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tender leaves askew ♧ Tending to the Greenhouse - Printable Version

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tender leaves askew ♧ Tending to the Greenhouse - Plexus - 03-01-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Plexus Kingsford was many things. A friend, a partner, a healer, a killer, a confidant, anything needed of him. He; however, was not an expert on disappearances. Especially those of his dearest friends. His heart ached, it cried, it drove him into reclusion to just care for the Kingpin. He hardly could find the strength to speak to anyone currently despite his want to reach out to Byriath and Saturn's children. He knew what it was like losing your parent parents, what do you know, for all you know you truly killed your father, you picked something up and threw it and it-it-it-AAAAAAHHH, but he digressed uncomfortably.

Painfully, he dragged his sorry state across the territory, to the greenhouse. The building back to what it was before the floods. The plants once again flourishing from his constant care. His shaking paws gently moved anything to bigger plots and pots as needed, separated anything to keep it from growing too big, misting flowers and herbs, removing dead leaves, and removing melted plants in hopes of planting new life soon. He had quite a bit of work to do.

Wrly, he despaired that maybe such is the nature of life. Cut down before blooming, or blossoming so beautifully only to die so soon after.

Re: tender leaves askew ♧ Tending to the Greenhouse - SKÁDI ANGELICA TSUNE - 03-02-2023

"Let the monsters all run wild"

ic text: she often sought out the norwegian medic and today wasn't much of a difference. pushing her way into his den she couldn't locate him before her nose picked up a scent, his scent, and she followed, letting her gaze linger on romulus malus for a brief moment. she didn't know nearly enough about the world of herbs to help him and there was nothing to do for him now, at least on her part. following plexus' smell she found him at the greenhouse. standing silently to watch him work, letting the previous events of the past few days to truly settle in her mind. they lingered for far too long and she let out an unconscious sigh, stepping down the path through the garden to greet the guru. "something on your mind, plexus?" hey voice, soft like the snow that fell somewhere when she was birthed, should hopefully offer a calming effect on the other.

tags - penned by windowmemer
template by orion

Re: tender leaves askew ♧ Tending to the Greenhouse - Agrimony - 03-02-2023

The injured woman limped over to join the duo. Becoming winded as she reached them, she would sit and let her eyes fall on Plexus. She would let Skadi talk for now as she was worn out. She was sure she would be fine shortly. She was finally able to move about. So, there was that at least.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? but my dreams, they aren't as empty