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Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Printable Version

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Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Night of No Stars - 02-25-2023

A promotion was given to him and now he was going to make sure things were well taken care of. They had one enemy, but plenty of other neutrals to buddy up to. After all, it was not a bad idea to have many friends. If a war broke out they could play sides and form even better bonds. So many groups. So many chances at good ties. The dark lion moved from his home and settled in the sun.

A loud yawn escaped him before he set to work again. He was weaving baskets and setting them to the side. One for each group. All but the Emerald Isles. The male was almost done with that, but he would have to decide what went in them. Perhaps some bone daggers and cooked food. He could maybe get some eggs from his personal coop.

He paused in his work to eye the last basket in his paws.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Bakari - 02-28-2023

Oh boy. A basket for flowers? For gifts? What could it be? The cheetah had no clue, but as he spotted the lion weaving baskets all alone, he couldn't help wondering what was in store for them. As he stared at their careful movements, the intrusive thought of running in and grabbing one by their handle then dashing off rushed into his mind. Bakari had a particular love for soft things, despite his clearly deranged mind. Even so, he forced the thought down. It would be a bad first impression for the feline. He could only pray Night of No Stars had extras.

Slyly coming up, Bakari offered a sickeningly sweet smile to the lion. "Ain't these puuurty," he purred. "Say, handsome, are any for sale?" A claw circled around the pile that had gathered before Night of No Stars. "I could pay with the head of an enemy if you oh-so desire." Their eyelashes practically batted rapidly for the other. If the cheetah could convince them for at least once, then his day would be made. Sadly, he was unaware that they were for the other groups that The Pitt wished to have relationships with. Perhaps if he stayed within the Coalition of the Condemned a liiiiiittle longer, then he could have snatched theirs and ran.

Re: Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Night of No Stars - 03-02-2023

A voice made his head raise up. A slight hint of confusion in his eyes at the way the other batted his eyes. Asking about the baskets and he let his eyes fall to them. Thinking a moment before offering a smile. He knew he was handsome and what was that old saying? Flattery gets you everywhere? Or that was what his mother said.  She was the queen of the pride so she must have known what she was talking about.

"They are for other groups. Gift baskets, but i can make you one." He paused and looked up. Not minding the males words other than as an ego boost. He had Sakura and he would not screw that up. "Do you have a color or size you would like?" He mused as he finished the last one he had and then set it down. It then dawns on him that he did not know the name of this stranger.

"I am Night of No Stars, by the way." He did not bother with his new rank. It was not important right now. What was important was this males request for his work. He had never been asked for one of his baskets before.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day

Re: Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Bakari - 03-03-2023

At the prospect of the baskets going to other groups, his ears temporarily pressed against the back of his head. Well, that was disappointing. Perhaps they could reconvene another time. Thankfully for Bakari, things changed though. The stranger would make him a custom basket... and for what? His kindness? Well, love and care really did get someone somewhere, didn't it? The cheetah's previous expression faded, instead coming up with a toothy grin in response. "Why, thank you," he mused.

What did he want though? Well, he did not get that far. The cheetah did not pause to think about it and instead blurted out the first thing that come to mind. "Mmmm, how about rainbow?" Was he asking too much? Probably. Did he give a shit though? Not really. "Would match my mohawk any day, you know." A paw reached back to fiddle with the front of his bleached and dyed hair, showing it off to the other gladly. "Perhaps, in trade, I could dye your fur." The paw moved down from his head and pointed out at the other excitedly. That steele mane could use some spicing up, especially against Night of No Star's jet black fur.

Oh bugger. He did not introduce himself. What a silly fool. "Night of No Stars, ain't that original," came his genuine comment. "My name is Bakari. Ain't as cool as yours."

Re: Play to the beat of the drum ;; gift basket making - Night of No Stars - 03-03-2023

He was pulling more reeds out of the pile. Stopping when he heard the others reply. A voice change and a grin on the cheetahs maw.  He was glad the other seemed pleased. He would tilt his head and then look at the many dyed reeds at his paws. He had never made rainbow before, but he figured he may be able to. "Rainbow would be a new one for me, but i agree. It would match nicely." He replies as he starts weaving casually.

The offer to dye his mane made his head raise up and he blinked. Paws stopping their work as he thought about said offer. "Perhaps. I have never had any other color besides this one. Might be a nice change of pace." He looked back down and started up again. Silently working for a bit. Pausing to change to the next color and speaking again. "What color would you recomend for me?"

Would Sakura approve?

Maybe the hellhound would like the change. He was on the next color shortly after and he noted the comment on his name. "Mother named me as she said i reminded her of a dark sky with no light to break it." He paused and looked up. "My siblings have just as unique names, i suppose. Maybe i can give you one just for fun. A little title or nickname."

He let his eyes fall back to his work as he was finishing up. Making the handle with the last of many colors. He would hear the name offered and look up as he moved the now complete basket over. It was medium in size, like the rest. Though it was definitely the most colorful.

"Your name seems lovely to me. It must have a meaning all its own. Besides, i like more normal esk names. Not things like mine." Or like his siblings, Blood of Fallen Soul or Dancing Butterflies on Soft Breeze. They were a mouthful for him and his siblings.

actions | "speech" | attacking
sometimes i sleep all day