Beasts of Beyond
Wolfmaw - Printable Version

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Wolfmaw - MissAlpha - 02-26-2023

General info

❉ [Nick]Name/s:


❉ Age:

19 Moons

❉ Gender & Pronouns:

Male, He/Him

❉ Sexuality:


❉ Species/Breed:

Maine Coone-Russian Blue mutt- unknown mutt mix

❉ Personality:

Wolf is a cold and callous cat that keeps to himself and refuses to open up. He trusts no one and is ambitious and severely calculating and wise beyond his years. There is no love for other cats in his heart and he cares only for loyalty and to be the most powerful cat in the room. Very haughty and snide, he tends to believe he could take on anyone in the vicinity. On the surface, he is very sickly sweet and deceiving. Although most cats understand that he does not have a like for others, he hides it well behind faux kindness. Even though he is a power-hungry tyrant, most cats in the clan trust him with their life because of how much he values his clan, yet do their best not to stay on his bad side. Which is very difficult, indeed. But secretly, he hates being misunderstood and feared for the deformity that is his face, and would love to have kits and a mate one day.

❉ Likes:
  • Sparring
    Rain and Thunderstorms
    Sharpening his claws on the stone

❉ Dislikes:
  • Other cats (although he hides it well)
    Other clans
    Colorful things
    Being told what to do
    Physical info

❉ Description:

Wolf is a very large and husky cat with a lot of rippling muscles and sharp claws. His pelt is gray/blue with stripes of darker gray with highlighted shades of lighter blue. His scruff is lighter blue/gray that wraps around his chest and underbelly and is part of the tip of his tail and underside of all four paws. His eyes are an unnerving red and seem to glow sometimes. On his cheeks where his lips end, there are violent scars that almost seem to make him smile bigger as well as a nasty scar on his back and shoulder of his left side, so he sometimes walks with a limp when over-exerting himself. His right ear tip is slightly mangled and torn as well.

❉ Size:

Wolf is a massive cat, spanning a stunning 50 inches in length and 19 inches tall, the same height of his older brother. He has broad shoulders and massive paws and weighs 20 Lbs (1.42 stone) of pure muscle. He towers over other cats.


Wolf was born to a loving mother and tyrant father. His mother, Serana, was a kitty pet and had unfortunately died during the kitting process. But it didn’t seem to phase Foxfoot, his father. He was more concerned about having strong warrior kin to overtake his enemies and to create an army to take down this place called the clans that he had always talked about with Wolf as a kit. And so little Wolf grew up on stories of the clans and of the heavens in Silverpelt where Starclan rested. The ancestors of so much power and prophecy that had somehow forsaken Foxfoot.
The gray tom kitten had met his half-brother, Amberkit, not long after he started walking on his own. Wolf was a little skeptical at first about his “brother”, but soon took a liking to him and later found that Amberkit was his only comfort in the world.
Once old enough to begin harsher training, Wolf and Amber were trained separately. It was soon obvious that Foxfoot preferred Amber over him when Wolf would be sent to train with the rogues instead of his own father. But as bitter as that made Wolf, he didn’t blame it on his brother. Instead, choosing to comfort him when times got rough and even patching him up when he got his first scar. Wolf ended up getting his own share of scars through the intensive training, as well, none so noticeable as the one on his back and shoulder, which he received from Foxfoot, himself for attempting to beg his father not to throw Hollow to the loners. It was “Penance for weakness” as Foxfoot told him.
Wolf learned to fight even with his hideous injury, but could not out-train the eventual muscle spasms. But luckily he had a massive amount of endurance before it happened.
As Amber and Wolf grew older, they grew slightly more apart with how much training that they had to endure. Only continuing their nightly reprieve by sleeping together. After a long time, Wolf came to appreciate the company and found solace in his nightmares by having a warm body at his side.
His next scar was perhaps the most terrifying. Both Amber and Wolf had outgrown the other loners and rogues by now and found fighting to only get easier over time. Angered by this, Foxfoot wanted indomitable soldiers and aggressively threw Amber to a larger group of loners and decided to spar with Wolf, himself. Terrified, Wolf could only obey as Foxfoot lunged at him. But Wolf wasn’t fast enough and got a dangerous amount of scratches from Foxfoot’s wrath. When Wolf got in a scratch or two of his own, Foxfoot only became angrier and called several of the rogues to pin down his son.


Foxfoot took a claw and traced the lines of Wolf’s mouth so hard that they bled and festered. To this day, Wolf remembers the words hissed into his ear.

“Your father has decided to train you! Aww… why are you so sad, little Wolf? Ah… allow me to fix that for you…. Smile!”

And for weeks, Wolf barely ate anything and had fitful sleeps. When the ugly scars finally healed, he was hideously deformed and other cats avoided him, often preferring to tease him openly while Foxfoot laughed. From then on, Foxfoot trained both Wolf and Amber. Only getting harsher by the month. And when the time came to patrol their usual borders along the twoleg place, Wolf and Amber somberly accompanied him to mark their territory.
When Amber made a mistake, there was nothing Wolf could do but watch in horror as Foxfoot began to tear him to pieces, even attempting to jump in but getting the tip of his ear torn off in retaliation for his disobedience.
Suddenly, a sound like thunder and Foxfoot was ripped off of Amber by a massive dog and torn to shreds. Horrified, Wolf saw Amber picked up by a nasty twoleg and got carried off.
“Amber run!”
He yowled as he barely got away from the second twoleg and streaked into the bushes on the far side. He lay there panting and trembling and never saw Amber since.
Returning to the loners, he decided to take up his father’s leadership and claimed to have killed Foxfoot while saying that Amber ran off to have his freedom.
Terribly unconvinced until they, themselves saw the shredded body of Foxfoot in the grass, they accepted Wolf as their leader and he rose to be the more benevolent and yet still showing the cruel capabilities of Foxfoot.
The rogues and loners feared him because of his deformities and followed him without hesitation. Until one day, they grew upset and all of them forced Wolf from their territory.
Defeated and broken, Wolf wandered the woods around the twolegplaces. He avoided dogs and twolegs and lived on his own for several moons. But on a particularly rough leaf-bare morning, Wolf wandered into clan territory in search of prey and ran into an unsuspecting patrol of smaller cats.