Beasts of Beyond
everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Printable Version

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everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Bakari - 02-25-2023

Stupid fucking shitbags. Cowards, all of them! Fucking ALL OF THEM! Those fuckwads could not even skin a deer if it were for their own survival... but neither could he. Blood, well, that's not a lovely sight. The scent was tolerable, but the idea of the gushing liquid coming down into his realm? No, no. Not at all. No fucking thank you. Even so, the death of another? Wonderful. Fucking fascinating. Though, something to note. Death comes with respect! Spilling their guts everywhere? Please... That was just discourteous.

But what was this internal rant all about as the monochromatic cheetah paced the border? Well, you see... The Coalition of the Condemned, his lovely home, was not at all what it used to be. When Stryker led there was the lovely passing of many and the chaos he enjoyed, but as soon as his son took over, there was nothing but pansies. (Nothing wrong with pansies though! Flowers are gorgeous.) So, on that note, after finding the place intolerable, he decided to leave. 

He did not leave without a fit though. The cheetah left a sight to see at the front of the serpent's cave. The display was neat. Maybe even somewhat kind. He had taken one of his clean victims from the Coalition of the Condemned, propped their body up against the cave's edge, and filled their ear holes with carnations and poppies. It was his last, sickening goodbye to them. To him, it signaled the death of the Coalition of the Condemned's vicious era, something Romulus would cherish.

So, here he was. Pacing the border back and forth... and back and forth... and back and forth with a wooden sled of goodies in tow sliding across the sand. The sled was full of goodies that could convince The Pitt to accept him. Cold acclimated seeds, stolen pelts, and some coal from the underground caves on the main island. Surely, it was enough. At least he thought so. If not, he'd be reasonably more annoyed than he already was.

Finally, he paused. With a furrowed brow and unkempt bleached mohawk falling into his face, the king cheetah offered a snort. The sweat cascading down his face was starting to cause the paint upon his face to drip. Even so, he kept himself on his toes and visibly happy. "Well, FUCK!" he exclaimed loudly with a cackle. "Is it hard to get some service in this place or what?" A paw gestured widely over to the sled behind him. "Especially with gifts waiting."

Re: everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Night of No Stars - 02-25-2023

A loud voice startled her prey and she blinked those dead optics. The zombie kind cheetah turned towards the sound and made her way. Each pawstep calm and confident. Yet her eyes remained dead. Her face was video of emotions. Cold and remorseless. Everything about the woman screamed malice and danger. She was not one to act on emotion, though. Perhaps that was what saved many a soul from her clutches. Logic and reason. That was all she was.

The sight of another cheetah made her stop and take in the scene. "Service here can end in death." She advised in that emotionless tone. Eyes never leaving the other as she took in these so called gifts. "What brings you to the pitt? Most merchants dont have gifts and we aren't exactly a tourist location." That dead voice like ice questioned before she tore her eyes from the gifts and back to him.

Studying this strange with unblinking eyes. Well, she did blink, but not as often as others. Tail swishing, the slowly rotting woman would offer no sign of emotion. She simply wanted to know what this other was here for. Was there more to the cheetah before her. Though she doubted he was of any use to her. Most never were.

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who is this irresistible creature

Re: everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Bakari - 02-28-2023

Another cheetah. Hoooo boy! That meant competition, didn't it? Or an alliance? He wasn't quite sure yet. The other cheetah appeared to be visceral in appearance and in mentality, only greeting him with a vague threat of death that caused a joking frown to appear on his pleasantly painted features. "Well, gee, aren't you a happy soul," Bakari sarcastically remarked. His frown sporadically changed and shifted into a toothy grin. "Suppose you could at least introduce yourself, darkness and all." Colored eyes looked the other up and down, clearly judging them. "Unless you're too cool for that." The skinny feline cackled to himself. 

Bakari looked back at his gifts as the other questioned him. He thought his intentions were clear. As the other stated, most merchants did not bring gifts to the border, so wouldn't he have to be a joiner or an advisor from other group? Thankfully for them, he was the first option. "Name's Baaaaakari," the cheetah interjected. "I'm here to join this fine establishment, given the last couldn't handle me." His toothy smile widened with confidence. "More like Coalition of the Damned." He thought that was funny. Did the others? Maybe not. Despite that, the feline snorted to himself.

Impatient, he continued on. It was clear he liked to talk and did not have a filter. "So, when can I cross this little scent border?" His paw flicked back and forth between the two territories nonchalantly. "I've got things to do, pyramids to see... A joining man is busy!" Surely, they would understand. Right?

Re: everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Night of No Stars - 03-02-2023

Competition was not what she was. She could care less about this cheetah before her. They were not a threat in her mind. She had no desire to compete with this male. Then again she was far from anyone's ally. Most knew she felt nothing towards anyone. She was just existing and drifting through. She acted on her thoughts and simply didn't react to things. She couldn't feel what they did and she never wanted to.

So, his comment brought a dead panned response from her. "Happiness is not something I feel. I do not share this emotion like others do." She retorts with no emotion. His request for introductions was accepted and she spoke again. "I am Livingdead." Her emotionless voice offered a name many found cruel.

Most found it worse when they knew her parents named her. Tail swishing she looked him over as he spoke further. She was not cool in anyone's books. Not that she stated such a thing. She noted his name and blinked. His comment made her tilt her head. What a strange thing to state, but it was something she understood. She wondered if they were bother drifters that finally found a place that suited them.

"I am not able to accept joiners as i am not high enough in power. Though i can take you to meet them and speak to them about such matters." Tail swishing as she turned and motioned for him to come with her. "I have no doubt they will accept you. Especially with such gifts."

She was giving him concent to cross and follow her back to camp. A joiner was always welcomed and the dead eyed zombie cheetah understood that. So, she figured she could take him to the visitors center and they could deal with him.

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who is this irresistible creature

Re: everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Bakari - 03-03-2023

Well, wasn't she an edgy soul. No happiness? That was the spice of life, baby! Bakari could not understand her perspective, but empathized that perhaps she lived a rougher life than he did. Her retort merely caused him to offer a silly snort. "We can change that," he retorted back. "Mrs. Dead, I promise to make you feel something in due time... or else, damn, you're a hard bitch." A smirk crawled back up onto his maw. He would make it his goal to cheer the other up somehow, even it meant going to the extreme.

The cheetah merely nodded along with her next words. She was not high enough to accept him and he was not high enough to tolerate an emotionless robot. He tried anyways though. Bakari seemed pleased otherwise with her approval, allowing him to step forth and follow her into the depths of the territory. With a glance back at his gifts, he let out a sigh. Time to drag this mess across another territory yet again.

Jagged teeth clutched down onto the sled's thick rope once again. "Mmm, let's go, darling darkness overlord," he commanded through the rope's material, causing muffled words. With that in mind, he trudged forward. The sled's contents rattled behind him. The cheetah had no clue where he was going, but he hoped the other was following behind him. After all, he was going to need it.

Bakari was going the wrong way.

She was going to need to redirect him, surely... right? Maybe the emotionless cheetah would let his dumbass run forth no cares in the world. Oh, to be a fool...

Re: everybody gather round ✪ JOINING - Night of No Stars - 03-03-2023

Was she edgy? Honestly she had no clue that others might see her that way. She had no emotions to share and could not help that. Perhaps that was why others sought her out. Emotions never clouded her judgment on things. It was all the same, she figured. Much how others could not understand her, she did not understand them. Emotions made no sense and she only understood logic. It was why the words spoken only got a slight tilt of her head.

"If you think you can find emotions in my corpse like self, please do. It would be a new change for me." She offered with a monotone voice. Ears flicking as he moved forward. She watched him pass her and head off. She watched a moment before sprinting to catch up and stepping in his path. "This way." She motioned with a nod of her head.

Turning to head the proper way. She hoped he followed her. Unlike others, she would let him get lost if he chose to ignore her.

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who is this irresistible creature