Beasts of Beyond
WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Printable Version

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WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - merlin - 02-28-2023

Post drinking thread in Tanglewood! //

She had left in the middle of an emotionally charged moment, chased out by her own mind and heart. She couldn't hurt the man that had been her friend for so long. Not much more than a few strikes made in blind agony for the heavy weight in her heart. Romulus was dead. She'd lost another person that she loved. How could she hurt another that she loved? The Witch couldn't bear to face the monster she threatened to become if she did so.

After fleeing the tavern with a pitiful trail of blood from her damaged ear, a sad sob building in her chest, she had collected her adopted son, Diesie, and fled into the night. She had come across Solsken, or the hound had come across her, and there had been a silent understanding perhaps, that she had to leave. What she hadn't expected was for the hellhound to tag along, perhaps in a way of guiding her to the one place she hoped she could lay her bones, to make a home out of the agony. The group that Romulus had lead.

Her poor beloved.

Her paws ached by the time that she reached the borders of the Coalition, a small satchel of her own and Diesie's belongings clasped in her jaws, crusted blood on her ear as she approached and set the satchel down. "Coalitioners? Is anyone there? I've come ... to find a home.", she spoke as loudly as she dared.

[Image: 61701951_7kmBUSRfM3xbwsp.gif]
[align=center]"speech" | thoughts

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Casphian - 02-28-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken had been asked to take a gift to the Coalition so he had left early into the night to deliver it. This also had given the hound time to visit his old home, he hadn’t been there since joining tangle and he was starting to miss them dearly. He hoped his father and mother were both doing well. Oh how he couldn’t wait to see them.

He had stumbled across Merlin in the way, curiosity had crossed in his mind when he had seen her and the kid but he chose not to ask about it. And so the trio continued to make their way to the coalition, the gift still secured to the hellhound’s side.

Excitement buzzed in his veins the closer he got to home. As the trio waited at the boarder the Hellhound bounced side to side with his front paws, doing little tippy taps of excitement. He was home! He would get to see his family again!

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Plexus - 02-28-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Everything weighted so heavy on the domestic feline, his normally well-kempt coat bedraggled and dirty. No mask, no light in his eyes, his body trembling, his tail low. His ears didn't even prick as he heard the call from...Merlin? Padding towards the three, he found his tail rose ever so slightly as a spark of excitement from scenting Solsken as well then it promptly plummeted as a rock, they left, they left, they left him and didn't even say goodbye.

"Merlin." Plexus Kingsford dipped his head in respect, acknowledging the lad by her side he didn't recognize before turning to Solsken and giving a pained, happy whisper of a smile, murmuring, "Solsken, it's been so long."

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - merlin - 02-28-2023

Honestly she didn't know if she understood just how things felt, how she felt. She could still see the sight of Romulus falling in battle, the sight of his opponent ... dying in such a way. Taking in a deep breath as her paws trembled with lack of strength, wondering if she had the conviction to push forward again. Her gaze took in the excited hellhound and she gave him a small smile. How nice it would be to be excited to be back home, home was not an option she had anymore. Not right now.

Lifting her head as a familiar scent reached her, the sight of a bedraggled Plexus making her heart scream in her chest as the woman struggled to bite back welling tears. How many hadn't escaped without injury? How many more were dead? What was the casualty count? It was a fight not to step forward and take in Plexus' scent. Her sense of smell had never truly recovered from the fire.

Inhaling with a sniff, she took in the utterly broken Guru and with trembling whiskers, "Plexus. How bad is it? I'm... I'm sorry about Romulus. About all of this. Please, let me help. I'll help where I can, wherever you need me.", her voice quivered as she spoke Romulus' name, the lioness' ears laying against her head. Would apologies be enough to make up for her failure to protect him? "I'm sorry I wasn't able to keep Romulus safe.", she knew it wasn't a job she had or was under any oath but when you loved someone, you vowed to protect them until you couldn't.

"Please tell me where you need me. I won't let this tragedy take anyone else."

[Image: 61701951_7kmBUSRfM3xbwsp.gif]
[align=center]"speech" | thoughts

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Plexus - 03-01-2023

✯ — You're not a monster, just a human
Drawing himself up looking so pathetic, what would-, the feline slowly started, "You should visit him once you're settled, I'll fill you in on the specifics after." Deep breath, then murmured as softly as possible just for her ears, "I think he'd appreciate seeing you."

His heart broke as he cast another glance at the hellhound he considered a nephew he needed to tell him, he needed to, god he can't destroy someone with this news, it was so heavy, he had to tell him soon, before his gaze slid back to the lioness and the , "Any help would be appreciated, things have been h-hec-c" His words pattered out suddenly, a frustrated expression crossing him as he gave a slow blink of trust and swept his tail for all 3 to follow him, he could sort out Merlin's and her adopted son? he remembered hearing murmurs around since he never paid attention to gossip or other groups news more specific needs as they walked, and let Solsken talk about what he needs, while letting his vocal cords rest for a bit.

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Casphian - 03-01-2023

Corrupted Flower
Trans Masc — Tanglewood — Tangler — HOVER FOR TAGS
Solsken had wanted to hug the other. Had wanted to tackle him into a bone crashing hug. But he was much larger than Plexus now and if he had try honestly he would’ve accidentally hurt Plexus. The hound looked between the two as they talked, his smile flicking into a frown briefly. He hated knowing about Romulus, wishing he had been there to help his old leader. But he hadn’t been, he had a duty to the Tanglewood now and he had been stuck there trying to help out the best he could.

He didn’t notice the look Olexus gave him, only happily trailing after the trio. “Oh Aesior sent a gift basket for the coalition, I have it here that I can hand over to you once we reach the main camp,” he hummed. It was then he looked around, seeming to be searching for someone. “Hey uncle Alex, where’s mama and pops? I figured they would’ve been the one to find us, especially papa Byr,” He finally asked, confusion lacing his words and his tone. 

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - INFERNO CIPHER-VANTAS - 03-02-2023

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ —  ɪɴꜰᴇʀɴᴏ | ꜱᴄᴀʀᴇᴄʀᴏᴡ ᴇꜰꜰᴇᴄᴛᴇᴅ ʙᴀʙʏ | ᴄɪᴘʜᴇʀ-ᴠᴀɴᴛᴀꜱ | ʙɪᴏ

ɪᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ | ɪᴄ ᴏᴘɪɴɪᴏɴꜱ

the vantas child trailed after plexus, blinking glowing optics. she studied merlin, then offered solsken a wide smile. she hadn't seen him in a while and it was always nice to see a friendly face. she didn't quite know merlin but gave a polite smile before mood sombering again at the discussion at hand. plexus seemed overwhelmed at the topic and the feline pressed against his side briefly before following as he beckoned for the others to.

ᴏᴄ ᴛᴇxᴛ!


Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Agrimony - 03-02-2023

Mother said they were leaving. She was bleeding and distressed. That was all it took for him to follow silently. The young zebra staying close to the side of his mother. Eyes scanning for others, finding only one other. Another clanmember and then they were gone from Tanglewood. The only home he knew. The woman he called mother stopped finally and he did as well. Slowly laying down and his hooves were tired.

He listened as others came and then when they were going to move again. So he stood up to follow his mother again. Looking clearly tired as he did so.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? under your scars i pray

Re: WATCH HOW THEY'RE MOCKING 乂 seeking asylum - Conrad Clyde - 03-03-2023

A pretty lady was here with an equally fine fella, catching the duos attention. Merlin, unbeknownst to them, was the leader's lover. They would surely make fun of the two lovers if they knew, but, thankfully for the both of them, the pestering brothers had no clue. Instead, equally as awkward, the two slid up to the situation with their tails swaying and eyes wide. Conrad sported a cheeky smile while Clyde, per usual, held had a rather gaunt, lowly expression.

At the realization of the two being here on behalf of their downed leader, the brotherly duo exchanged glances. "They're here for Rommy boy," Conrad softly whispered to Clyde. "No shit, Conrad," Clyde replied loudly. The wolf merely glared at the other and instead refocused his attention on Merlin and Solsken. The rabbit, rather than complain, shut his own mouth and turned back also. They had better things to do than bicker... especially in the presence of a gift basket!

Clyde watched as Conrad pushed in front of him. The bunny raised onto their back legs, clearing their throat as they did so. Little paws rubbed together mischievously as his little beady eyes stared at the gift on Solsken's side. "Say," the bunny started off with. "How about we-" "That's Conrad and I." "-take that lovely gift off your hands and take it to Romulus?" The bunny offered a wide and cheesy smile, while Clyde could only offer a subtle smirk.

Between them, that gift would not be getting to Romulus before they picked out the valuables. The rest did not have to know that though. The scheming duo always needed their share, especially if they were going to do a favor and deliver the majority in the end anyways.