warming? another one of those dumbass things their mouth muscles were able to pull together while their memory decided not to offer any additional context? whatever. whatever! they were done thinking for a little bit. thinking was the absolute worst. valo-kas wanted some action.

so, with as little on their mind as they could manage, the oozing little monster whizzed around the territory until they had collected the necessary Shit. this necessary Shit was all party favors and soft things and of course booze because nobody would come if there wasn't any, all pillaged from npcs because where else? and soon it was pieced together in a mud-and-pink web somewhere central and accessible to all, glittering in the way that grease glitters on dirty dishes, inviting in the way that a kick in the nuts is when you hate yourself. music played. 2000s pre-teen girl in the suburbs bops trickled from the ratty speakers of an acquired boombox. gwen stefani and natasha bedingfield and the like.

"[color=salmon]hey come dance! come, come dance, or, uh, i'll kill you. free dates will be assigned upon arrival if you're, like, sad and ya want some sugar." that was community service, baby.

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - beck. - 06-04-2018

    The suffocating heat hardly affected Beck. He heard a couple of members snickering over the suggestion the reason he wasn't close to heatstroke like everyone else was because his heart was too frozen to even feel anything anymore. Part of him wanted to sulk over and whine about how his heart was perfectly fine, another part opted to cut their tongues out for disrespect, but the boy only flinched and sullenly limped away, stubby tail drooping and ears pinned flat in an attempt to block out their words. He wasn't cold, but he was cold. Nevermind, that didn't even make sense to him. A frigid apparition and a chilled draft wherever he went were trademarks of his ghostly-ness; a polar opposite to Fenrisulfr's furnace of a body. He died in the cold, and he was cursed to continue his afterlife radiating an unwelcoming, bitter cold.

    If only Valo-kas wasn't destined to ooze stomach medicine and pure irritation as well. Dragging his feet through the town and kicking up quite a bit of overgrown moss in the process, squealing voices over a crackly radio caught his flighty attention, bewildered disgust overtaking his freckled expression. The mysterious voices were singing, and he loathed the earsplitting noise with a burning passion. Wildly thrashing his head around until he was dizzy from a rattled brain in a hopeless attempt to get the music out of his mind, he wasn't surprised to discover the source of his migraine was their resident mutant. Beck loitered on the fringe of the empty party, a skeptical scowl glaring daggers towards Valo-kas. If looks alone could kill, the mutated feline would be lying face down in a pool of his own flamingo-pink blood. "I don't dance," was all the poltergeist flatly rasped, freezing paws awkwardly crossing over themselves as he fidgeted. How did animals even dance anyways? He'd yet to learn how creatures who walked on four legs managed their own choreography, but he figured it would be amusing, at least.

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-04-2018

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Freyja - 06-04-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 530px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; padding: 20px"]The sweltering heat of a fast-approaching summer and the absolutely horrendous stench of anything and everything rolling in from the swamp were lost of Freyja. She was oblivious to most things, yes, but she also tended to see the beauty in everything. The ugly color of the swamp's waters? Pretty. The oppressing weight of summer's heat? Cute. The pink stuff that dripped from Valo-kas? Sweet. The torn part of Beck's face? Snazzy. The bad attitude of Vigenere? Nice. In all honesty, Freyja just loved everything.

The seal point tabby fluttered over, green eyes taking in the scene. She loved a lot of things, but she liked parities a whole lot! They were fun, little get-togethers where you didn't have to much worry about anything. It had been a hot minute since she had attended one, so this was the perfect opportunity!

"Oh, c'mon, lazybones!" the girl teased to both Beck and Vigenere, grinning in amusement. "Dancing is the best part of a party. Well, one of the best parts besides all the cuties." She laughed a bit as she spoke before fixating her eyes on the mutant form of Valo-kas. [color=#A36B5E][b]"I would love to have a date.

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - ▷killian◁ - 06-05-2018

"You guys are just bein' super fuckin' lazy, like she said." Killian spoke as he padded over, moving quicker than he usually would for he was a man with a purpose and that purpose was to embarrass the shit out of himself by 'dancing'. And to drink a shit ton of booze but that wasn't the important part because he could do that any time he pleased. The heat didn't register to him; he could sort of feel it and if he focused really hard he could feel it more but he didn't really want to feel the sun's rays baking him to a crisp so he usually didn't focus on that.

He made his way to the center of the party's set up, always one to be the center of attention if he could. Killian didn't know shit about dancing but it didn't matter because it seemed like the new girl was going to embarrass herself too. Lots of things didn't matter right now to him; it was a little party and there was some music he'd never heard before playing and the dog wanted to have some fucking fun! "Hey, where'd you get the music thing? I've never seen one of those before." The hound's tail whipped back and forth in an extreme show of his excitement, like a fucking great dane's tail. Better hope nobody got behind him 'cause Killian knew just how much it hurt to get hit by a tail like his.


Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Nayru - 06-05-2018

[color=#6b7e99]✦ ✦ ✦
The terrible heat in combination with the humidity all but successfully choked the life out of Nayru. She felt as if she was swimming through the air, beads of sweat accumulating beneath her pale fur and making her grateful that her pelt was as lightly shaded as it was. But even the cream coloration did not save her from being practically boiled alive and  Nayru, admittedly, couldn't hardly imagine what, for example, Beck was experiencing. Then again, the small Sawbone was unsure if the ghostly apparition could even detect temperature. Maybe? Maybe not? She wanted to know though, desperately actually. It was too bad that her legal pads and field journals were safely tucked away in her labrato- home because he, too, seemed to have been attracted by the sound of a party.

She made a mental note to ask him and then jot down his response later before being distracted by the particularly distasteful music and Valo urging them to dance. Ugh, no thank you. Nayru specialized in only two things: praying and healing. There was no room for anything else in that equation, especially not dancing. Besides, Freyja was here and she'd do enough dancing for the both of them.

[b][color=#6b7e99]"I'm not being lazy, Killian," The sawbone informed pointedly, shooting a glance at him, [color=#6b7e99]"I just refuse to dance."

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Morgan - 06-05-2018

"Dancing?" Morgan asked, walking over to meet Valo. "What is that?" The dog had never heard of the word before - it was clearly something uncommon. "And... a date?" It seemed that the pink-spewing Tangler was speaking another language with how few important terms the canine knew.

His allies gave a little more context, at least, giving the implication that "dance" was some sort of action. He misinterpreted what Vigenere said, replying, "I can dance with you, Vigenere. Does that convince you?" The samoyed did a little turn to survey the group. "If not you, I can dance with Killian... or even Beck." He looked back at the yellow feline with a wink, leaving his offer on the table.

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 06-06-2018

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Barbedwire - 06-07-2018

Having heard the word 'dance' drifting down on the wind, Barb naturally went straight for it. It wasn't like she'd had anything better to do--she'd arrived not two days before, and her accomplishments since had amounted mostly to rolling around in some dubiously clean water and laying claim to a mostly empty dumpster. She was used to life in the open, used to struggling to survive, used to subsistence.

Frankly, safety was boring, and Barb wanted nothing more than to let off a little steam. With a wild smile on her face, she slid to a stop near where the others had gathered.

Her face immediately fell. This wasn't a dance the way she remembered them, this was a bunch of people standing around with their bare faces hanging out, not knowing what to do with themselves at all. Barb's intact ear twitched.

Come on, folks, don't y'all know how to have fun? It's a dance, not a stand around and stare at each other! To demonstrate, she stretched her legs and did a perfect backflip. A real ten. Now, she said, the wild smile coming back to her face, "who wants to come dance with all this?"

Re: hey dude i hate everything you do // o - dance - Luciferr - 06-07-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fenris wandered in next, squinting at the display before him - a dance with over half the people trying valiantly not to participate or be persuaded into it, well, he could sympathise - how exactly was one supposed to dance as tall as he was, it was more liable they'd be dancing around his legs while he valiantly tried not to step on them - the smaller ones anyway.

that and given the temperature he hardly thought they'd dance with the walking toaster so to speak - so fenris simply sat on the sidelines, a single brow lifted and watching on in something of bemusement.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]