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Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - Printable Version

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Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - Casphian - 02-28-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Do not fear the dark wolf cub! -- Xenosmilus. COTC.
She needed away from everything, from all the crying, the mourning, the unsure of where everyone was. So she snuck out from the camp, deciding she just wanted to leave the Coalition for a bit. Should she be wandering this far from her home? No she was much too young for this but it's not as if her parents were here to stop her.

So she left, wandering farther and farther from her home. Slowly the scents of the Coalition began to fade, her mind having drifted deep into her thoughts to even notice. She wanted her mama and papa back but they were gone without a trace. For all she knew they could be dead and never coming back. Which left her in charge of her siblings and that wasn't something she truly wanted to do but knew she had to. She wasn't allowed to mourn and to be upset, she had to stay strong for Theseus and Nesraa, she had to keep them happy and content and be there for them when they needed a rock. She had to be a good big sister. But she wanted to cry too, she wanted to be upset and to be angry. Yet Odysseus wouldn't allow herself that so she shoved all the feelings away and hid it with a blank exterior.

She was finally snapped out of her thoughts when she stumbled into a tree, running face first into it and falling backwards. The cub let out a soft groan, a paw lifting up to rub at her head.  "Ow..." she whined out, ears flattening against her head.

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- For when the sun leaves the world, the world fears you!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - JERIKOL - 02-28-2023

The god, shattered in mind and solid in body, had been watching the ground below xem for a while. Listening to whatever xyr mind conjured, the whispers and cackling of some long forgotten ghosts of the mind. Xe had nothing better to do, and xe didn't want to think of xyr brother. It only made the voices worse. Xyr eyes, gleaming maliciously, spotted Odysseus. Little one is lost! Lost and alone! The Voices cried in unison, silencing as Jerikol shook xyr head.

Seeing the girl run into the tree xe was in made xem laugh, a melodical, haunting noise resonating from xyr branch. Two eyes, one a brilliant amber and the other a brilliant fuschia, stared at Odysseus through the blank white mask. Slowly xe moved, slinking xyr body down the trunk and planting paws on a lower branch, extending xyr neck and head down to look closer at the Xenosmilus. "Little one is lost, wa la wa! Lost and alone in a world too big for her paws." Xe chided, eye-like markings on xyr fur and scales glowing faded purples and pinks.

if you find this u are awesome

Re: Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - Casphian - 02-28-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Do not fear the dark wolf cub! -- Xenosmilus. COTC.
Odysseus looked up when she heard the laughter, catching sight of the glowing eyes that peered down at her. She pushed herself up onto her paws, backing up when the other started to move. “Hey!” She called out. “Stop laughing at me!” She demanded, puffing her cheeks out with a huff.

The fur on the back of her neck puffed up, eyebrows furrowing as she glared at Jerikol. “Stop talking so funny too!” She grumbled, stomping a paw onto the ground. “Didn’t your mama teach ya manners?”

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- For when the sun leaves the world, the world fears you!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - JERIKOL - 02-28-2023

The hybrid laughed more, slowly climbing down the tree, branch by branch, watching Odysseus. Xe grinned behind the mask, tilting xyr head like an owl. "Little one is scared!" xe squawked, "Little cat wants to look big because little cat is scared, wa la wa!"

Mother? Manners? Shattered thoughts resonated, whispers filling xyr ears before xe jumped from the lowest branch, landing before her. "I don't remember my mama. Well..." Xe strained a thought, then giggled to xemself and shook xyr head. "nope, wa la wa, don't remember her!" Sniffing Odysseus, tail slowly gliding over the earth, xe flicked xyr ears. "From where does little one travel?"

if you find this u are awesome

Re: Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - Casphian - 03-01-2023

[div style="padding-top: 40px; padding-left: 30px; font-size: 90px;"]X
Do not fear the dark wolf cub! -- Xenosmilus. COTC.
Odysseus backed up when xe landed on the ground in front of her. She hated her fangs at xem, snorting air out of her nose much like a boar would. ”I’m from the Coalition and I wouldn’t mess with me if I were you!” She exclaimed while tilting her head up. [b]”I am Odysseus Nightshade, daughter of Saturn and Byriath Nightshade,” she introduced, puffing her chest out and tilting her head a bit higher. She was a prideful little cub, sometimes a little too prideful.

But none of this ever stopped her and it probably wouldn’t ever. [b]”who are you?”
She would soon ask, the fur on her chest flattening once again as her body relaxed. ”ive never seen you before.”

[align=center]"speech" .. 'thoughts' .. attack
attack in #COLOR. -- For when the sun leaves the world, the world fears you!
[member=11].[/member]teef + help from [member=11].[/member]psy

Re: Come with me to a world of pure imagination || Jerikol - JERIKOL - 03-02-2023

Jerikol giggled like a child, tail dragging over earth. Little one was feisty! But has she stated her name, and who her parents were, the hybrid visibly seemed shaken. Xe stepped back, a noise that could have been of shock leaving xyr maw, muffled by the mask. The monster lives! He will hunt you, surely! Hunt you, kill you! Ignoring the cries within xyr mind, xe started to circle Odysseus. "Little Odysseus, daughter of a monster. Wa la wa, daughter of a murderer!" Xe hushed, almost in disbelief.

And as she asked xyr name, the fox hybrid halted. Don't tell her! She will reveal that you live, and that beast will swallow you whole! Don't tell her! The voices screamed, and Jerikol was stuck in silence for a long moment. Slowly, xe crept to xyr original position before her, tail lashing. With a deep breath, and a steadiness so rare, "My name is Jerikol. I simply wander, wa la wa." Fool! She will tell him! He will swallow you!

if you find this u are awesome