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dreams and wings ;; intro - Printable Version

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dreams and wings ;; intro - Cobra - 02-25-2023

He looked oh so smug. Talking about parties and groups. How he was sorry that his family was gone. Blah blah blah. He was full of himself and she had slipped from the bar and out before the meeting ended. The way her sister stood beside him and seemed content being his little pet.

She was sick thinking of it. So very sick. The woman watched the couple day in and out. Even seeing her clearly pregnant sister throwing up. Puking upon the earth and seeming lost. Carmella wanted to rip that man apart. Ruining her sister. Taking her.

The woman currently sat on the roof. Wings pulled to her sides. Tail swishingfrom time to time. Like some sort of demon possessed angel. The white jackal watched the ground below her. Watching many come and go as the anger bubbled in her. Alas it was not over for her dreams. She would get her sister back.

Those eyes of ice watching for her sister. Wanting to talk. Yet, it seemed a long shot.

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this gal right here is gonna rule the world

Re: dreams and wings ;; intro - BLUEBERG - 02-26-2023

[Image: d6rmi7u-d2c502c2-3da8-43e4-9748-6c6962b1...gfX8S0qSTY]
The vampire bat swooped up from the building. Xe rode the wind higher, higher, higher until xe began a windingly spiral down to the white jackal. Xe circled her in wide loops, because, while xe could move on the ground, xe’d already taken off from the rafters a few minutes ago. The blood sloshing in xyr stomach wouldn’t feel good if xe abruptly stopped.

“Hello, Carmella! Are you planning a hunt? My fangs are itching.” Ichor didn’t know much about the Lady’s sister, but xe wanted to integrate properly into the group. Otherwise, why did xe leave the bat colony behind? “Or is something bothering you? I can help!”

Re: dreams and wings ;; intro - Cobra - 03-05-2023

A voice pulled the dark woman's attention and she tensed a moment. Until she realized it was not him, but that cute little bat. A sort of smile tugged her maw a moment as she spread her wings a bit. The greeting was friendly and she saw no threat in the darling thing. "I was lost in my own thoughts, Ichor. But a hunt does sound rather fun. Much better than sitting like some dainty gargoyle. " She answered as she stood and flapped her wings.

Lifting up a bit off the roof. The woman would offer a soft chuckle. "Just thinking of an old life. Nothing to help dear. Where should we hunt?" seeing as ripping the lord open for a snack was frowned upon. Highly. Not that she voiced that thought out loud.

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this gal right here is gonna rule the world

Re: dreams and wings ;; intro - BLUEBERG - 03-10-2023

[Image: d6rmi7u-d2c502c2-3da8-43e4-9748-6c6962b1...gfX8S0qSTY]
Ichor smiled back. Xe hated to see a fellow vampire so glum, like xe’d been when xe first joined. But after a week of living amongst the vampiric mammals, xe learned to appreciate their fewer numbers and large territory. Xe’d learned adjusting to living in a smaller group meant forging even tighter friendships, and, well, Ichor loved cheering up friends.

“Exaaaaaaactly!” Ichor drew out the word, accidentally pronouncing the middle vowel in a higher pitch in xyr excitement. “Er, sorry. But I don’t like hunting alone!”

Ichor widened the loop xe flew in. Xe looked over the rooftop, thinking of the various areas offered in the territory and which ones suited a hunting party of two. “I don’t require much! Two tablespoons of fresh blood! But I like deer, bovines, and birds. Tasty!”

If xe were hunting alone or with fellow bats, xe wouldn’t mind the open space of the graveyard. Being so small, prey usually didn’t see xem. But a winged jackal wouldn’t have much cover. “How about the forest?”

Re: dreams and wings ;; intro - Cobra - 03-14-2023

The smile warmed her cold heart a bit. Ichor was truly a delight and could shake her worries, or in this case anger, away. Frankly, she found xem to be one of the few she considered a friend. In fact, her only other friends were Xander and Gerald. One of which she pulled from the ocean and the other hated her brother in law as much as she did. So, Ichor was the nicest one she had.

The woman felt a smile curling her lips again as the excited words left xem. Glad to see that her accepting of xyr hunt had brightened the night for Ichor. She had not been one to brighten anything for anyone, if she were honest. "Hunting in groups raises the odds anyways." Looking at the forest and then back up at her smaller companion. "Sounds fun. Perhaps we can catch some of your favorites there."

She offered as she turned to glide towards their destination.  Silent wings carrying her slower than xem, but she did not mind it.

actions | "speech" | attacking
this gal right here is gonna rule the world