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things (un)said ♧ Disappearance News - Printable Version

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things (un)said ♧ Disappearance News - Plexus - 03-02-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
He was spiralling. His thoughts hardly catching a break from Rom almost dying he was so close, what would you have done if he did? to Byriath's last known location a mess, to Saturn leaving their wedding ring for their children to find as they also dissapeared into thin air. His heart could hardly take it, his friends — his family — were gone it's what you deserve, it's what you know you deserve, no one ever sticks around long, whether they choose to or not. The poor Norwegian forest cat was brooding way back in the Guru Sanctuary, his fur frazzled and his eyes devoid of light as he sluggishly noted he needed to make more marigold poultice, trade for more bandages, and ask Saturn for mor-

Whipping around, the Guru stalked to the other side of the stores, where he had an old stack of books and began sorting through them. He needed to know if he any in the pile needed to be returned. As his paws shook from gently brushing dust off the covers, he started categorizing them. Paws clumsy as he thought about the kids left behind he should talk to them, but how, how, how? he lost his own parent but who's to say he can relate? who's to say he's allowed to help?, about Romulus not knowing yet, about Merlin making a home here, about his own issues and his own shortcomings. Looking down, he spied the cover of a cookbook Byriath lent him for rec-

Throwing the book hazardously on the sorted piles, Plexus prowled back to the main den area for patients. His heart squeezed at seeing Romulus, the lion one of his first friends — family — and hesitated. Dragging his paws to the lion, he settled by the Kingpin. Gently, he pressed a paw against the other to catch his attention. Painfully, he swallowed his sorrow, his fear, and rasped, "Bryiath is gone. Seems there was a struggle where he was last scented." Deep breath, he seemed smaller as he added, "Saturn has also disappeared, there is no scent trail, only their wedding ring was found." Then, he hesitated on the last one. Should be be the one to tell Rom that his brother is gone too, shouldn't Byr-, "Diego has disappeared similarly to Byriath. We've been investigating what we can."

Plexus Kingsford was many things. He was a friend, he was family, he was a healer, but he never thought he'd be here trying not to sob while telling his Kingpin — one of his dearest friends, his family — that their family is gone. He never thought he'd break someone's heart, he never thought he'd have to deliver news that no one should ever hear, he never thought he'd live to see the day his family was dead, his father is dead, and I kil- gone.

They were gone.
(please wait for Romulus to post first!)
[member=16801]ROMULUS MALUS[/member]

Re: things (un)said ♧ Disappearance News - Romulus - 03-03-2023

[Image: 41450132_oCTyo4kdcSATJIk.gif]

As a paw was laid down onto his chest, periwinkle eyes opened up to the world. Romulus' gaze swiveled towards Plexus. Immediately, he knew something was wrong. Eyes started to shake and his paw's clenched as he tail started to waver. The medic spoke instantly. 'Gone,' he said. They were gone. All of them. Byriath, Diego, Saturn... The ones that had cherished him. The ones he could consider family.

Rage started to bubble up inside, but he could not act out on his frustration. The only thing he could do was unsheathe his claws, resheathe them, and pray. For a moment, sparks lit on the tips of his horns, but became smoke instantaneously. He could not move. He could not fight. He could no longer have a voice with Byriath gone. The agony began to set back into his heart and mind. Romulus, once again, was lost in his own mind. What was once his biggest weapon and a comforting ally was now his biggest enemy.

He had to escape. He had to move. There had to be something Plexus could do... Something he could do... His progress over the last few days had been satisfying, but now it appeared to be a detriment. Romulus could not move quick enough. For once, the kingpin was impatient. A rescue mission was needed and he could do nothing but lay here, motionless and silent. So, what would he do?

Quite simply, nothing.

His thoughts would fester and his mind would rage, but he would not move. Romulus could not. Instead, the others would have to act. Plexus had to understand that. The wanderers had to, didn't they? With rest gone and Romulus recovering, they had to act. Those who stepped up would be cherished when he hopefully recovered, especially Plexus' daily sacrifice and Diego's nonchalant return to save his brother. That, though, was if they returned... and they had to.... or else.

In the meantime, Romulus let his mind wander. Something was not right. Everything felt coordinated. His downfall was chance, but the attack on his animals felt calculated. He could not quite tell if the idea was paranoid, but it fueled him. Claws on dark paws continued to flex in their position as he let his mind wander.

With eyes still looking back up at Plexus, they started to well. Despair and a tinge of anger flooded his system, knowing he lost his support. He could no longer have a voice. Byriath was gone and the rest of his family had disappeared into the unknown. They were no longer here for him. So, he let himself go. The kingpin could no longer keep the façade of stoicism.

Crocodile tears flowed down onto his cheeks as his he started to blubber. Rather than screaming, he wheezed deeply and let his head fall into his chest. Romulus could do nothing more but cry. The rest would have to step up.

Re: things (un)said ♧ Disappearance News - Conrad Clyde - 03-03-2023

It was time for them to visit. After their silence, they felt that they owed the leader a visit, despite the disappointing news given to them earlier. With the rest gone, Romulus could use all paws on deck. Clearly, while Conrad and Clyde weren't the best candidates, the two fools would do their best to keep things running while Romulus was unconscious.

The wolf walked into the room first with Conrad trailing behind, cowering in his small and shaky body. No one enjoyed seeing a respected figure fall. Not a soul... besides maybe psychos. That was not them, though that could be argued with how they handled their deals sometimes. Even so, the duo held onto their metaphorical hats as they came to a stop next to Plexus. Hearing the emotional announcement from the medic only dampened the mood more than it already had.

The rabbit was the first to speak up among the duo. He pushed out from behind the wolf. He stood up before the lion and laid a paw on shoulder. His ears drooped low behind his head, something that was out of the ordinary for the perky bunny. "We're here for you," he mumbled with confidence. The leader's tears told him otherwise though... Did they really have this? Usually an optimist, the bunny could help but to feel like they lost. They had to come back somehow.

Clyde looked down at his smaller brother. The larger Warren could only nod along with Conrad's comment. "We will try," he reassured.


Re: things (un)said ♧ Disappearance News - Agrimony - 03-04-2023


The sound brought the woman from her own bed. Hurting with every step, but not stopping. She would make her way past everyone. Rom needed someone. Anyone. He was a father figure to her. Family. So, she pressed herself to his flank softly if he would allow it. Ears swiveling slightly as others spoke. Yet she just silently offered him comfort. She was injured and recovering. She could do nothing but hold her composure. Hold her tears.

She played strong. She faked it for rom and plexus. She had to.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? but my dreams, they aren't as empty