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Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Printable Version

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Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Night of No Stars - 02-25-2023

The brute was asked to help and he would. He was moving heavy stone and brick. Slowly pushing them to a pile for the beginning of the build. He was working for a long time. Collecting everything he could think of. This was one of his tasks. He had other tasks he just hadn't gotten too.

He still had to work on the aqueducts but had not gotten there. He figured the forge would be easier for him. So, he stopped there and looked to the spot he would build. Wondering if this was a good location.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Bakari - 02-28-2023

The clunking of rough stone caught the newfound Pittian's ears. He was merely exploring the territory, unaware of the many renovations they were making. In response, he paused. Colored eyes faltered away from in front of him and staggered off to the side where the brute was working. His head craned off to the side as the other paused, looking out at the area where they'd build. The clearing seemed sufficient... for whatever. Even so, the cheetah found himself displeased by the other's inaction.  "Going to stand there all day or are you going to start?" he shouted from across the field.

The feline sauntered over to Viopteoises seconds later, coming up to their side and leaning in uncomfortably close with a wide smile. "Do you-" A paw attempted to press against their chest. "-need any help?" He then pulled away and looked at the other expectantly. The newer member wanted to be of service to the group, especially due to his lower tiered position. Perhaps, if he was good, he would get out of his blooding. That would be a blessing in disguise for the hemophobic.

Whether or not the other replied, the impatient cat jumped back and forth between his four paws. "Let's get a move on, eh?" Little did he know, the skinny feline could not do much besides be moral support... More like an annoyance though.

Re: Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Night of No Stars - 03-02-2023

The sudden voice made his head swivel to eye the cheetah. The massive water dragon coiled his body and then nodded.  Then, he was approached and a paw touch his chest. This caught him off guard and he pulled back slightly. Blinking before regaining his composure. "Help would be appreciated. I am starting the forge. Do you have any suggestions?"

He turns back to the stones and he lowered his head. Grabbing a stone in his massive jaws and slithering over to set it in place. "Never built one before, but i asked around and got some basic ideas on it. Perhaps you know more?"

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Bakari - 03-03-2023

So, some help was needed. Bakari was on the job! With a smile, the cheetah nodded furiously. "Yes, yes," he replied back quickly without any further thought. After a few moments, he took back his comment. "No, no..." A frown lined his maw. "I do not." Bakari froze in his spot and stared at the other expectantly. He did not know how to build a forge, nor where to even begin. He sort of expected the massive water dragon to know and then Bakari would trail off the other's commands. Oh well. They'd figure it out, right?

With a sigh back, the cheetah could only explain further. "I'm going to be honest with ya bud," the cheetah replied back. "I have not a fucking clue." He wished he could be of more help, but as a much smaller being and relatively not book smart, he did not have any further information for them. Bakari would try his best though. The other had to have some clue of what to do and then they could figure it out from there, right?

"What do you know, bud?" the cheetah prodded back. "Maybe we can figure out how to dish out the activities and then fuck right off onto the forge."

Re: Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Night of No Stars - 03-03-2023

the dragon was glad to hear the yes to his question. but it changed swiftly and he turned his eyes back to him. he had no idea what to do as well, huh? well, they would figure it out and he could just wing what he didn't know. "well, it has to be sturdy and hold heat in it well." he paused and turned to grab another stone to line up with the other.

slithering back and forth to make a decent circle. "the fire inside can't spread to the areas outside. that is about all i know." he admits before looking back to the stones and sighing. perhaps chernabog would have known. he wished she was there to call him an idiot and guide him on this one.

actions | "speech" | attacking
? and i am the devil that you forgot

Re: Should I tell him :: working on the forge - Chernabog - 03-03-2023

The dragoness appeared silently, only a dark shadow that picked up a stone and held in her double-thumb grip. "Must be hot enough inside the forge to melt metal. You'd need an insane amount of heat." She crooned, placing the stone atop the others for the next layer. And as Chernabog examined the forge, using whatever memory she held of those back in the dragon-ridden group she once called home, she hummed. "You need a way to fan the fire, and a spot to put items in to melt." She tilted her head, snorting.

Her pupiless eyes looked at Bakari with a notion of disgust, though hidden by the natural scowl of her face. His extravagant features would had looked nice on a dragon's body, but alas, he was a fur-thing. Not much she could hope for. With a flick of a small ear, she lowered her head to level with his. "You're new here, aren't you?"
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